Quote of the Day
Full mask off moment. Your purchases are actively being tracked and the minute the algorithm flags you for a Constitutionally protected activity you are raided. Every one of these “officers” should be arrested.
Dr Death @DrDeath1776
Posted on X, May 9, 2024
And prosecuted. Until then, pay cash or use a cryptocurrency.
I wonder if they consider buying a Bridgeport milling machine (or one from Jet or Grizzly) as a red flag. Or a Taig or Sherline or Proxxon mini-CNC mill. While GhostGunners makes machines specifically aimed at the 0% or 80% market, a traditional CNC machine, either miniature or more substantial size, should do just as well give or take some extra work to get the right tooling and clamping accessories together.
Every fabrication shop is already on the list. Probably.
The whole thing is stupid.
I am sick & tired of stupidity. Sigh.
I teach CNC machining at a local college. Before that I made tooling for an ammunition factory. To build a “ghost” gun would not be too difficult with a good mill. There would however, be a substantial cost in dollars to set up machines not to mention time to learn the process if one didn’t already have the skills. The whole focus on ghost guns being built is another red herring from the antis. Anyone who is going to commit a crime isn’t going to put in the work to make a gun on a mill. They will steal one, use a straw purchaser, or get one from another criminal on the black market. This is just a scary word salad game to frighten people who don’t know anything about firearms.
Precisely. I have a nice 3/4 size Jet mill and a mid-sized lathe. Substantial investment for a hobbyist. Also a lot of tooling, which runs up the bill. I may have made a couple of 0% lowers manually, using digital readouts but no CNC (a few years ago, before the craziness really set in.) It was a lot of fun, but not the way I’d get a gun if I was in fast and dire need of one.
Even with CNC it would take money, time, effort and skill – it’s not like making a batch of ice cream, despite media and liberal hysteria. The average gun-hating liberal probably wouldn’t be able to find the on button on a CNC mill, let alone debug some G-code that went astray.
Stop using the enemy’s propaganda terms. They are MSR (modern sporting rifles) not assault rifles – they’re DIY or homebuilt guns, not ghost guns – standard capacity magazines not large capacity – etc.
Magazines limited by legislative or regulatory fiat are infringed-capacity magazines…
I’ve been toying with the idea of building a lower from sheets of PCB material, copper-clad FR4. Many folks here would be familiar with its cousin G10, often used for pistol grips and knife scales.
Large quantities of this stuff can be readily ordered online from huge factories with very precise dimensions. It is very stable, temperature and abrasion resilient, and thin sections can flex like a spring for things like magazine catches.
Interesting notion.
I remember Neil Smith, in his novel “Pallas” proposing a gun to be made in a small shop which was built out of stacked layers of sheet steel, like the well known “Master” padlocks. I thought that was a neat notion and worth trying, but I lack the skills.
That reminds me of “The weapon makers” by A. E. Van Vogt.
Except they had insanely advanced defenses.
I actually recall having seen an AR lower receiver built in that way on a website somewhere – one of the home shop machining sites. It was bolted together like the Frankenstein’s monster’s neck.
Of course there’s also the famous video of someone converting a shovel into an AR lower.
I recall it as an AK receiver, but the point remains valid.
I noted that they listed big online names, many of whom are openly anti gun – I wonder how much data they get from smaller places..
Some places send data on what is bought to the card companies, I presume in return for lower fees, and others don’t. Also, an increasing number of web sites allow checks or money orders as an alternative. Methinks the system has more holes in it than they’d like you to think…
Personally, when I run a card the processor just sees an amount – they don’t know if it’s for a gun, ammo, repairs, etc.
Small note … most cryptocurrencies aren’t anonymous. The original point wasn’t anonymity, but to remove control of the currency from centralized control (e.g. government, big banks) while providing a solid trust framework, ensuring honesty (e.g. anti-counterfeiting equivalent, make it near-impossible to cook the books to inflate a wallet’s holdings, etc.). All transactions are multiply recorded and can be audited by anyone to trace the flow of assets from one wallet to another; that’s part of providing trust in the system.
That also means that if a wallet is associated with an individual – through an exchange, used to pay for something that gets shipped to the purchaser, whatever – anonymity is gone. For that, cash and precious metals are still king. Caveats still apply, e.g. shipping, for individual purchases; but a single “crack” doesn’t unlock everything. That’s arguably a downside of the public ledger system, in terms of privacy.
I thought it was also supposed to make taxation impossible.
No; that was the Internet. 🙂
Seriously, though, I hadn’t heard that. Since taxes are generally assessed and collected by the seller, I’m not sure how crypto would obviate tax any more than paying by cash would. At least, for sellers who are doing business “in the open.”
It has been asserted that you can buy a 80% Sten in the plumbing aisle at Home Depot. Wonder if they are monitoring that.
Usually the government chooses to err on the side of monitoring more, rather than less. Because they can.
This is why I don’t worry about it too much, mostly, even though I don’t like it, never voted for it, and think it’s unconstitutional.
1) They are generally incompetent
2) The signal:noise ratio is very, very low.
3) They can’t arrest you for not doing anything (yet).
The biggest problem here is that these practices accumulate a whole bunch of evidence that can potentially be used against people later, for crimes they didn’t commit. The only ways to curb this practice involve the legislature (fat chance) or the courts preempting it (maybe, but someone has to have standing first) and the elimination of parallel construction (which I consider to be a form of perjury but I digress…)
Parallel construction…. Grrrrrr
A former FBI agent openly and unashamedly once talked about this to me.
“Your purchases are being actively tracked”. (And probably have been for the last 10 years.)
But what good is such knowledge, except maybe as a cautionary tell?
They don’t have anywhere enough anything to pull off their little communist totalitarian fantasies. And the more draconian they get the worse the push back will be.
Just reading the comments tells you everything one needs to know. People just aren’t going to go along. They find a way to fight back.
And just how anti-fragile is the AI systems?
To say nothing of all the people that know how their systems operate, and more importantly it’s vulnerabilities.
And as Matt Bracken is fond of saying: “A plan to ride the tiger is not the same as actually trying to ride one.”
Collect all you want. I still got a Glock on my hip and will to live/die well. And I’m very sure I’m not the only one.
“Parallel construction…. Grrrrrr”
And speaking of which.
“Missouri Gov. Mike Parson signed the law at the center of the case, known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, in 2021. The law prohibits local law enforcement officials from enforcing federal firearms laws that the state believes are unconstitutional, including federal laws that govern the registration of some firearms, impose limits on who can sell firearms, and impose some limits on who can own a gun – for example, the blanket ban on possession of a gun by individuals convicted of a felony.”
“The Supreme Court on Friday refused a request by Missouri to reinstate a state law that bars police officers from enforcing federal restrictions on the sale and ownership of firearms that the state believes violate the Second Amendment. A federal judge ruled earlier this year that the state law is itself unconstitutional and blocked the state from enforcing the law. In an unsigned order on Friday, the justices left that decision in place while the state’s appeal continues in the lower courts.”
All that wrongly pointing at the “supremacy clause” of the constitution.
You want to have the feds fight their own case? The state of Idaho and Missouri should start giving criminal aliens the J6 treatment.
Lock them up in little gages and don’t give them trials or attorneys for years at a time. See how long it is before the feds say it’s illegal to enforce their laws.
There is a whole list of crap the feds are ignoring. Criminal conspiracies, frauds, perjuries, on and on the courts and the feds don’t want states anywhere near.
The states could start doing that tomorrow.