Application to Private Arms Builders?

I am not a lawyer. But it would see this bolsters the case for building your own machine guns, mortar’s, grenades, etc..

Federal court declares federal ban on at-home distilling unconstitutional – Competitive Enterprise Institute (

Late last night, after months of litigation, a federal court in Texas decided the federal ban on at-home distillation of beverage spirits is unconstitutional. The district court’s decision is fair; it is correct on the law; and it is historic.

Lawyers at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) represent several amateur home-distilling enthusiasts who want to pursue the essentially harmless hobby of at-home distilling of beverage spirits for personal use without the looming threat of legal sanctions. Under federal law, distilling in one’s home or backyard can result in a $10,000 fine and a five-year imprisonment.

The court found that:

  • The federal ban on home distilling exceeds the scope of the federal government’s limited powers.
  • The Constitution’s tax power does not allow the federal government to ban home distilling, largely because the ban does not add money into the federal treasury or protect federal tax revenue.
  • The Constitution’s power to regulate interstate commerce does not allow the federal government to ban home distilling, largely because the ban neither regulates interstate commerce directly nor is it related to any larger regulatory scheme.

I didn’t read the actual ruling but I suspect what the judge said can be applied to almost anything not involved in Interstate commerce. Hence, when applied to homemade grenades at a Boomershoot side event the courts would be inclined to say the Federal government can’t ban them either.

Disarm Those Who Are Threat to Democracy

Quote of the Day

German court rules that members of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party are BANNED from owning firearms.

They say it’s because the second largest party in the country is a “suspected threat” to democracy.

PeterSweden @PeterSweden7
Posted on X, July 3, 2024

Wow! Now that resonates through history and to the present.

They have been working on this since at least July of 2022. And of course they succeeded with something very similar in 1938. You would think the socialist would remember what they did last time and how it ended for them. Perhaps they remember very well and expect to get away with their crimes against humanity this time.

And of course, the political left in our country is also pushing as fast and hard as they can to disarm those who they claim is “a threat to democracy.”

Prepare appropriately.

Via a post by Chuck Petras @Chuck_Petras

No Celebrations for Sotomayor

Quote of the Day

Today’s decision is a massive sea change. Litigants seeking further dismantling of the ‘administrative state’ have reason to rejoice in their win today, but those of us who cherish the rule of law have nothing to celebrate.

Sonia Sotomayor
SCOTUS Justice
June 27, 2024
Sonia Sotomayor foreshadows Supreme Court ‘dismantling’ administrative state (

People being allowed to have a jury trial rather than a “judge” trial who is part of the regulatory agency prosecuting them is a problem for her.

She supports the enablement of dictators and tyrants and is opposed to the Bill of Rights. I want her to celebrate very little in her time at SCOTUS.

Don’t Ever Change, Democrats

Quote of the Day

Groups supporting the amendment, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, have been pushing to amend the state constitution for years.

A similar effort introduced in 2020 to put the issue on the ballot in 2022 failed to gain traction in the Legislature after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom opposed it, saying it had the potential to cost billions of dollars if prisoners had to be paid the state minimum wage. (The current proposal does not require prisoners to be paid minimum wage.)

Emily Schultheis
June 27, 2024
Californians will vote on slavery ban in November (

If they can’t have slaves, at least don’t make them pay minimum wage. One dollar an hour is plenty.

And, of course, most of these slaves are “people of color”:

Advocates of the change say the current rules disproportionately affect people of color, who make up a majority of the state’s prison population.

From this it appears Democrats are stuck on having slaves.

Some things never change.

Communists Attack the Food Supply

Via Kat@Kataja:

There is probably more truth in this than I would like to admit.

Prepare appropriately.

This evening I spent 2.5 hours on the cat discing my summer fallow in preparation for planting wheat on it this fall. I guess this sort of makes me a farmer.

Things would be “interesting” if the commies in this country attacked the farmers like they did in other countries. I have a rifle and know how to use it. And I know I’m not the only farmer with similar tools and skills.

