Lying By Omission

Man who made billions out of death and killing dies at the age of 94 (

It is unknown exactly how many people have died as a result of Glock handguns.

The first mass shooting believed to involve a Glock handgun was in 1991 when George Jo Hennard shot 24 people and injured 27. He fired two guns, including a Glock 17, at diners in Luby’s Cafeteria, Killeen, Texas.

This list is exhausting, but not exhaustive.

It is very telling that no mention was made of the millions of innocent lives saved using handguns with the name Glock on the slide.

Just Enforce the Existing Laws

‘Your husband or your guns’ (

Florida’s powerful preemption statute prohibits any state, county, city or other public entity from regulating firearms by “enacting or causing to be enforced any local ordinance or administrative rule or regulation” that regulates arms. Only the state legislature has such regulatory authority, the statute mandates. Any public official who violates the preemption statute can face removal from office and up to $5,000 in fines, which the statute requires them to pay personally.

As the agency head and chief administrative officer, Charlotte County Sheriff Prummell is personally responsible for any illegal rules or policies that violate preemption. Sheriff Prummell did not respond to calls or emails seeking an interview for this story.

This is not the first time Prummell has been accused of violating the civil rights of his constituents.

In 2019, it was learned his office had been compiling an illegal registry of gun owners by using a pawn shop database, which is a felony. Florida state law prohibits any government agency from “knowingly and willfully keep or cause to be kept any list, record, or registry of privately owned firearms or any list, record, or registry of the owners of those firearms.” The database Prummell’s deputies created contained the names of people who pawned guns and a description of the firearms, which included their serial numbers.

At the time, neither State Attorney Fox nor Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody chose to prosecute or even investigate these allegations.

This doesn’t even bring the federal laws 18 USC 241 and 242 into play. These crimes would stop very rapidly if they would just enforce the existing laws.

MN Gun Owners Caucus @mnguncaucus

Quote of the Day

A horribly written law that would make criminals out of careful, law-abiding citizens is not a solution to the tremendous problem we face with gun violence and firearm accidents. Publicly supported and funded, age-appropriate firearm safety education ought to be a part of it.

Brad Johnson
Anoka County Attorney
Letter to state representative Jaime Becker-Finn.

Via MN Gun Owners Caucus @mnguncaucus on April 3, 2023.

We must recognize we have allies in government.

It wasn’t too long ago that I read a book about the resistance to Nazi’s in Italy. A young woman got a job as a maid and nanny to a Nazi officer and his wife. She was also a spy who obtained information which was smuggled to the allies which was used to save countless lives. As the Nazis were retreating out of Italy local “patriots” rounded up the Nazis and collaborates they could find and killed them without trials. The young woman was among them.

Rats Leaving the Burning Ship?

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is resigning.

For a more toxic views see:

From the Wall Street Journal article:

LaPierre and the NRA have said the group has embarked on a major “course correction” by terminating certain vendors, promoting a whistleblower to its top financial job and eliminating virtually all related-party transactions with board members. Since the New York investigation began, LaPierre has repaid the NRA nearly $1 million for some of the private-jet flights, gifts and other “excess benefits” he received, legal filings show.

It is probably was far short of the compensation he and many others should have given but it is worth something. Perhaps the organization can rebuild itself with a better focus on the important principles.

Via text from Mike B.:

Rats leaving the burning ship?

Gun Laws are an Unmitigated Disaster

Quote of the Day

Gun laws in the United States are an unmitigated disaster. The amount of asinine minutiae that can send you straight to jail is downright embarrassing, and it requires a conscious effort to believe we’re in this situation because of incompetence rather than malice. All this to say: I’ve made a genuine effort to work on this project without running afoul of any state or federal gun laws, like Tom Frickin’ Cruise navigating a hallway of laser tripwires.

Evan @ Cottage Arms
Posted in 2022

Meet Shirley: The .22LR built for the year 2022 from Cottage Arms on Vimeo.

Only 1% Registered their Guns

Quote of the Day

Even though Illinois lawmakers passed a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, Monday was the deadline for those who already owned assault weapons before the ban to register them.

Gov. JB Pritzker signed the statewide ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines on Jan. 10, 2023. The measure gave those who owned and purchased weapons before the law was enacted time to register.

CBS 2’s Darius Johnson had the latest on where the controversial measure stood with the new year.

As of last week, only 15,000 people completed the disclosures, according to Illinois State Police. There are nearly 2.5 million firearm owner’s IDs in the state.

Darius Johnson
January 1, 2023
Monday was deadline for Illinois owners of assault weapons prior to ban to register their guns

That is about 1.48 million people in defiance of the unconstitutional law.It is good to know 99% of people know better than to register their guns.

