Lessons Learned

Quote of the Day

So far we’ve had two countries come to the stark realization that they simply cannot arm an otherwise largely disarmed populace fast enough to effectively deal with invaders.

Yet “gun control” cultists here still want to repeat those same mistakes. They’re incapable of learning.

In Chains @InChainsInJail
Tweeted on October 9, 2023

The primary point is probably valid. But I believe the gun control cultists want invaders and anything else which will bring down our country. Gun control is just a symptom of a much bigger agenda.

The lesson they will/have learned from the Ukraine and Israel is that disarmament of U.S. private citizens is a good first step.

The lesson the general population needs to learn is that private citizens need unincumbered access to military arms.

With Gun Owners Like This

Quote of the Day

I think we might be on the precipice of things getting much worse. I think this Bruen decision, the Supreme Court ruling, quite possibly will unleash so many lawsuits against so many counted-upon regulations that citizens may wake up to the equivalent of, like, no stop signs in their town anymore, except for it’ll be on gun regulation.

Ryan Busse
Former executive at Kimber America
A senior adviser for Giffords,
Currently attempting to become the Democrat candidate for the governor of Montana.
Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of America’s Gun Violence Epidemic

With gun owners like this, who needs enemies?

Which Will Remain More Effective?

Quote of the Day

once again, while you’re at the range taking tactical carbine for the 7th time,

leftists are getting civil disobedience and resistance training

and they’re going to use those tools a lot more effectively over the next 18 months than you’ll get to use your training over the next 18 years.

you have to be armed and dangerous to remain safe and credible, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that it’s the best solution to our political and social problems.

the left views violence as a dial that can be turned up or down, while the right views it as an on/off switch.

which view has been more effective over the past 10 years? which will remain more effective over the next 10?

Mike Shelby | Do Your Area Study @grayzoneintel
Tweeted on October 4, 2023

This is an interesting assertion..I can see it being true in certain timelines and not in others. But which timeline is most probable? And would it be appropriate to push events in the direction of certain timelines? And how do you know your actions will have the desired effect? It is such a complex system…

The Great Awakening Has Begun

Quote of the Day

If you’re lucky, the ATF will only be abolished, but there are a growing number of law-abiding Americans – including many in law enforcement – who believe criminal charges should be filed against you, your leadership and their co-conspirators in the Biden-Harris administration. This is what happens when you knowingly follow illegal orders, like warrantless search and seizures, multiple civil rights violations, theft of personal property and a host of other unforgiveable crimes.

The Great Awakening has begun. Judges are pushing back against ATF’s unconstitutional regulations and bogus FFL revocations. Lawmakers are demanding investigations after ATF agents violated their constituents’ civil rights. Even the legacy media now realizes that they have been hoodwinked, and that many of ATF’s enforcement actions are illegal.

Lee Williams
September 28, 2023
A warning to ATF: We will never forget your crimes

I hope they enjoy their trials.

Brainwashing is Strong

Quote of the Day

Democrats: Private gun ownership won’t protect you from a government that has nukes.

Also Democrats: Trespassing and taking selfies in the Capitol building can conquer a government that has nukes.

The brainwashing is so strong Democrats believe both narratives.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Tweeted on September 30, 2023

Perhaps it is belief by the masses. But a fair number of the elites know it is a deliberate lie.

Dianne Feinstein

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein died Thursday night.

To gun owners she probably is best know for her famous quote:

If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.

Diane Feinstein
February 5, 1995
CBS-TV’s 60 Minutes

She is also well known as willing, perhaps even eager, to lie to advance her unconstitutional gun banning agenda:

One could claim there is a silver lining to Senator Feinstein’s hatred of our specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms. Her activities were a motivational factor in the creation of Boomershoot.

Many people, who will remain nameless, have been saying things like:


Dianne Feinstein has been the primary pusher of gun control since I was just out of college and the 101 California law-firm massacre happened. Good fucking riddance.

I will not speak ill of the dead.

Diane Feinstein is dead. And that is good.

A very small number of people are telling us we should be praying for Dianne Feinstein and that our celebration of her death is in poor taste.

Fuck that. Forgiveness is between her and God, and she had zero remorse for her actions while alive.

People like her are responsible for disarming thousands of Americans and putting them into positions where they can’t defend themselves or their families.

We’ll celebrate in exactly the same way when Nancy Pelosi, Beto O’Rourke, Michael Bloomberg, or anyone else of that ilk finally keels over.

Can’t happen soon enough.

Good people celebrate the death of tyranny. Be good people.

As a general rule of thumb you shouldn’t celebrate people’s deaths just because you disagree with them. With that being said it goes way deeper than just disagreeing with her. She was a genuinely awful human being. I’m only sad she didn’t croak sooner.

Why should we mourn or speak highly of a tyrant that had been destroying our country for 50+ years?

I see nothing wrong with rejoicing in the demise of a tyrant.

All I can say about Diane Feinsteins passing is, “Good riddance”.

Those thoughts do not match mine. I did not smile or celebrate the hearing of her death.

Her death saddened me. I wanted her to live long enough to be prosecuted and spend her last years in prison.

