No Clue About Human Nature

Quote of the Day

It’s kinda weird that deplatforming Trump just like completely worked with no visible downside whatsoever.

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
Tweeted on January 21, 2021

I can’t find the original tweet, but Marc Andreessen @pmarca (and others) have preserved the quote for our enjoyment:

One has to wonder what type of mental deficiency is responsible for believing such a statement would be true. My model of human psychology predicts a white-hot rage in a narcissist. More normal people will be very unhappy and welcome an opportunity to repay the insult, with interest, even years later.

To be fair, democrats are seldom accused of understanding the true nature of humans (or even animals). They are more likely to assert human nature can be changed to match their beliefs.

Global War Over 2+2=4

Quote of the Day

One day, in the near future, a global war break out will with every human on the planet participating.

On one side, their banners will proclaim the war cry, “2+2=4”.

On the other side, their rainbow banners will state, “That’s racist!”

Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith)
Tweeted on March 29, 2022

While I think this is overstated to make the point, I do think it has more than a little truth in it. And that is very depressing. It is between the sane and insane. It is war about reality and delusions.

Can’t You Read?

Via Rachel Alexander @Rach_IC:

And the masked man’s response might well be, “Hey, you must be so stupid that you won’t miss your brain. BANG!

“Gun free zones” just disarm the potential victims. We must get rid of them in all but the most obvious of sensitive places. I’m thinking of places like those with extreme fire hazards, prisons, extremely strong magnetic fields, etc.

Evidence of the Idiocracy

Quote of the Day

Global security leaders are warning nuclear threats are growing as weapons spending surged to $91.4 billion last year. At the same time, private bunker sales are on the rise globally, from small metal boxes to crawl inside of to extravagant underground mansions.

Critics warn these bunkers create a false perception that a nuclear war is survivable. They argue that people planning to live through an atomic blast aren’t focusing on the real and current dangers posed by nuclear threats, and the critical need to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Meanwhile, government disaster experts say bunkers aren’t necessary. A Federal Emergency Management Agency 100-page guide on responding to a nuclear detonation focuses on having the public get inside and stay inside, ideally in a basement and away from outside walls for at least a day. Those existing spaces can provide protection from radioactive fallout, says FEMA.

Martha Mendoza
December 8, 2024
Nuclear bunker sales increase, despite expert warnings they aren’t going to provide protection

I have to know. Does it require special training to be that blind to incongruent statements? Or are some people just naturally impervious to irrational thought?

It is times like this that I could be convinced that our society has made life too easy. It was a mistake to prevent stupid people from removing themselves from the gene pool with demonstrations of their stupidity. I must conclude Idiocracy was brilliantly prophetic. And we should do almost anything to prevent that prophecy from happening.

Another thing to point out is that “government experts” are telling you that you don’t need an underground bunker. I wonder if anyone they have told that to has asked if they have access to an underground bunker?

And/or tell them to convince all the politicians they don’t need an underground bunker. And if they are needed, politicians must come after those necessary to rebuild a post-apocalyptic world. This would include all the construction workers, miners, and factory workers. It would also include teachers, engineers, and medical care people. Law enforcement, bankers, and business leaders are essential too.

I believe politicians should know they will not have access under any circumstances. It is the job of politicians to prevent us from getting nuked. If they fail at their job, they should pay a higher price for that failure than anyone else. This policy ensures they have the proper incentive.

You Know What Communists Do to Nazis, Right?

Another one to watch out for. Supposedly, this one is a teacher in Bellevue, Washington. Another source says Cambell Hill Elementary School in Renton. But the faculty list does not include her.

Nazi fascists get the wall lol

Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 7, 2024

Today is a good day to rearrange a Nazis facial features.

Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 6, 2024

Fuck America

Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, October 30, 2024

Make Republicans Terrified To Vote Again.

Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, October 29, 2024

This one appears to have been deleted. But someone made a screen capture of it:

I love the irony of this one:

Republicans are the party of emotional, knee-jerk responses. They don’t care about facts, truth, or their fellow Americans. They are emotional children and incapable of empathy.

Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 7, 2024

Just a FYI. This may help you understand how her mind works. I don’t know for certain, but this is the only way I can make sense of it. The original definition of a fascist was:

Fascism The principles or methods of the Fascisti—Fascist, I. A member of the Fascisti. II. Of or pertaining to the Fascisti.

Fascisti … The members of a patriotic society in Italy, animated by a strong national spirit, and organized in connection with a repressive movement directed against the socialists and communists and the disturbances excited by them during 1919 and the years following, which regarded the government as criminally negligent in failing to deal with these disturbances, and took measure on its own account, often violent ones, to combat them, and which developed into a powerful party obtaining political control of the country in Oct., 1922, under its founder and leader, Benito Mussolini, as prime minister; hence, the members of a similar society or party elsewhere.

