Micropenis Rapid Response Force

Quote of the Day

Holy shit lol the entire Micropenis Rapid Response Force came out to reply to you here

‘Cope! Seethe! 3 inches is big enough!!’

Of the 20 replies you got, there’s gotta be a total of 80 domestic violence charges & *zero* satisfied women between them all

Spaghetti Policy? @alt_DoooooM
Posted on Twitter March 4, 2022

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier (see also here)!

I have to give him a bonus point for the phrase “Micropenis Rapid Response Force”. I have not heard that one before.

And he gets another bonus point for the prejudice of expecting gun owners to be perpetrators of domestic violence.

Via a tweet from In Chains @InChainsInJail.

A Thin Veneer of Respectability

Quote of the Day

I’m sorry you feel you need an AR-15 to compensate for your tiny tadger. That’s rough.

Christina Zheng @Christilynw
Posted on X, May 30, 2024

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

I was referred to this by In Chains @InChainsInJail. Zheng then told me not to procreate. I suspect what she really meant was that she wants me dead, but even if she was just passing judgement on my fitness for parenthood, that she thinks she should be able to make a decision like that for others is very telling. Anti-gun people are tyrants with, at most, a thin veneer of respectability.

Small Imagination and Narrow Mind

Quote of the Day

It’s not fear, it’s cock swinging when you don’t have the junk to swing.

SloneK. @king_sandirella
Posted on X on Jjune 21, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

They must have an exceptionally small imagination and narrow mind to believe those are the only two options to own and carry a gun. Especially, since one of the people in the picture is a woman.

Types of Marxism

Quote of the Day

Economic Marxism wants to destroy your property.

Cultural Marxism wants to destroy your civilisation.

Environmental Marxism wants to destroy your species.


Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith)
Posted on X April 6, 2024

Alice Smith claims to be the great-great-great-granddaughter of Adam Smith.

It would be trivial to get multiple quotes of high quality each and every day from her X feed.

They Want You Dead

Quote of the Day

From: ron <ron@svnpy.com>
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 5:03 AM
To: joe
Subject: You are still a redneck Idaho farm boy

I hope you have not reproduced.  The USA already has plenty of stupid and ignorant people like you.

When you shoot yourself, please take out all your family members first–this would raise the average IQ in Trumpland.

M. Ronald G. KIRCHEM

8 rue Campagne Première
Bâtiment C (Staël)
Apt. 343 (4ème étage)
75014 Paris, Île-de-France
La République française

KIRCHEM: +33 (0)7 72 42 44 34

I suspect the email address has been compromised (the content is for a doctor in California). The name is likely fake or deliberate misdirection.

One of the most fascinating and telling things about people like this is they believe they can read the minds of others. You can search this blog all you want but you won’t find any support for Trump.*  Yet this guy believes I am a Trump supporter. The belief that you can read other people’s minds is a strong sign of mental health issues.

Also interesting is how they claim to believe they know my IQ and that of my family members and are confident it is below average in “Trumpland”. My three children and I have IQs that range from 125 to 155. The three grandchildren also appear to be in the same range. Mr. KIRCHEM’s estimation of the IQ of people in “Trumpland” is much higher I would have guessed.

I could make other observations but all you really need to know is that they want me and my children, and probably you and yours, dead.

Prepare appropriately.

* I did make predictions about his actions which I approved of. Months before she died, I predicted he would successfully replace Ginsberg on the Supreme Court with a pro-constitutional judge.

Another Monday, Another Science Denier

Quote of the Day

Bullshit. It’s better trigger discipline if he leaves his penile substitute at home rather than walk down the street toward a bus stop, fondling it as he goes along.

Youngkin and Miyares Must Go (@CarlieWeddingt1)
Posted on May 19, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

Citation Needed? No. Trials!

Quote of the Day


Hernandez and Epps, Garcia, Amabile, Bacon, Brown, deGruy Kennedy, English, Joseph, Lindsay, Mabrey, Ortiz, Rutinel, Velasco, Willford, Woodrow
Colorado House of Representatives
HOUSE BILL 24-1292

Considering that most of my rifles, all my shotguns, and two of my .22 caliber pistols* are considered “assault weapons” and that I have fired 10s of thousands of rounds in practice and competition with them without once being involved in a mass killing I can say with great certainty that they are deliberately lying.

This is pure evil. I look forward to their trials.

* Oddly enough my Limited Division USPSA pistol, a STI DVC chambered in .40 S&W, with 18 rounds magazines does not appear to be considered an assault weapon.

You’re Just a Big Baby Gun Wacko With a Small Dick

Quote of the Day

You want to talk about a single person to avoid the reality that no one has taken away your 2nd amendment rights. No one has taken away your guns. No one is trying to take away your guns. You’re just a big baby gun whacko with a small dick.

Secret Lair Arcade (@LairArcade)
Posted on X, May 19, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

I don’t know what color the sky is in their universe but we can be certain our political reality does not match their delusions and/or lies of the political landscape.

Check out No one wants to take your guns for a quick and easy refutation of their primary assertion.

Constitutionally Protected Rights are Sins

Quote of the Day

This is not a general income tax. From my perspective, it’s more of a sin tax.

Gavin Newsom
Governor of California
December 29, 2023
Newsom signs ‘sin tax’ on guns and ammo

Constitutionally protected rights are sins? Wow! That tells you all you need to know about him.