Joshua Smith from Break The Cycle @JoshuaAtLarge

Quote of the Day

In 1993, the ATF and FBI burned 76 people alive in Waco, Texas, including 25 children and two pregnant women.

The DOJ would go on to lie about how the fires started.

This all happened despite the fact that those involved could have, at any time, picked up the person they were after outside of the compound.

Federal agencies have only grown in size since then. They are so big that there are too many agents to focus on the things they were built to focus on solely, and they have now started doing things like infiltrating catholic groups, calling mothers worried about their children’s education “domestic terrorists,” and creating an entire false plot to kidnap a governor.

These agencies must be cut back to a size so small to non-existent that they only have enough time to focus on real issues, like multi state serial killers and child sex trafficking. Those left after 70% layoffs will either focus on actual crimes or go work in mailrooms at building across the country.

The ATF headquarters building must be demolished and turned into a dog park to honor all the fallen dogs.

Joshua Smith from Break The Cycle @JoshuaAtLarge
Ex-Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee Candidate for POTUS
Tweeted on September 22, 2023

This is the type of guy I want as our next United States President.

It is a nice fantasy. The reality is I need an underground bunker in Idaho.

Vetting Gun Laws

Quote of the Day

At this point we need a remedy the mirrors the old Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.  CA should not be allowed to pass ANY gun laws unless they are first vetted by a federal judge.

Don Kilmer (@donkilmer)
Tweeted on September 26, 2023

This sounds reasonable to me. And it might be more achievable than criminal prosecutions of the perpetrators.

Moving the Overton Window

Quote of the Day

We also need to FOIA or subpoena any and all documents related to the writing and passage of these laws. If there is intent to deprive people of their rights, file a 1983 claim. If that bears fruit, then demand the feds file 18 USC 242 charges. You might only get a few with that one, like governors, they are chief LEO’s, but it would be a start.

zmunitions @zmunitions1
Tweeted on September 27, 2023

18 USC 242 is one of the laws I reference when I talk about “Enjoy your trial.” I first became aware of 18 USC 241 and 242 in 2003. Off and on I would bring it up, but few people said much about it.

In 2019, at my private urging, Brian K. came up with the #EnjoyYourTrial idea to promote those two laws. I have been using that for over four and a half years now with no apparent traction. I do not recall any public mention of 18 USC 241 or 242 in conjunction with violation of the specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms… until the last 10 days:

Perhaps the Overton Window really has been moved.

Not Only Defense Against Domestic Crimes

Quote of the Day

While Judge Benitez’s ruling and reasoning were welcomed, it’s frustrating to many on the pro-gun side of the argument that judges continue to link the need for standard capacity magazines solely to domestic crimes. They should also be referring to citizens’ defense against government tyranny should the need ever arise as a justification for such magazines, as well as the possible need by citizens to protect the nation from foreign invasion sometime in the future.

Mark Chesnut
September 22, 2023
Judge Overturns California’s 10-Round Magazine Limit—Again

Agreed. That Overton Window needs to be moved.

A Good Start

Quote of the Day


1. Defendant Attorney General Rob Bonta, and his officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with him, and those duly sworn state peace officers and federal law enforcement officers who gain knowledge of this injunction order, or know of the existence of this injunction order, are enjoined from enforcing California Penal Code § 32310.

2. Defendant Rob Bonta shall provide, by personal service or otherwise, actual notice of this order to all law enforcement personnel who are responsible for implementing or enforcing the enjoined statute.

Roger T. Benitez
United States District Judge
September 22, 2023
Virginia Ducan v. Rob Bonta

This is the 9th Circuit. If upheld on appeal, initially this will affect the standard capacity magazine bans in California. Then, almost immediately, it will be used to attack the bans in Oregon and Washington. This will be is a good start.

The Solutions are Simple

Quote of the Day

  • The personal solution is easy. Make sure that someone can shoot back.
  • The public solution is time tested. We’ve done it for the last decade, and we’ve never had a school attacked where they had a public program of armed school staff.
  • The legal solution is simple. Make property owners responsible when they disarm the people who obey the law. If you stop me from protecting my family, then you become responsible for their safety.
  • The media solution is easy as well. Most mass-murderers kill innocent people so the mass-media will show us their face, their name, and their manifesto. Stop giving mass-murderers a multi-million-dollar publicity campaign.
  • All that might sound simple, but the political solution is harder. We have to ignore quack cures that have failed in the past.

Rob Morse
September 19, 2023
Can There be Good News About Public Violence?

The public solution is difficult, in part, because most politicians put up a vigorous fight when they are to lose even the smallest amount of power. And having an armed populous seriously shifts the power balance away from them.

Ban Guns

Quote of the Day

The 2nd Amendment is broken and is killing us. #1 cause of death of children and teens. Piecemeal gun safety measures are insufficient, it’s been decades and the death rates are only escalating. It’s time to ban guns. The Constitution has been amended 27 times and it will be again when we finally find our voices, imagination, and courage to protect our kids and ban guns. If we can ban books, Muslims and Black history, we can certainly BAN GUNS.

People said chattel slavery would never be abolished til it was. They said Blacks and women would never have the vote, til they did. They say the 2nd Amendment will never be abolished but we know this, too, is untrue.

