It Could be Worse. They Could Have Invoked Markley’s Law

Quote of the Day

Notable strong law states like Illinois and Maryland remain plagued with high gun violence in their biggest cities—in large part because they’re targeted by traffickers. Indeed an outsized share of likely trafficked crime guns recovered in Illinois begin their journey in states with weak laws. And Virginia, which had weak gun purchase laws until 2020, has long been the top supplier of crime guns into Maryland. At the other end of the scale, states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island have unusually low gun death rates compared with their somewhat weaker policies, in part because they are buffered by robust laws among other states in the region.

Everytown Research & Policy
January 12, 2023
Everytown Gun Law Rankings

If guns are freely available in one state how do they imagine restrictions, or even complete bans, in an adjacent state will reduce the criminals using guns the free state?

Who do they think will believe such crap? Being as generous as possible, this is crazy talk. But are they really crazy? The more likely explanation is this is the best deliberate lie they could come up with. Lies and deception it’s what they do.


I can think of less believable lies, but not by much. They could have invoked Markley’s Law to explain the differences.


9 thoughts on “It Could be Worse. They Could Have Invoked Markley’s Law

  1. It never occurred to somebody over there that if all the guns in Baltimore come from Virginia, why doesn’t Virginia have a problem just as big or bigger than Baltimore does? Maybe they think that Virginians don’t keep any of the guns they buy. They just send them all to Maryland. In which case, weak gun laws don’t cause crime in the state where they exist, but instead in neighboring anti-gun states. In which case, Maryland ought to remove all anti-gun laws so all of their guns can be shipped to D.C, so D.C. can blame Maryland for their gun-problems.

    Absolutely NO logic at all. None. Zero.

    • Does it happen? I’m sure it does, even though it’s a felony.

      Does it happen a lot? I doubt it.

      Chicago tries to blame Wisconsin and Indiana for its problems all the time.

      The problem is gangs, coupled with the fact the city doesn’t (and realistically probably can’t ) do much of anything about.

  2. Left unsaid. The demand for guns in blue states is the same and for the same reason as it is in red states. If demand is artificially suppressed by laws, then the black market will supply. Why do leftists think there is a market for black market abortion pills?

  3. “Indeed an outsized share of likely trafficked crime guns recovered in Illinois begin their journey in states with weak laws”

    More lies – yes, the “trafficked” guns. What they don’t tell you is most crime guns recovered in Illinois – ORIGINATED IN ILLINOIS. But yes, the trafficked guns came from other states.

    Top 15 Source States for Firearms with an Illinois Recovery
    January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021
    Illinois 6,955
    Indiana 2,601

    In other news – Water is wet, tune in at 11 for more.

  4. What we keep getting wrong is that we talk about guns, because they want to talk about guns.
    Guns have little to do with the problem. Go ask the Tutsi’s and the Hutu’s.
    The problem is one of ignorance and impulse control. Mostly committed by colored people in certain neighborhoods of certain cities.
    If we can’t talk about THAT first? We have nothing to talk about. It’s all gibberish. That’s why everytown has nothing but lies.
    Should we keep buying into an argument over lies, with logic and reason?
    My argument to everytown is this.
    You want to end gun violence? It can’t be done. But we need to talk about why you keep importing and training feral assholes to go around thinking everyone owes them something?
    Why you keep legalizing the drug trades that breeds a cycle of violence?
    Why your prosecutors keep letting those same criminals back on the streets to only do more violence?
    Guns aren’t the problem. Liberal ignorant communist bitches are the problem.
    Cause they’re the one’s, “perpetuating the cycle”.
    “Never give a communist an inch, it will only allow them to think they’re a ruler.”

  5. “The demand for guns in blue states is the same and for the same reason as it is in red states. If demand is artificially suppressed by laws, then the black market will supply.”

    What he said. Anyone who’s ever taken a basic economics course (even at the high school level) will understand that principle.

    The laws of supply and demand are as immutable as the laws of gravity.

    But tilting at windmills is what they do because it’s not really about guns, it’s about control.

  6. It if were true that “guns are/cause the problem” one would expect a significant, and measurable, increase in the negative effects of guns wherever there was a higher density of guns.

    Meaning there should be bodies piled up around each gun store in the nation, with the body densities decreasing as distance from the source of the problem increased, and body densities would be infinitely larger adjacent to firearms maufacturing facilities. So far, I have been unable to detect any such an occurrence.

    Which indicates neither proximity to guns nor concentration of gun density is the problem, meaning the cause(s) must lie elsewhere.

    And there is the foundation: the political and social Left cannot engage with it because their brains function in such a manner as to preclude basic understanding of the issue. I am at a loss as to offering a feasible solution to that problem.

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