It would amuse me a great deal if this ends up being used as evidence at his trial.

Knifes and Swords are Okay, Guns are Yucky

Quote of the Day

If Americans where brave enough they could give up all their guns and use their bodies as weapons, they could learn martial arts, self defense, knives attacks and even fight with swords to “defend” themselves but they are too fat and lazy to do something brave. A bunch of fearful cowards. If you rely in a gun to be “secure” you have a big, big problem and try to use a stupid logic to justify guns is not going to solve it.

January 19, 2021
Gun Control NOW

As I read things like this I wonder if when they get the words out and then read their own delusions, do they realize it is crazy talk and publish it anyway? Or do they actually think it is something profound and is enlightenment for the dimwitted masses?

Another hypothesis I have about this sort of thing, and it is particularly obvious here, is the phrase “stupid logic”. This could be interpreted at least two different ways. One is that they believe gun rights advocates use faulty logic. And the other is that logic as a means of determining proper courses of action is stupid. There are many people who abhor reason. I suspect the great mass of gun control advocates are of this opinion and idly-raven17 is one of those.

You Are a Pre-Criminal

Quote of the Day

All criminals start off as non-criminals. But if they do break the law in respect to gun use they THEN become criminals. So even non-criminals can be a problem. You should know this!

Paige Kristinson (@SquirlyGirll)
Tweeted on December 11, 2022

This is what they think of you. You are a pre-criminal and “can be a problem”.

The real problem is people like her who have no respect for civil rights. Perhaps she should consider the consequence of people like her being treated as civil rights infringers before they have actually infringed upon the civil rights of others.

These People are Evil

Quote of the Day

There’s no noncriminal use for civilians, really, in the way they’re promoting them. If you ask somebody to make a list of ‘missions’ that could be carried out with an AR-15 – by a civilian – you could give them till the end of time, and then they wouldn’t be able to think of something that would be lawful.

Josh Koskoff
November 11, 2023
Mass Murder Is a Choice. The Gun Industry Made It

This is what they think of you. If you own an AR-15 you own have criminal uses for it.

I find it very telling that no one from the gun industry or gun consumer was quoted in this article.

These people have nothing but their delusions to draw upon to generate their propaganda in their war upon the specific enumerate right to keep and bear arms.

As for the private citizen AR-15 “missions”, here are a few:

  • Defense from foreign invasion as in the Russia Ukraine war.
  • Defense from religious/ethnic rebellion as in the Hamas action against Jewish residents in Israel.
  • Wild hog hunting.
  • Varmint (prairie dog, etc.) hunting.
  • Three Gun matches.
  • Boomershoot.

All are lawful and it took me considerable less than “the end of time” to enumerate those.

These people are liars with an evil goal. The violation of a constitutional protected right creating a disarmed society susceptible to genocide.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

The Same Old Insult

Quote of the Day

Considering he’s a gun enthusiast I’d assume penis extensions are a factor lol

Pablo Langley (@VipabLangeenan)
Tweeted on January 14, 2022

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

This insult is so old and so predictable there should be some sort of social punishment for using it. Perhaps that is why his account is suspended.

Tobi is Just a Prejudiced Bigot

Quote of the Day

Lmao gun nuts are always racists and sexists—also compensating for their tiny wieners, it is hilarious

Tobi Mordecai-Brown @KiutaweEX
Tweeted on September 9, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

One has to wonder if Tobi believes all the men and women of color I have taught to shoot are also racist and sexist. A sample:

I believe he is just telling the lies that used to work and not realizing that now, instead of being thought of as clever, he is merely outing himself as a prejudiced bigot.

Prosthetic Claim Not Unique

Quote of the Day

“The Battle Cuck” posts pics of prosthetic penis replacement…

Jim Joneson @joneson_jim
Tweeted on September 11, 2023

In response to this picture:


It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

I thought maybe this guy had come up with a unique variation of Markley’s Law with the use of the word “prosthetic”. But, no, that has already been used at least twice. Once in 2013 and again in 2016. So this guy is just one more of those tiresome examples of someone responding to our side having SCOTUS decisions by flinging childish insults.

Crazy Talk! Or is it?

Quote of the Day

Why do Republicans still fight for their beliefs knowing they will be wiped out, like any other minority group in history? Their beliefs are archaic and improper, so why fight against the advancement of the human species?

Anonymous question from Quora

You have to wonder… Yes, it is crazy talk. But, it could be Russian or other bad guy trying to stir things up. Or it could be just some troll getting their jollies. But it also has a small chance of being someone sincerely believing what they are saying and not afraid to say, “the quiet part out loud”. Hitler’s Mein Kampf wasn’t taken serious by the majority of people when it was first written either but within a few years the mindset took over a nation.

Ideas are more dangerous than tools…

Bigotry and Prejudice

Quote of the Day

The gun industry and the extremist politicians it supports have long fanned the flames of hate-based, radical ideologies.

Allison Anderman
August 31, 2023
The Gun Industry Is in the Business of Hate

If you read her rant you realize she is projecting. She really hates gun ownership and even people who legally use guns in self-defense. She describes Kyle Rittenhouse as “the vigilante teenager.”

Bigotry and prejudice is such an ugly thing to see. I hope she gets some help for her afflictions.