Words Mean Things

Quote of the Day

There is something reckless in a Supreme Court that can annihilate gun laws by pulling at words, toying with phrases. There are many reasons to think about reforming the higher court. Decisions like this ought to be high among them.

Dominic Erdozain
June 15, 2024
Opinion: Supreme Court’s bump stock decision is a huge step backward (

Reading the opinion piece you realize it is Erdozain who “pulls at words and toys with phrases”. Either that, and/or he is ignorant of the topic he writes about. As usual, these people project what they do onto their political enemies.

It is the ATF that thinks it can “annihilate gun laws.” They tried that by saying the law includes a bump stock when the law actually says a machine gun is a gun that fires more than one bullet with a single function of the trigger. The ATF “annihilated” the law and replaced it with their own “law”, which is unconstitutional. Only congress can create or change law. And last Friday, SCOTUS reminded the ATF and the rest of the country of that.

Words mean things. And the ATF must abide by the words of the law. If the law needs to be changed, then persuade congress to do that.  Apparently Erdozain doesn’t understand that is how things are supposed to work. He wants the president to be able to give an order and change the law at will. His desired political system is more like a monarchy or dictatorship. Lots of people agree with him.

Prepare appropriately.

Risks of Socialized Health Care

Quote of the Day

Thanks to the NHS, all taxpayers are stakeholders in the wider health of our nation. This involvement should make us less tolerant of any section of society creating a healthcare burden through any promotion of ignorance.

Jamie Blackett
June 11, 2024
Vegans are slowly killing themselves (

This is just one of the problems with socialized health care. Your “ignorance” becomes the business of the government. And if they decide your decisions about your body are “ignorant” then they claim the moral and legal authority to override your decisions.

The worst case scenario is, of course, when they decide your continued existence it not worth the cost of keeping you alive. But there are lots of other situations where things get ugly. Forced use of insufficiently tested drugs or vaccines. Denial of use of unapproved procedures or medicine even when the patient has nothing to loose.

I realize there are problems with a completely free market, but Jefferson has it right:

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty
than to those attending too small a degree of it.

Thomas Jefferson
December 23, 1791
From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 23 December 1791 (

Patience, Luck, and Principles or Burnings at the Stake

Quote of the Day

A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long
oppressions of enormous public debt…If the game runs sometime against us at home, we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.

Thomas Jefferson
June 4, 1798
Letter to John Taylor, in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson p. 1050.

Witches have taken power again. I’m not certain patience, luck, and principles will prevail this time but I dread the burnings at the stake.

Freedom is a Constant Struggle

Quote of the Day

The best way to tell whether someone wants to end American freedom for good is to check how angry he is about the separation of powers in our government. Anyone who says out loud he wishes he could disrupt the system of checks and balances that has prevented tyrannical government overreach for nearly 250 years, is showing that what he really wants is a dictatorship. Of course, they all believe that said dictatorship would be benign to them and vicious to their political opponents, forever. Always an apparatchik, never a kulak!

There’s something in the human psyche that longs for a king to follow. Perhaps it hearkens back to our prehistory, when our little tribe had one chieftain and we just did what he said. Perhaps it’s a subconscious desire to submit, to let someone else worry about the details. It’s a system that may work out okay for small, family-based groups, but it has never produced a nation that respects human rights.

Mo Rockwel
June 6, 2024
Anti-Gun Pols Try to Delegitimize Supreme Court before ’24 Elections – Freedom’s Lodge (

While I think this is accurate and a great point, it is not just a desire for a king. As an alternative path to essentially the same thing, many believe a majority vote is sufficient for the creation of an enforceable law as well. As if 50+% voting to enslave the minority of a population is entirely reasonable.

As pointed out in the quote above the deeper truth is probably that people want someone else to take responsibility for most of their actions. In essence, they yearn to be slaves in return for a promise of the necessities of life. How else do you explain the persistent popularity of socialism and ultimately communism?