Rather than registering guns there should be registering of people actively attempting to deny people their civil rights. It would speed up the enforcement of 18 USC 241 and 242.

Constitutionally Protected Rights are Sins

Quote of the Day

This is not a general income tax. From my perspective, it’s more of a sin tax.

Gavin Newsom
Governor of California
December 29, 2023
Newsom signs ‘sin tax’ on guns and ammo

Constitutionally protected rights are sins? Wow! That tells you all you need to know about him.

It would amuse me a great deal if this ends up being used as evidence at his trial.

Ironic Twist

Quote of the Day

I hate it too dear heart… I’m there.  I am so sorry your generation, and all of us are dealing with a preventable issue… the guns must go!!!

Kristin Hill (@khill0771)
Tweeted on January 31, 2022

Don’t every let anyone tell you no one wants to take your guns.

In an ironic twist Kristin’s account is gone and I still have all my guns.

Openly Defiant of the Supreme Court

Quote of the Day

But the Constitution, by design, recognizes that some rights are so important and sacrosanct that nothing short of a constitutional amendment may take them away. No one—not a federal judge, not a state governor or legislator, not even the President of the United States—is above the Constitution.

Nevertheless, California recently passed a law, Senate Bill 2, that limits the public places where people with concealed carry permits may carry their handguns to defend themselves and their families. To obtain such a permit in California, a person must go through a rigorous screening process. The process includes a lengthy application, a thorough background check involving interviews, fingerprinting, and reviewing multiple government databases, and a full-day, hands-on training course in which the person must demonstrate they can safely and proficiently use the handgun they seek to carry in public. Even with those stringent requirements, California will not allow concealed carry permitholders to effectively practice what the Second Amendment promises. SB2’s coverage is sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.

Cormac J. Carney
United States District Judge
December 20, 2023
Reno May, et al. v. Robert Bonta
Marco Antonio Carralero, et al. v. Robert Bonta
Case Nos.: SACV 23-01696-CJC (ADSx) SACV 23-01798-CJC (ADSx)

There are lots of strong words in this opinion. I hope they stand up to the almost certain attack of the appeals court.

My request to Bing Chat for an image was:

Please create an image of a federal judge telling the attorney general California law is repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.

I suspect there is some bias in the AI:



The Cultural Revolution in the U.S.

Quote of the Day

In CCP’s China, one can find a Party Branch (党支部) in any workplace.

According to the CCP, its function is to propagate & implement the Party’s principles, policies, & resolutions.

In America today, we have a DEI office in every institution.

Xi Van Fleet @XVanFleet
Posted on X December 21, 2023

I read and really like her book.

Well, “like” in the sense of interesting and enlightening. She grew up in China during the cultural revolution and then moved to the U.S. where she now sees frightening similarities to her native country. Daughter Jaime refuses to read it because it sounds too dark.

Some of the terrible stuff in China would not fly in the U.S. because of the widespread ownership of firearms and a substantial number of the population tend to distrust the government and highly regard individualism. But other stuff can be seen closing in all around us.

Police Response Times in Toronto

Quote of the Day


So there it is, straight from the cops’ mouths, the reason you should have and carry a gun. Not that such a thing will happen up here, but still.

Never give an inch…

December 12, 2023
Latest nonsense from Toronto

Via email.

Good advice for all times. And this doesn’t even take into consideration the scenarios where the police are the ones implementing the genocide.

Gun Rights Activists Sleep Well

Quote of the Day

I sleep fine at night because I know peaceable people are not responsible for the crimes of a few monsters, and they just want to preserve their rights guaranteed by the constitution.

I also sleep fine because I know that even though we’ve had guns in the US for our entire history, including repeating arms for well over 150 years, regular mass shootings are only a phenomenon of the last 20 years or so. They happened infrequently or even not at all before Columbine, even though gun laws were far looser and background checks weren’t even a thing for most of our history.

Kostas Moros @MorosKostas
Posted on X March 27, 2023

This was in response to David Hogg claiming to “wonder how the lawyers, employees and lobbyists of the gun lobby can sleep at night.”

There is a lot more to Moros’ response. It’s worth a read.

I sleep at night from knowing genocide is disabled by widespread gun ownership and that same widespread ownership saves far more innocent lives than are criminals enabled to commit murder.

A woman soundly sleeping with her holstered self defense handgun on the nightstand beside her.

Is it a Lie? Or is it Ignorance?

Quote of the Day

What’s the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those know they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these ‘high capacity’ magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.