September 20, 2023
Comment to Biden to create new office of gun violence prevention

Don’t ever let anyone get away with telling you that no one wants to take your guns.

Office of Gun Violence Prevention

Quote of the Day

I am appalled that Joe Biden is putting the gun prohibition lobby on the White House payroll. I know that many pro-gun rights members of Congress are working on legislation to prohibit funding for this obnoxious scheme.

I wonder how much of their time will be spent keeping guns out of Hunter Biden’s hands now that he has been indicted on gun charges?

Alan Gottlieb
September 20, 2023

For more information about what President Biden is planning read these articles:

I wonder about something different than Gottlieb. I wonder if these people realize being on the government payroll with their jobs being the infringement of specific enumerated rights can be used as evidence at their trials. The same goes for those who vote for such an office.

Legislative Judgement Overrides the Constitution

Quote of the Day

When they passed Measure 114, Oregon voters made a legislative judgment about the serious and immediate threat that large capacity magazines pose to public safety, and that judgment is entitled to this court’s deference.

Anit Jindal
Representing Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and Oregon State Police Superintendent Casey Codding
September 18, 2023
Oregon judge to decide in new trial whether voter-approved gun control law is constitutional

Interesting. I did not know that a popular vote by a 50.6% majority could override the constitution. That’s good to know.

But I’m sure it will come as a surprise to many in the deep south where opposition to desegregation of the schools would easily pass by popular vote.

And I can hardly wait for some state to ban Christianity and another state to require all people to attend a Christian church at least three days each month and tithe 10% of their income to the church. And don’t forget about required daily testimony of how climate change has affected you, while the neighboring state requires everyone to meet their daily minimum CO2 output to help prevent global cooling. And, of course, being accused of homosexuality is punishable by death without trial in one state and, in another state, all 3rd graders must pass a proficiency test in front of the class of four different homosexual acts in each of five different positions.

The popular vote will be entitled such deference just as is the case with the ban of magazines in common use.

This lawyer really must have crap for brains if they actually believe that claim. I’m thinking it is just another case of the “Big Lie” because no degreed lawyer can be that stupid and/or ignorant.

Prosthetic Claim Not Unique

Quote of the Day

“The Battle Cuck” posts pics of prosthetic penis replacement…

Jim Joneson @joneson_jim
Tweeted on September 11, 2023

In response to this picture:


It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

I thought maybe this guy had come up with a unique variation of Markley’s Law with the use of the word “prosthetic”. But, no, that has already been used at least twice. Once in 2013 and again in 2016. So this guy is just one more of those tiresome examples of someone responding to our side having SCOTUS decisions by flinging childish insults.

People are Not Rational

Quote of the Day

It would appear that New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s emergency order banning the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque has had an unintended consequence: Sales in the city’s gun stores are booming.

Melissa Fine
September 16, 2023
‘Busiest day I’ve had in months’: Guns flying off shelves in Albuquerque after gov’s anti-2A move

People buy banned books because they are, or are about to be, banned. The same applies to guns.

In this case the buying more guns in the face of a ban to carry them in public doesn’t make quite as much sense. But maybe they were buying them so they could carry them in public in defiance of their criminal governor.

You would think that a politician capable of getting elected governor would have a better sense of human nature. For someone that opposed to gun ownership one would think she would not engage in behavior that would, obviously, increase gun ownership and public carry. But, yet, she did.

People are strange. Rationality is just a thin veneer over a whirl of emotions. And many people don’t even have that veneer.

USC 241 Could be Applied to Governor

Quote of the Day

The progressive activists who run the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division in Democratic administrations see civil-rights statutes as their license to overhaul the nation’s police departments and other institutions under the guise of “systemic racism.” There is no reason, however, why a Republican administration could not invoke them for their proper purpose — protecting the federal rights of all Americans.

Obviously, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D., N.M.) and her subordinates have conspired to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate Americans in New Mexico in the free exercise and enjoyment of their Second Amendment rights. Indeed, her acknowledgment that she expects to be challenged in court underscores both her criminal intent and the fact that the rights she has decided to “suspend” are well established in constitutional law.

Andrew C. McCarthy
Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney
September 11, 2023
Why Not Arrest Governor Lujan Grisham . . . Pursuant to the Civil Rights Law the Biden Justice Department Is Using to Prosecute Donald Trump?

The Overton Window is moving.

I hope she and her co-conspirators enjoy their trials.

Biden Banned High School Shooting Teams

Quote of the Day

The BATF has been having a rough time recently in the courts with its attempts to redefine terms already well-defined in the law. But the BSCA gets around that obstacle and opens the door to new regulations that will cost lives.

Banning high school shooting teams and creating a comprehensive national gun registry makes the long game for gun control advocates clear—they are working to eliminate legal gun ownership in America.

John R. Lott, Jr. and Thomas Massie
September 13, 2023
Biden’s Gun Control Law Will Radically Change U.S. Gun Ownership

This isn’t about what Biden wants. This is what Biden achieved with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). There is more. It is worth the read.

The courts will almost certainly strike down most of it but it will do a lot of damage before that happens.