Whether it is a tribal leader, a king, or the “central committee”, “Someone” should decide what is best for all of society and force everyone to work together for “the greater good.” The problem is that while this was almost certainly true at the tribe level it does not scale as the group size grows into the thousands, millions, and billions. Religion and then governments came to replace the tribe and mostly solve the scale problems but these create new problems. Here are some hints of how these problems manifest themselves.

I further suspect that because of the evolutionary advantage this gave tribes over individuals it now has some genetic component that can only be overridden by a conscious application of rational thought and examination of historical data. This means there is a constant yearning for the “freedom” of no responsibility and the “comfort” of slavery.

Combine the masses yearning to be told what to do, a few claiming they were born to rule and you have the conditions for tyranny and justification for genocide.

Hence, freedom is a constant struggle.

Censorship Warning

Quote of the Day

It is foolish and naive to believe that censorship will be “temporary” or “restricted.” Once a government succeeds in establishing a Ministry of Truth and dictating what can and cannot be said, it will inevitably use these powers to silence any genuine opposition. When governments arrogate to themselves the power to determine what is true and what is false, they open the door to tyranny. It is a slippery slope that leads inexorably to the suppression of dissent and the erosion of democracy. Until recently, this was a point of consensus among liberals and conservatives alike. It appears that is no longer the case.

Paulo Figueiredo
May 24, 2024
Lula’s Brazil: A Cautionary Tale For Free Speech In The West

Emphasis in the original.

Canada, England, and don’t forget: Joe Biden’s Disinformation Board Likened to Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ – Newsweek. See also: Quote of the day—Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke | The View From North Central Idaho.

And that doesn’t even count all the private “censorship” by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.. We are in some dark times.

Prepare appropriately.

Good news!

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in Free Speech Case | The Epoch Times

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the National Rifle Association plausibly alleged that a former New York state official violated the First Amendment by pressuring insurance companies to cut ties with the gun rights organization.

“A government official can share her views freely and criticize particular beliefs, and she can do so forcefully in the hopes of persuading others to follow her lead,” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in the majority opinion on May 30.

“In doing so, she can rely on the merits and force of her ideas, the strength of her convictions, and her ability to inspire others. What she cannot do, however, is use the power of the State to punish or suppress disfavored expression,” she added.

This isn’t the end of the game. This just means it goes back down to the lower court to go through the trial process.

Marxism as a Religion

Quote of the Day

Let me explain how Marxism works as a religion with regard to its theory of sin/evil.

Ludicrous Marxist beliefs about criminality and whatnot are all really easy to understand when you realize Marxism is a religion built out of the same Christian motifs reoriented and turned inside-out.

In Marxist faith, the Fall of Man isn’t the result of disobedience to God but instead individualism realized through private property. That is, it’s the result of disobedience to Man as a collectivist “species-being,” in Marx’s terminology: a being that lives for the whole species instead of just himself. (Marx had an entitlement complex he turned into an evil religion.)

So, private property, capitalism with it, and individualism are Marxism’s Original Sin, so they create man’s sinful (depraved) nature, and so all bad things (like crime, etc.) are downstream from that. Repentance of the sin of individualism, through the abolition by spiritual transcendence of private property, which requires the destruction of capitalism on the macro scale, is therefore the Marxist theory of salvation (soteriology).

If you overcome the ravages of capitalism by abolishing private property rights and transcending the idea of private property in your own spiritual development, and thus eliminating the basis for individualism, you also undo the sinful nature of man, which would end all evil, all crime, and so on.

This is why you see them forward asinine programs like Restorative Justice and offering to pay criminals to stop crime and claims that all crime is the result of systemic racism and everything that follows from all of that. They believe that they’re socially ameliorating the source of human depravity, thus their will to sin (against Man).

Of course, they’re completely wrong. You don’t have to accept the Christian view of sin to see this, but you certainly could. This is another reason Marxism can never work. It’s completely wrong about human nature at a completely fundamental level, not just on a practical level in terms of motivations to be productive.

The soteriology (theory of salvation) of Marxism still ultimately depends on repentance, then. You have to repent of individualism, partly by renouncing (transcending) private property. It’s only salvific if everyone else does it too, though. Universal salvation or none.