If you want to loosen up the definition a little you would conclude the following. If you are opposed to socialism and/or communism you are a fascist. Nazis Germany was opposed to Soviet socialism (worldwide socialism, versus national socialism). Both sides were competing for, essentially, the same mind share. Nazis were allied with Italy and shared the common political alignment with fascism.

Hence, her twisted mind can conclude that since you are opposed to socialism/communism you are a fascist Nazi.

But, as in a different context, the theme song from Rawhide gave us good advice:

Don’t try to understand ’em. Just rope, throw, and brand ’em.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

It Was the Voter’s Fault

Quote of the Day

Who would have guessed lying about Biden’s cognitive health for 2 yrs, refusing to do an open convention for a new nominee, never mentioning public healthcare & embracing fracking, the Cheneys & a yr long slaughter of children in Gaza wouldn’t be a winning strategy?

Anyone with half a brain? But I thought liberals’ whole thing is being smart? It’s not? They actually just blindly cheer the parade of rickety optics wrapped up in New York Times fonts that is the modern Dem Party?

Well at least it’s time for the dusty hacks & careerists to spread their feathers wide post election and blame Russia and third party candidates. That should fix things.

Adam McKay @ZombiePanther2
Posted on X, November 5, 2024

This was a large donor to the Democrat party. I find this guy most interesting. His take on things, at best half right, at least puts the blame on Harris and the Democrat party.

I find it very telling that all the other whining I see on the web about Harris’s loss is based on introspection. It does not include asking republicans why they voted the way they did. And, one would think, they should especially be asking people who usually vote for democrats why they voted for Trump in this election.

I see, again and again, insistence the voters are sexist, racist, white nationalist, and/or fascist. Nevermind that black men, and all Latinos voted for Trump in greater numbers than in 2020. And in some counties a larger fraction of blacks voted Republican this year than they have since the 1870s! Nevermind these evil voters wouldn’t be pushing lawsuits through the courts that make it easier for individuals own guns and training them on how to defend themselves from the likes of the KKK, men who women, and a fascist government.

Their mindset is it always someone else’s fault. The problem is not they are trying to sell an inferior product. The problem is the people are too stupid and/or evil to buy it. In an individual, this sort of reasoning is a strong indicator of mental illness. It can be argued it means the same thing in a group.

Huffman’s First Rule of Recreational Explosives Violation

My first rule of recreational explosives use was violated.

Huffman’s First Rule of Recreational Explosives:

Never put anything between your body and the explosives which may require a surgeon to remove.

Proof of Inability to Think Clearly

I just have to shake my head at things like this:

An Arizona prosecutor said the man arrested in the three-time shooting of a Democratic National Committee office in suburban Phoenix had more than 120 guns and over 250,000 rounds of ammunition in his home, leading law enforcement to believe he may have been planning a mass casualty event.

How it the world can someone extrapolate from the given data to the stated conclusion? How many guns and rounds of ammo can someone utilize in “a mass casualty event”?

I could see two or maybe three guns. And what, perhaps 300 rounds of ammunition? If you are shooting a rifle quickly, you should let the barrel cool down. Do this every minute or so. So, switch guns for a minute and then continue with first gun. A third gun in case one of your guns gets a jam. After a couple hundred rounds your kill zone is almost for certain going to be empty.

My assertion is that most gun owners can supply the needs of a near maximal “mass causality event”. And they would not have to buy more than one or two extra boxes of ammo to do it.

120 guns and 250,000 rounds of ammunition is evidence of something much different than a “mass casualty event.” It could be any number of things. However, the prosecutor’s hypothesis doesn’t even get on the bottom of that very long list.

The only thing the prosecutor has done with this claim is provide proof she is unable to think clearly.

More “Bad Luck” Coming Their Way

Leftist-Run City in Vermont Having 2nd Thoughts After It Defunded Police: ‘A Mistake’

Burlington Vermont, population about 45,000, decided to “defund the police” and went from 105 police officers to 74. Then, when they realized it was a mistake, upped the approved staffing level to 87. The result:

According to Fox, “violent crime is up significantly in Burlington, with crime data showing that aggravated assault has increased 40 percent and gunfire has gone up nearly 300 percent. Some local residents told Fox they find it ‘dangerous’ to be out in public at night.”

In a letter posted to its Facebook page on Wednesday, the Burlington Police Officers Association — the union that represents the city’s officers — charged city leaders with failing to support its officers, which the union said was reflected in the fact that Vermont Police Academy cadets showed no interest in working in the city.

