Quote of the Day
A few years ago I made the mental shift to being ok with authoritarian socialism. We can talk all we want about ideals but at the end of the day some opponents to the liberation of all will only respond to force or the threat of force
CatholicLeftie @Jaaa3C
Posted on X, May 2, 2024
Prepare appropriately.
Plan to attend Boomershoot 2025.
Be careful what you wish for…
Just sayin’.
-Authoritarian Socialism-
-liberation of all –
The cognitive dissonance, it burns.
That is what struck me, too..
They are “OK with it” only so long as they think one of theirs will be in charge, and they’ll get one of the air conditioned corner office telling us serfs what to do.
They are less OK with it when they are handed a shovel and told “dig the latrine.”
Especially when that “latrine” is actually the ditch that will hold their corpses.
Ugh. One of those Frankie-da-Pope Catholics.
The Gospels aren’t Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Karl.
“Some opponents to the liberation of all will only respond to force or the threat of force.”
Liberation of all? A communist just said that!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHA! You got to be kidding me! Oh, my f–k’in sides hurt. That’s some first class entertainment Joe!
Doing God’s work are we, there Leftie J? With force or the threat of force?
So is God going to send you the army to liberate all of us?
Cause the one being imported now? Kill and eat moronic Christians, which are always the first to go under “authoritarian socialist”— “liberations”.
Too funny!
One has to wonder how someone could be that clueless and still breathe?
Sometime during his reign (1922-1939) Pope Pius XI said, “No one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.”
Here let me fix/translate this for you:
“A few years ago I made the mental shift to being ok with state sponsored mass murder and government coercion. We can talk all we want about ideals but at the end of the day all opponents to total government control of everyone and everything will only respond to being murdered or the threat of them being and their innocent children being murdered.
They can be socialist all they want. It’s only a problem when they try to force everyone else to be socialist along with them. I don’t want to play that game.
These people think they’re gonna have a seat at the American version of the Wannsee Conference. Where they can help plan the final Solution to get rid of all those pesky gun owners, Republicans, conservatives, straight white men as well as the Entire population of the United States that opposes or resist them in any way shape or form. Not realizing they’ll be one of the first ones lined up and shot after there main goal of literal complete and total mandated extermination of the entire population of United States that owns guns, is in a home with a gun, is Republican, is conservative, has any viewpoint contrary to there own along with the Complete and total literal extermination of all white men in the United States that are not them is compete.
The left certainly has no problem with using force to MAKE people toe their line.
But if people on OUR side of the equation post something similar they almost invariably get the ban hammer from some milquetoast blogger afraid of offending someone. This is why the commie left will win. They aren’t afraid to do whatever is required in order to achieve their ultimate goals. Our side is worried about offending someone.
“Authoritarian socialism” is a redundant term.