Quote of the Day
We have millions of classroom-days of experience with armed staff at school. The trained school defenders didn’t have an accident with a firearm and shoot someone. Fortunately, the news gets even better.
The best defense prevents the attack in the first place. Mass-murderers do not want to get into gunfights with bullets going both ways. They consistently choose to attack somewhere else rather than face an armed defender at school. We’ve never had an attack on a school campus that had a publicly announced program of armed school staff.
Rob Morse
April 22, 2024
A Forest of Flaws put our Children at Risk, but a Sea of Doubts Might Save Them | SlowFacts (wordpress.com)
This should not be a surprise to anyone. And I doubt that it is, even the most die-hard anti-gun person. This is because gun control isn’t about the safety of our children or the public at large.
” This is because gun control isn’t about the safety of our children or the public at large.”
Yup, spot on. It’s all about the “authoritarian socialist liberation”.
(F–k, my sides still hurt from laughing over that one.)
The nice thing is when the time comes? The cognitive test for whom is a communist and whom are not, is going to be real easy.
Open carry, or cook a steak on the barbeque. You’ll hear them screaming from down the street.
Headed your way for a struggle session….. Hopefully.