They now have 68 police officers.

It isn’t going to get better anytime soon:

If Burlington residents are truly making the connection between leftist policies and the results that follow, it isn’t showing up in the election results. In the March election that returned Traverse to office, VTDigger reported, the city elected a candidate from the Progressive Party as mayor and gave Progressives a fifth seat on the 12-member city council.

Democrats hold six seats and an independent holds one.

So a city that was run by a Democratic mayor and council in 2020 is now run by a Progressive mayor and Democratic/Progressive council.

They are going to have a long string of, as Robert Heinlein called similar circumstances, “bad luck.”

Racist and Out of Touch

Quote of the Day

Okay, I just want to add that the shooter was a 20-year-old kitchen worker from nearby Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. According to a CNN report, a senior law enforcement official said that he bought 50 rounds from a local gun store hours before the rally.

Shouldn’t that have been reported? Somebody buys…a 20-year-old white guy? I mean we’ve seen that many times now. Young white men with guns and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition?

Joy Behar
July 15, 2024
Lefties Horrified Young White Men Can Buy 50 Rounds of Ammo Without Triggering a SWAT Raid – Shooting News Weekly

“white guy”? Racist much?

“50 rounds of ammunition”? Out of touch with reality?

I wonder what she would think if she knew it is nothing special when this white guy buys buys 5,000 rounds of ammunition and/or assembles 2,000 rounds.

The VPC Must Want Them Dead

Quote of the Day

The firearms industry, looking to expand beyond its shrinking base of white male gun owners, has focused its marketing efforts on Black, Latino, and Asian Americans. If successful, such efforts can only increase gun death and injury in these communities.

Violence Policy Center
July 9, 2024
Nearly 90 Percent of Black Homicide Victims Killed With Guns, Study Finds | Violence Policy Center (

Interesting. The VPC is claiming the “gun death and injury” rates in non-white communities will increase if their gun ownership rates increase. And that most guns are currently owned by white males… who happen to have much lower “gun death and injury” rates than the black males. That doesn’t make any sense. One would expect that since white males have low “gun death and injury” rates we should encourage other to look to them for clues as to how to obtain those same low “gun death and injury” rates. Such as owning guns and learning how to use them to defend yourself.

Logical thinking is not what gun control people are known for. This is just another data point demonstrating they have crap for brains and/or they are evil and deliberately lying because they want those non-whites to continue having high “gun death and injury” rates.

Former Judge has Crap for Brains

Quote of the Day

One problem with the court’s approach is that it is formalist, pedantic—soulless. It wrongly suggests that the court should give the words in a statute a form-over- substance significance that focuses on dictionaries, and historic word usage while ignoring the basic right at stake or the basic evil a law aims at ending. In the abortion case, an anti-abortion court could have turned the decision on weighing a life or potential life protected by the Constitution against the liberty of a woman to control her own body—another right protected by the Constitution. Rather than methodically marching to the foregone conclusion that women had no rights historically, the court could have overturned Roe simply by restriking the balance of rights in favor of a life or potential life that might be lost in abortion. Rather than spending their time fixated on the interior life of a gun, the court in Cargill could have considered what the law was obviously aimed at limiting—guns that mindlessly spew multitudes of bullets and threaten public safety. Laws have values in them—life, liberty, public safety, etc., and when the court ignores them in favor of games with words, it undermines respect for the institution.

Thomas G. Moukawsher
Former Connecticut complex litigation judge and a former co-chair of the American Bar Association Committee on Employee Benefits.
June 25, 2024
Bump-Stock Ruling Reveals a Supreme Court Obsessed With Word Play | Opinion (

I dropped my jaw in amazement reading this. He thinks judges should weigh the pros and cons and examine how they feel about the topic to decide the case? Really? That is the job of the legislators when making the laws. If he were to have it his way we would end up with bump stocks being legal or illegal depending upon which judge was assigned to our case. Abortion doctors and the women who employed their services would be sent to jail or on their way, again, depending on what judge they were assigned or perhaps even the mood of the judge that day.

Word mean things and the law depends on the precise meaning of the words used to create those law. If not, then the result will be injustice and chaos. You just won’t know what is an ordinary everyday activity and what a multiple year felony.

This guy is a former judge! Well, maybe this is the reason he is a former judge. He has crap for brains.

