Not Smart Enough To Create a Plausible Lie

Quote of the Day

Only the right wing gun nut teachers carry guns,a lot of them so t and flat out refuse to.These undervalued/ underpaid teachers should be able to go into their schools knowing a shooter armed with an semi automatic weapon will not be able to enter because they weapons are illegal

josie @josie97
Posted on X January 25, 2023

Crap for brains. Frequently one can make a case for lying. But, in this case, I don’t think they are smart enough to create a plausible lie.


9 thoughts on “Not Smart Enough To Create a Plausible Lie

  1. —shooter armed with an semi automatic weapon will not be able to enter because they weapons are illegal—

    ummmm… There’s a lot to unpack in this fragment here.

  2. “… so t and flat out refuse …” — that’s not English, but does anyone have any clue what English phrase might have been intended here? I can’t even guess.

    • I’m reasonably sure the “so t” part is supposed to be “don’t”, fat-fingered on a cell phone keyboard. That would make the phrase, “a lot of them don’t and flat out refuse”.

      Happens to me all the time, which is why I try to read over my texts and posts before I hit “Send”. I guess they’re too dumb to do that.

  3. People who think “should” means something tangible or enforceable are not smart / wise / experienced enough to have a meaningful conversation with, and should certainly not be allowed to vote.

  4. It forgot that someone with a gun, legal/illegal, can’t go into a school already? It’s already a gun-free zone. Right?
    But to show I’m in the spirit. I’m pissed off that every time I go to a school. I can’t find any free guns. WTF?
    “Crap for brains”, sums it nicely, Joe. Were obviously to kind to retards in this society.

  5. These undervalued/ underpaid teachers should be able to go into their schools knowing a shooter armed with an semi automatic weapon will not be able to enter because they weapons are illegal

    A lot to fisk here.

    First, (skipping how I feel about the claim that teachers are “undervalued” or “underpaid”), there’s a world of difference between “should be” and “is/are”. A lot of things that “should be” so, just aren’t. And the inverse is true; a lot of things that “should NOT be” so, just are. The rational thing to do is deal with the world as it is and people as they are, not as you believe either “should be”.

    Second, show me the physical barrier or preventative measure — or combination thereof — that has ever made it so a mass killer “will not be able to enter” a school. Locked doors and metal detectors can be defeated or avoided (even schools that have detectors don’t have them at every door). SROs can’t be everywhere at once and are first-shoot targets. Bullet-proof glass windows can be bypassed (via a neat invention called a “door”) or overpowered (say, by driving a vehicle into them if they’re at ground level). At best, these provide an alert and/or slow down the suspect, but they will not stop a determined attacker.

    Third, laws — making things illegal — don’t do anything to keep people and things out. If they did, we would have zero illegal immigrants and zero crimes involving drugs and other controlled substances, prisons would be the safest places on Earth to detox and rehabilitate, and Hunter Biden would be clean as a whistle and innocent as a newborn lamb. How has that gone?

    And finally, as is common when dealing with the anti-freedom crowd, none of these arguments are new. It’s more of the exact same debunked, re-debunked, and rehashed-again claims they’ve been making for the past 90+ years.

    Why do people still listen to these cretins?

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