James Lindsay, full varsity @ConceptualJames
Posted on X May 1, 2024 (and here)

Hmmm… That seems to fit the facts as I know them.


Types of Marxism

Quote of the Day

Economic Marxism wants to destroy your property.

Cultural Marxism wants to destroy your civilisation.

Environmental Marxism wants to destroy your species.


Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith)
Posted on X April 6, 2024

Alice Smith claims to be the great-great-great-granddaughter of Adam Smith.

It would be trivial to get multiple quotes of high quality each and every day from her X feed.

America Has Been Cleaved

Quote of the Day

America has been cleaved into two separate and antithetical ideologies — two opposing worldviews — with the communists and radical takers of the country supporting a dark vision of tyranny and the conservatives and independent producers supporting the light of truth and a vision of freedom and liberty. They are both hanging in the balance and waiting for gravity or some monumental event to throw the lever that moves them to act and take the country by storm, with the Democrats willing to use every illegal means imaginable.

Justin Smith
April 6, 2024
America Is Hurtling Toward a Full Blown Hot Civil War – The Burning Platform

I’m not convinced “the conservatives” support “the light of truth and a vision of freedom and liberty” but I do regard them as the lesser of the two evils.

Prepare appropriately.

Concern About the First Amendment Hamstringing the Government

Quote of the Day

My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the federal government in significant ways in the most important time periods.

And so I guess some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country, and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information.

So can you help me? Because I’m really – I’m really worried about that because you’ve got the First Amendment operating in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government’s perspective, and you’re saying that the government can’t interact with the source of those problems.

Ketanji Brown Jackson
Justice of SCOTUS
March 18, 2024
Judge Jackson’s ‘chilling’ First Amendment comments leave Jonathan Turley ‘very concerned’ (

I’m reminded of something I thought the NRA had repeatedly published. But I can’t find it now. The closest I could find was this:

You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.

Rush Limbaugh

It would be best for everyone if SCOTUS understands this. As the people of Scotland are learning, if not vigorously defended, free speech is easily lost:

The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes:

“Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person’s disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity.”

There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.

They Hate the First Amendment Too

It is not about guns. It is about control.

Social media platforms must face lawsuits claiming they enabled Buffalo mass shooter By Reuters (

Several social media companies were ordered by a New York state judge to face four lawsuits seeking to hold them responsible for helping enable the avowed white supremacist who killed 10 Black people in 2022 at a Buffalo, New York grocery store.

Justice Paula Feroleto of the Erie County Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the more than 40 plaintiffs could try to prove that Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META)’ Facebook and Instagram, Reddit, Google’s YouTube and other platforms were designed to addict and radicalize users like the shooter, Payton Gendron.

“We must hold accountable every single bad actor that prepared and equipped the shooter to target and kill members of Buffalo’s Black community,” said Eric Tirschwell, executive director of the gun control advocacy group Everytown Law, which filed two of the lawsuits.

I am reminded of Quote of the day—Joseph Stalin.

Refusing to Enforce California’s Extremist Agenda

Quote of the Day

California continues to push out a steady stream of absurd, unscientific, and flat out impossible regulations across many industries in an attempt to impose its extremist, green agenda on the whole country by forcing manufacturers and businesses who want to do business in California to toe its far-left enviornut agenda.

It has become so pervasive that 17 states have banded together to sue the federal Environmental Protection Agency to cancel the special rules it has for allowing California to make its own environmental rules. That began in 1970 when the federal government added that carve out to the Clean Air Act.

But, what we see here is just another example of how far California is from every other state and even from the federal government on its commitment to the shrill environmentalist agenda. And it is long past time California’s absurd regulations are reigned in and to end its special powers to coerce the rest of the country to abide by its extremist agenda.

Todd Huston
March 1, 2024
Coast Guard Refuses to Enforce California’s New Environmental Regulation (

If only the Feds would reign in California gun laws as well. It wouldn’t be that hard. Just prosecute and send the governor, attorney general, a few senators and representatives to jail and/or death row, and California would be much better behaved for several years.