Traveling in Alternate Timelines

Quote of the Day

The reason that liberals think that you’re a Nazi is because they live in a universe constructed solely of CNN stories. Their universe contains an entirely different timeline, like one of those science fiction shows in which somebody goes back in time and changes something important. In their universe, the BLM riots were completely peaceful. None of the people who ran BLM took the money and ran. George Floyd neither attacked the cops nor died of a self-administered overdose. Trump mocked a disabled person, told everybody to drink bleach, gave a fiery, Hitler-style speech in which he exhorted white-supremacist minions carrying Nazi flags to literally attack Congress, etc. You’re not going to break through to them, because they really believe this stuff, with the intensity of a religious fanatic who won’t change his mind even if he sees videos demonstrating that he’s wrong. Your best bet is to treat them like schizophrenics who have hallucinated an entirely different world into existence.

Insomnus (@nighttimemedia)
Posted on X, March 4, 2024


There are numerous other hallucinations and/or hoaxes they also believe. The human brain is an amazing thing.

The political right is not without its share of wacko beliefs, but the left certainly seems to go farther afield in their alternate timelines.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

Is it the Dementia Talking or is it a Lie?

Quote of the Day

Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.

President Biden
June 23, 2023
Top Senate Democrats lied about pistol brace before vote: Experts – Washington Examiner

I’m not sure what to make of this. Is it the dementia talking or is he lying while knowing that the useful idiots will lap it up?

Stupidity, Ignorance, and/or Evil on Display

Quote of the Day

We all know that because of the ammunition magazines that can be strapped on to so many pistols that these become automatic weapons similar to AK-47s. Pistols with stabilizing braces have a reputation in this modern America, though they have been formally forbidden and prohibited, regulated for almost 90 years.

Dick Durbin
June 23, 2023
Top Senate Democrats lied about pistol brace before vote: Experts – Washington Examiner

These are the type of people making the law to govern our country.

With people this stupid, ignorant, and/or evil at the top we don’t need enemies. We need their delegated powers stripped down asymptotically close to zero.

The only good thing to come out of anti-gun legislation is their votes put their character on public display.

A Difference Without a Difference

Quote of the Day

That’s where we seem to fall down as a society. Not that we take constitutional rights away from people, but rather that we be more careful about who it is that we allow to exercise those rights in our society.

Frank Figliuzzi
February 18, 2024
Figliuzzi: More Caution Needed on Who’s Allowed to Exercise 2nd Amendment

How about we be more careful about who is allowed to exercise their 1st Amendment rights? We are not going to take Figliuzzi’s constitutional right away, we just aren’t going to allow him to exercise his right to say stupid crap like this in our society.

Another Anti-Gunner With No Concept of Numbers

Quote of the Day

Order a door to door confiscation of firearms and we will start collecting them, if force is needed then we WILL use it.

Johnathan @theprism89
Posted on X May 7, 2023

Apparently Johnathan hasn’t looked at the numbers, or probably more likely he doesn’t understand numbers. And, of course, the “we” he is talking about doesn’t include him stacking up to enter any houses.

Also, there won’t be a problem with a hostile government confiscating the arms of U.S. citizens. The government agents tasked to do the collecting will have the ammunition being freely offered. And since civilians recreationally consume ammunition at about the same rate as the U.S. military consumed it during WWII, the numbers indicate Johnny is going to be disappointed in the outcome.

Anti-gun Gibberish

Quote of the Day

Let’s inhibit criminal behavior a little bit by assigning the code to gun and ammunition stores so that when someone has bad intent when buying a weapon, there’s an alert in place that stops that from happening,

Hudson Munoz
Executive director of Guns Down America
February 10, 2024
Proposed bill would establish a new code to categorize firearm sales

This is the ravings of a lunatic. I cannot even imagine a delusion in which this sentence is internally consistent.

Yet, these people are winning legislative battles. What does that tell you about the politicians who pass the laws like what this lunatic is praising? It tells us they are evil and people like Munoz are their useful idiots.

1919 | image tagged in useful idiots | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

It is the Fate of Idiots to Bleed

Quote of the Day

Everything gets watered with the blood of idiots.

It is the fate of idiots to bleed in every situation of any risk, frequently at their own fault.

If you want a long safe life, identify idiots early and stay outside their Area of Effect.

January 29, 2024
Comment to Insufficient Brainpower Under the Bonnet

Good advice.

Anti-Gunners Crazy Beliefs

Quote of the Day

Anti-gunners believe all kinds of crazy things which aren’t true. Those crazy beliefs do tend to have the common denominator of bolstering their sense of moral supremacy though.

gunsandrockets @GunsAndRockets1
Posted on X January 10, 2024

Part of their problem is they do not have a process for determining truth from falsity (Peterson Syndrome). They have a set of beliefs based on what they feel. If feelings do not match reality that does not matter. Their feelings, and therefore beliefs, remain intact.