Thoughts on advocating freedom
- Just one question link (copy and paste for use against gun control people)
- Stats on injury after using different means of self protection
- Tools and ideas (ideas are far more dangerous than tools)
- #EnjoyYourTrial (put anti-freedom on the defensive)
- Huffman’s rule of social interaction
- Reason and facts versus faith
- Resetting their mind with facts (a method to get facts through to emotionally driven people)
- The necessity of an accurate problem statement (defining the problem correctly is key to a good solution)
- Law enforcement say they would not enforce more restrictive gun laws!
- Talking past each other (comparison of being a gun owner in the U.S. to the plight of the Jews in 1931 Germany)
- The dark ages (the attitude of the anti-gun movement in the mid 1990s)
- The Communist Manifesto (my thoughts on reading it for the first time)
- Guns and crime in England (From UK Parliament Publications)
- Gun access makes women safer (A look at the actual research Mother Jones magazine claimed supported their conclusion that guns made woman unsafe)
- The mask drops (a typical “conversation” with an anti-gun person, high school classmate Terilyn Reber, in which I offer them facts about gun control and they unfriend me on Facebook)
- The Jews in the Attic Test (Will this law make it difficult or impossible to protect innocent life from a government intent on their imprisonment or death?)
- Just one question (A single question to give anti-gun people great pause)
- I think I see the problem here (a response to, “Every death is a loss to society, every single one of them.”)
- Culture changing concealed carry (Concealed carry is changing the culture)
- Boots on the ground (one of my most popular posts ever)
- Too bad they don’t understand numbers (private citizen ammo use compared to WWII military use)
- Open carry as a political statement
- Why Boomershoot?
- The creation of Markley’s Law
- A process failure (Peterson Syndrome)
- truth and falsity (anti-gun people do not know how to determine truth from falsity)
- Quote of the day—Robert Tracinski (emotion as a means of communication)
- Been there. Done that. Let’s move on.
- Why are liberals so violent?
- Elaboration on the inherent violent nature of the modern liberal
- An individual right
- Huffman’s rule of firearm law
- Prior restraint
- Why gun owners are angry
- Background checks
- State of mind (Anti-gun people are the KKK of the 21st Century)
- Crazy talk
- Quote of the day—MikeB302000 (gun control as a “right to life” hypothesis)
- What TSA really stands for (A Security Theater)
- Microstamping research
- Conspiracy to infringe (prosecute those that conspire to infringe our rights)
- The anti-gun culture of lies and deception
- A cultural issue (anti-gun people are opposed to our culture hence facts are irrelevant)
- Old, fat, racist, white, guys (disputing the myth on the demographics of new gun owners)
- Some questions don’t make sense in a free society (People don’t ask “Where did the drunk driver get their booze?” But they do ask “Where did the criminal get his gun?”)
- Post Heller (how the Supreme court ruling does or doesn’t change things)
- A victory of the mind (I’m skeptical there will ever be effective armed resistance to infringements on our freedom)
- The middle ground
Top humor posts
Deep thoughts
Important links to other sites
- Gun Control is About Stripping Rights NOT Stopping Crime
- Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
- Large-Capacity Magazines and the Casualty Counts in Mass Shootings
The Plausibility of Linkages — Research paper by criminologist Gary Kleck - California’s Background Check Law Had No Impact on Gun Deaths, Johns Hopkins Study Finds
- Mass murders v. armed citizens
- Mother Jones gun myths examination
- Comparing conviction rates between police and concealed carry permit holders
- Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2016
- Texas Conviction Rates for Handgun License Holders
- Number of Texas Handgun License Holders (Texas demographics)
- Mass shooting are more common in most European countries
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws (CDC unable to see consistent effectiveness of firearm laws in preventing violence)
- Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic