Quote of the day—ReneeFiredUp (@livingjoyful)

Remove all semi automatic weapons.  If we start getting them off the street, in time the criminals will find the illegal ones too expensive and too much liability.  It’s not criminals who are the mass shooters!  #GunReformNow

ReneeFiredUp (@livingjoyful)
Tweeted on November 25, 2022
[If you don’t take anything else away from this, just remember, “no one wants to take your guns.”

There is a grain of truth in this quote. Most did not have a criminal record prior to going on their shooting rampage.

But something almost all have in common is they identified as Democrats or were the children of Democrats. See the updates to this post for the evidence. This should come as no surprise as criminal prisoners who identify as Democrats outnumber all other political affiliations combined by a factor of more than two to one. The mass shooters are just fulfilling their destiny early in their criminal career.—Joe]

Quote of the day—In Chains @InChainsInJail

I love admissions like this.

The good “doctor” was trying to argue that the Democrat Party isn’t coming for peaceful United States citizens’ firearms… by pointing out that the Democrat Party is, in fact, coming for those firearms.

In Chains @InChainsInJail
Tweeted on November 9, 2022
[This was in response to this tweet:

Lol. We are coming after your AKs and ARs. But not the others. I’ll be forever keeping my shotgun, my rifle, and my handguns.

The mind of those on the political left is so “interesting”. This is just like yesterday when we had the brainiac tell us, “Other than murder, violent crime is not up.”

Think about it! It’s all consistent..They spout contradictive nonsense which demonstrates they cannot detect simple logical errors. This explains why they (excluding the willfully evil) cannot understand, despite mountains of evidence, their leftist policies are economic suicide and catastrophic for individual rights.

They simply don’t have the mental processing capability to detect logic errors. It is like a variation of Peterson Syndrome. They are missing a thought process than the rest of us take for granted that nearly everyone has.


Quote of the day—Texas GOP @TexasGOP

Come and take it.

Texas GOP @TexasGOP
Tweeted on September 24, 2022
[This was in response to this:

Considering Texas history this is particularly appropriate.

We’ll probably never get to find out if Texas will stand by those words because I don’t think President Biden has the political power to ban any guns that common.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Lizbeth Adams @Lizbeth69108338

No one wants to take away your ‘right’ to own your small penis compensating firearms.

That’s a stu*id dog whistle for you gun nutters.

Lizbeth Adams @Lizbeth69108338
Tweeted on June 20, 2022
[It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

“No one wants to take away your firearms?” Really? Who are you going to believe? Her or your lying eyes?—Joe]

Quote of the day—Carli Pierson

We’re way beyond what the framers ever had in mind for gun rights already. And for a selective originalist Supreme Court conservative majority, it’s hard to justify glossing over the history behind the Second Amendment.

Much like we did away with the 18th (prohibition) when it no longer served us, it’s time to do away with the archaic constitutional amendment holding Americans hostage in their own country.

It’s time to say, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, the Second Amendment’s gotta go.”

Carli Pierson
July 11, 2022
Americans can’t handle their guns. Time to repeal the 2nd Amendment
[Perhaps lawyers have their self awareness surgically removed as part of their schooling. How else do you explain the favorable mention of the failure of prohibition of alcohol and in the next sentence demand the enablement of a different type of prohibition?

In true lawyer fashion she ignores all the mitigating evidence in support of the right to keep and bear arms and insists the murderous behavior of a few individuals are proof beyond reasonable doubt that a group composed of roughly 40% of the population should be denied their freedom.

Can we demonstrate the bad behavior of a few individual lawyers then justifiably demand all lawyers be sent to prison? While I’m certain some people would give this serious consideration they are individuals as well and must only stand trial for their individual acts.

Pierson has thoughtfully provided the documentation for some of her crimes. I hope she enjoys her trial.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Kamala Harris

Because those weapons are available, and we have to stop allowing those weapons to be available to civilians living in communities of people who have a right to believe that they are not in a war zone.

Assault weapons were specifically and intentionally designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly. It is a weapon of war. If you’ve ever looked at, if I may be so blunt, an autopsy photograph to see what it does to the human body. And the fact that we can’t get Congress to renew – it’s not like we’re pulling something out of our hat. We’ve done it before as a nation – to renew the assault weapons ban, is outrageous.

You can support the Second Amendment. I support the Second Amendment, but we should agree we should not have weapons of war on the streets of America.

Kamala Harris
July 10, 2022
VP Harris calls for ‘assault weapons ban’ on guns ‘intentionally designed to kill’ people
[“Assault weapons” use account for smaller percentage of the murders than those committed using bare hands and feet.