Diana DeGette
U.S. Representative to Congress from Colorado

Is it a lie? Or is it profound ignorance? I could go either way on it. I’m certain many people would believe her. And that false belief will increase the likelihood of passing magazine bans.


Just keep in mind that people like her are making the laws you will be prosecuted with.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

Why Americans Own Firearms

Quote of the Day

Joe Biden thinks Americans own firearms in case they need to fight the American military. That’s not a thing.

Americans own firearms (in part) so that anyone who tries to bring tyranny to this country will never be safe outdoors, nor will their extended families.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Posted on X January 19, 2023

This is just a small part of it. But it is a very significant part of it.

And fighting the military can be a thing. It just would not be a stand up face-to-face fight. The private citizens would chose their targets and times to preserve their own lives and resources while causing the military as much expense as possible. One AP round from a suppressed rifle from 400 yards away can take out a vehicle engine parked in the open. It would take hours to even be noticed. The dollar ratio would 1,000 to one or better.Helicopters and airplanes would have an even higher payback.

Sabotage and destruction of military manufacturing and warehouses of new construction and spares also get a good ratio. And then consider the civilian side of government infrastructure at the ATF, FBI, and the IRS. Think about the ratio of a Molotov Cocktail into a fiber optic communications hut, a few bullets into a substation, or a thermite grenade on a water main to a government building. Just a few people can cause 10’s of millions of dollars of damage per month.

It’s not anything that will result in capitulation after a year, but it will degrade their ability to be tyrants and decrease moral.

The primary targets will become more and more vulnerable as the living conditions and life spans of their minions degrade.

A thermite grenade burning through a water main

It Could be Worse. They Could Have Invoked Markley’s Law

Quote of the Day

Notable strong law states like Illinois and Maryland remain plagued with high gun violence in their biggest cities—in large part because they’re targeted by traffickers. Indeed an outsized share of likely trafficked crime guns recovered in Illinois begin their journey in states with weak laws. And Virginia, which had weak gun purchase laws until 2020, has long been the top supplier of crime guns into Maryland. At the other end of the scale, states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island have unusually low gun death rates compared with their somewhat weaker policies, in part because they are buffered by robust laws among other states in the region.

Everytown Research & Policy
January 12, 2023
Everytown Gun Law Rankings

If guns are freely available in one state how do they imagine restrictions, or even complete bans, in an adjacent state will reduce the criminals using guns the free state?

Who do they think will believe such crap? Being as generous as possible, this is crazy talk. But are they really crazy? The more likely explanation is this is the best deliberate lie they could come up with. Lies and deception it’s what they do.


I can think of less believable lies, but not by much. They could have invoked Markley’s Law to explain the differences.

Knifes and Swords are Okay, Guns are Yucky

Quote of the Day

If Americans where brave enough they could give up all their guns and use their bodies as weapons, they could learn martial arts, self defense, knives attacks and even fight with swords to “defend” themselves but they are too fat and lazy to do something brave. A bunch of fearful cowards. If you rely in a gun to be “secure” you have a big, big problem and try to use a stupid logic to justify guns is not going to solve it.

January 19, 2021
Gun Control NOW

As I read things like this I wonder if when they get the words out and then read their own delusions, do they realize it is crazy talk and publish it anyway? Or do they actually think it is something profound and is enlightenment for the dimwitted masses?

Another hypothesis I have about this sort of thing, and it is particularly obvious here, is the phrase “stupid logic”. This could be interpreted at least two different ways. One is that they believe gun rights advocates use faulty logic. And the other is that logic as a means of determining proper courses of action is stupid. There are many people who abhor reason. I suspect the great mass of gun control advocates are of this opinion and idly-raven17 is one of those.

Another One Bites The Dust

Via X:

Mike Beard, a leader and pioneer in gun violence prevention, has passed away after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. In 1978, Mike founded the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, which helped to form [Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions].

His family has my sympathy, but gun owners will express some relief that another enemy has left the scene and will not be returning. Some of his harshest critics, such as Neal Knox, thought well of him as a person. And Beard thought well of Knox too. Give Beard credit for that.

In 1974 he became the founding President of the National Coalition to Ban Handguns and its sister organization Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. The.National Coalition to Ban Handguns later became the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence when they added “assault weapons” to their list of guns to ban. That is nearly 50 years of advocacy of the elimination of a specific enumerated right. In addition to advocating for the banning private ownership of handguns.they also advocated:

He, as nearly all anti-gun rights activists, regularly used deception and outright lies to further his agenda.

As I suggested a couple years ago, I would have preferred we could have enjoyed his trial. But outliving your enemy and knowing that he knew as he was dying his long held dreams were crumbling into dust does provide a certain amount of satisfaction.