See also A process failure aka Peterson Syndrome and truth and falsity for more glimpses inside their minds.
From the comments to Quote of the day—Pigdowndog @Pigdowndog. Please be cautious in extrapolating these results to other people, especially if they come from a different country and/or demographic.
My quick look for more information on Pigdowndog resulted in moderate confidence he is in the range of 75 to 85 years old, lived a number of years in southern France, and I have high confidence he currently lives Southwest of London.
In my initial QOTD post, I said “Simple logic for simple minds.” I way over estimated his ability to think logically. Sorry about that. But he arrived on scene and didn’t take long to correct my error. Here is the evidence:
pkoning on October 18, 2021 at 6:42 am said:
You mean the UK, where a defenseless MP was murdered just days ago by a knife wielding religious fanatic?
Toastrider on October 18, 2021 at 6:50 am said:
And that’s with knife control in England.
Pigdowndog on October 23, 2021 at 3:09 am said:
There is no knife control in the UK apart from an age limit to buying them which is wholly sensible.
You’re right about the murder of an M.P. being tragic but that doesn’t mean that he should have been armed.
Even if he was do you think he would have had a chance to reach for the gun before the knife struck?
It’s real life, not Hollywood.
Thankfully those horrendous events are rare over here unlike over there.
Joe on October 23, 2021 at 10:01 am said:
I still would like to know what color the sky is in your universe. It’s very clear we do not live in the same reality. In my universe U.K. law states:
The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and an unlimited fine. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife more than once.
Basic laws on knives
It’s illegal to possess a banned knife or weapon. It’s also illegal to:
bring into the UK, sell, hire, lend or give someone a banned knife or weapon
carry any knife in public without good reason, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long
sell a knife to anyone under the age of 18, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long
The list of banned knives is long and includes batons and blowpipes.
Pigdowndog on October 24, 2021 at 2:44 am said:
You conveniently left out;
“carry any knife in public without good reason, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long”
“use any knife in a threatening way”
“Lock knives are not classed as folding knives and are illegal to carry in public without good reason.”
All sensible sanctions as our knife crime is far too prevalent.
Your gun crime also is far too prevalent but your government just turns a blind eye to the consequences of allowing anyone to possess a killing machine.
I’m more than happy that we have protections in place that attempt to solve the problem rather than allow the carnage to carry on regardless of the outcome.
At first I was a bit perplexed. Is this someone suffering from Alzheimer’s and can’t remember what they said just the day before? It could be. But we’ve seen inability to follow logic or respond logically from Joan Peterson who I doubt was at the age where Alzheimer was a likely explanation.
After thinking about it some I am more inclined to believe they are not suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia. If that were the case I think the clues would show up in his twitter posts.
The weird inability to think logically and conform their claims to the hard reality is common in anti-gun people. Many of them simply do not accept reality. How else do you explain this?
Yesterday morning he claimed, “
There is no knife control in the UK apart from an age limit to buying them…
After I linked to and quote U.K. listing numerous knife regulations on the carry of knives and the bans of many common knives he came back less than 24 hours later and said I had “conveniently left out” further knife regulations. What? There is no knife control but when I don’t list all the knife laws he claims some sort victory by adding to the list of controls that supposedly don’t exist?
He then doubles down on the contradictions. Yesterday, referring to a stabbing, he said:
Thankfully those horrendous events are rare over here…
This morning he claims:
our knife crime is far too prevalent
There are other things I could point out but this should be more than sufficient to draw the appropriate conclusion.
These are symptoms of someone with mental problems. It may not be dementia but things between the ears are not in working order. It’s almost certainly Peterson Syndrome.
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