I see the greater wounding potential as a feature. That makes it a good defensive weapon.

The Second Amendment is about the protecting peoples right to defending themselves from a tyrannical government. Harris either doesn’t understand the Second Amendment, or more likely, understands and realizes the Second Amendment is an impediment to her goals.

Don’t ever let anyone get away with telling you no one wants to take your guns. Harris and Biden are both advocates for enabling tyranny. Don’t let them get their way.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Tiffany Troia @TiffanyTroia

We should just take away all guns. It works for other countries. Cuts down senseless deaths by a huge margin. Guns are an offensive weapon, not a defensive one. That’s just basic logic and it’s sad that you lack it.

Tiffany Troia @TiffanyTroia
Tweeted on April 3, 2022
[I wonder what color the sky is in her world.

If it were true here we would have an answer to Just One Question.

Oh! She is an artist. That explains why she isn’t in touch with the real world.—Joe]

Quote of the day—March for our lives @GregWooll5

By the way banning AR15s is not anti 2A.

March for our lives @GregWooll5
Tweeted on February 21, 2022
[Lot’s of good responses. My favorites:

Don’t ever let anyone get away with telling you that no one wants to take your guns.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Igor Volsky

The significant increase in gun violence over the last couple of years is simply too hard to ignore and, I do believe the President when he says and when he said that this issue is a priority for him,

Igor Volsky
Founder of Guns Down America
February 14, 2022
‘We’re not asking for magical things’: Anti-gun violence groups launch campaign to pressure Biden four years after Parkland
[Completely ignoring that over 92% of violent crime in the US does not involve a gun. Completely ignoring the “defund the police” component to the increase in violent crime. Completely ignoring the lack of prosecution of violent criminals which are caught. Completely ignoring the early release of violent criminals from prison using the excuse they were in danger of catching COVID-19 while in prison. Completely ignoring gun ownership is a specific enumerated right.

It is not about crime. It is about taking Guns away from ordinary people.

Just as interesting is that there is such a new anti-gun organization. This organization was founded in late 2016. Apparently the half dozen or so other organizations, many of which have been around for decades, weren’t effective enough for Volsky.

What he doesn’t seem to understand is that his message of “building a future with fewer guns” has already been tried by many of the existing organizations. And if they ever get any traction with the politicians gun sales skyrocket. It is an “adaptive response” as explained by Chet just the other day.

And don’t let anyone get away with telling you, “No one wants to take your guns.”—Joe]

Quote of the day—Keith Powers @KeithPowersNYC

We owe every New Yorker a promise of a gun free city.

Right now, we are failing at this mission.

I am ready to work with any leader that believes — like I do — that the presence of illegal or legal guns is an existential threat to the safety of others.

Keith Powers @KeithPowersNYC
Majority Leader – NYC Council
Representing Manhattan’s East Side
Tweeted on January 21, 2021
[There are no illegal guns. There are only illegal politicians.

Enjoy your trial Mr. Powers.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you no one wants to take your guns.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Jake Fogleman

According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). They said Canadians had only turned in 160 of the recently-outlawed firearms for destruction since the announcement of the ban.

The buyback scheme is the result of a May 2020 regulation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau banning 1,500 “assault weapons” by make and model. It was enacted in response to a high-profile mass shooting in Nova Scotia, in which a gunman used illegally-obtained weapons to murder 22 people.

The ban provided a two-year amnesty period from its announcement for gun owners to comply but prohibited them from using any weapon affected by the ban going forward. The government estimates that approximately 72,000 gun owners and 105,000 firearms are affected by the policy.

Jake Fogleman
Canadians Aren’t Turning in Their Guns
December 28, 2021
[I know some people affected by this. We I talked about this before it was certain and they were quite concerned. I made a few suggestions but they were noncommittal as to what action they are going to take. I’m hoping to see them face to face sometime soon so I can get an update.

We live in interesting times.—Joe]

Quote of the day—spectacles_gaze

Use firearms to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, and then disarm the populace. Keep a standing military to prevent foreign meddling.

December 19, 2021
Reddit comment in r/socialism Thoughts on gun control.
[I think that says almost all you need to know about their views. It’s also consistent with other socialist/communist governments.

Prepare appropriately.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Kimberly Skipper @kdskipper

We have too many high powered weapon. It’s not that hard. All guns are a potential problem in this country, but there’s too many out there to recall them now. However, high powered guns can be a start for tying to get a handle on the gun violence problem affecting America.

Kimberly Skipper @kdskipper
Tweeted on December 19, 2021
[If ignorance really is bliss then Ms. Skipper must be in a state of ecstasy.

If not, then instead of ignorance, perhaps it’s deliberate lies.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Mary Anne Franks

The Second Amendment’s idiosyncratic and anachronistic focus on militias and “arms” degrades the concept of self-defense. The right to safeguard one’s life should not be conflated with or reduced to the right to use a weapon, especially a weapon that is so much more likely to inflict injury and death than to avoid it. Far better would be an amendment that guarantees a meaningful right to bodily autonomy and obligates the government to implement reasonable measures to protect public health and safety:

All people have the right to bodily autonomy consistent with the right of other people to the same, including the right to defend themselves against unlawful force and the right of self-determination in reproductive matters. The government shall take reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of the public as a whole.

Mary Anne Franks
December 2021
[This law professor simply has no concept of governments being the greatest threat and the primary reason for the 2nd Amendment as written.

Collectivists must collectivize.

The answer is, “No. Your move Ms. Franks.”—Joe]

The mind of an anti-gun advocate (@Pigdowndog)

See also A process failure aka Peterson Syndrome and truth and falsity for more glimpses inside their minds.

From the comments to Quote of the day—Pigdowndog @Pigdowndog. Please be cautious in extrapolating these results to other people, especially if they come from a different country and/or demographic.

My quick look for more information on Pigdowndog resulted in moderate confidence he is in the range of 75 to 85 years old, lived a number of years in southern France, and I have high confidence he currently lives Southwest of London.

In my initial QOTD post, I said “Simple logic for simple minds.” I way over estimated his ability to think logically. Sorry about that. But he arrived on scene and didn’t take long to correct my error. Here is the evidence:

pkoning on October 18, 2021 at 6:42 am said:

You mean the UK, where a defenseless MP was murdered just days ago by a knife wielding religious fanatic?

Toastrider on October 18, 2021 at 6:50 am said:

And that’s with knife control in England.


Pigdowndog on October 23, 2021 at 3:09 am said:

There is no knife control in the UK apart from an age limit to buying them which is wholly sensible.

You’re right about the murder of an M.P. being tragic but that doesn’t mean that he should have been armed.

Even if he was do you think he would have had a chance to reach for the gun before the knife struck?

It’s real life, not Hollywood.

Thankfully those horrendous events are rare over here unlike over there.

Joe on October 23, 2021 at 10:01 am said:

I still would like to know what color the sky is in your universe. It’s very clear we do not live in the same reality. In my universe U.K. law states:

The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and an unlimited fine. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife more than once.

Basic laws on knives
It’s illegal to possess a banned knife or weapon. It’s also illegal to:

bring into the UK, sell, hire, lend or give someone a banned knife or weapon
carry any knife in public without good reason, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long
sell a knife to anyone under the age of 18, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long

The list of banned knives is long and includes batons and blowpipes.

Pigdowndog on October 24, 2021 at 2:44 am said:

You conveniently left out;
“carry any knife in public without good reason, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long”
“use any knife in a threatening way”
“Lock knives are not classed as folding knives and are illegal to carry in public without good reason.”
All sensible sanctions as our knife crime is far too prevalent.
Your gun crime also is far too prevalent but your government just turns a blind eye to the consequences of allowing anyone to possess a killing machine.
I’m more than happy that we have protections in place that attempt to solve the problem rather than allow the carnage to carry on regardless of the outcome.

At first I was a bit perplexed. Is this someone suffering from Alzheimer’s and can’t remember what they said just the day before? It could be. But we’ve seen inability to follow logic or respond logically from Joan Peterson who I doubt was at the age where Alzheimer was a likely explanation.

After thinking about it some I am more inclined to believe they are not suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia. If that were the case I think the clues would show up in his twitter posts.

The weird inability to think logically and conform their claims to the hard reality is common in anti-gun people. Many of them simply do not accept reality. How else do you explain this?

Yesterday morning he claimed, “

There is no knife control in the UK apart from an age limit to buying them…

After I linked to and quote U.K. listing numerous knife regulations on the carry of knives and the bans of many common knives he came back less than 24 hours later and said I had “conveniently left out” further knife regulations. What? There is no knife control but when I don’t list all the knife laws he claims some sort victory by adding to the list of controls that supposedly don’t exist?

He then doubles down on the contradictions. Yesterday, referring to a stabbing, he said:

Thankfully those horrendous events are rare over here…

This morning he claims:

our knife crime is far too prevalent

There are other things I could point out but this should be more than sufficient to draw the appropriate conclusion.

These are symptoms of someone with mental problems. It may not be dementia but things between the ears are not in working order. It’s almost certainly Peterson Syndrome.