Boomershoot bloggers

This year I decided to have a Boomershoot Gun Blogger Day. If you were a gun blogger you could show up on Thursday and get a behind the scenes tour and help (with the proper ATF paperwork) or watch the explosives being made. As it turned out most of it consisted of me standing around and telling stories. I had hoped they would have some fun ideas for doing things with the explosives like putting them in the water and/or mud, making craters, or blowing holes in old logs or some such thing. But everyone seemed to have a good time anyway, even after putting out the fire from the fireball demo.

Here is the list of Boomershoot Gun Bloggers and their posts about the event who were in attendence for at least part of Boomershoot (arranged by their shooting position on the line):

Thanks to all the bloggers that attended, posted wonderful stuff, and took thousands of pictures.

If I’ve overlooked a blogger or some posts let me know and I’ll make the corrections. Thanks.

Update: I’ve made a couple updates since the original posting. I added a section for Kris and another post to Aaron’s list.

Update2: I added a link to ErnestThing’s (#25) post.

Update3: I added some more links from Matthew (#61).

Update4 (May 18): Another link to Aaron Neal’s list of posts (#50).

Blogging rewards

I get a number of rewards from and it’s hard to enumerate them all or say which is at the top of the list but things like this have rank right up there:

Domain Name   (Unknown) 
IP Address   204.97.104.# (New York State Assembly/NYSERNET)
ISP   Sprint

Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  New York
City  :  Albany
Lat/Long  :  42.6706, -73.7791 (Map)
Distance  :  2,113 miles
Language   English (U.S.)
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
Browser   Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Javascript   version 1.3

Resolution  :  1024 x 768
Color Depth  :  32 bits
Time of Visit   May 7 2009 11:38:42 am
Last Page View   May 7 2009 11:38:42 am
Visit Length   0 seconds
Page Views   1
Referring URL…born five point plan
Search Engine
Search Words richard aborn five point plan
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Out Click    
Time Zone   UTC-5:00
Visitor’s Time   May 7 2009 2:38:42 pm
Visit Number   499,572

Someone at the New York State Assembly in Albany did a Google search for “richard aborn five point plan” and found my post explaining why Richard Aborn, candidate for District Attorney in Manhattan, is a bigot.

What were the odds of me getting that viewpoint to that person or persons in a position of power and hundreds (or more–I get about visits from about 45K unique IPs per month) of others with so little effort prior to the Internet and the existence of blogs?

Boomershoot 2009 podcast

I just finished listening to Alan’s (and Squeaky and PDB’s) podcast on Boomershoot 2009. It was nice. I’ve been reading all the various posts and looking at all the pictures everyone being posted but the podcast was something a little different and I really liked it.

At the Boomershoot dinner I promised I would post a list of all the bloggers in attendance and I will do that (and more) soon. That will probably happen this Saturday when I have some time to do the job right.

Bill Whittle vs. John Stewart; A Knockout in One Punch

There are many recurring themes among the left.  Then there are mantras for every leftist, but one that gets passed around, modified, recycled and reused a lot is the “America is evil for having actually used the A-bomb” meme.  The jihadists have been using that one, as have socialist and communist governments around the world, for years.  At least someone agrees with John Stewart besides a few pimple-faced high school students watching Comedy Central on their parents’ TVs. 

Whittle does a wonderful job of refuting this blatant ignorance.  “Ooh! Ouch!”

Watch the whole thing.  Whittle didn’t even have to mention what the Japanese did in China.

I almost feel sorry for Stewart.  Almost, but then I have to think that surely he knew all this stuff beforehand, and was just playing out a shtick on his show.  That would be giving him the benefit of the doubt I suppose.  Maybe he really is that vacuous.

The left however will be clinging to this worn-out meme for generations to come, no matter how many times it’s proven wrong.  As they say; there’s sucker born every minute.

My first boomer

One of the things that came up while I was telling Boomershoot stories yesterday was my first successful creation of a reactive target. I told them that I got very excited about it and there was a video. No one had seen the video. It’s here. More background is here.

I suppose I should put it on one of the video servers or something but its been at its current location since before YouTube had even been thought of.

The reason I was so excited was that I had been working on trying (off and on) to make my own rifle detonated targets for over two years. After working on something for two years with nothing but failures to show for it you get really excited when one of your experiments works.

Boomershooters get a little taste of that because I make the targets challenging enough that most of them cannot get a target in a single shot. They have to work at it for a while. When they do connect it is a bigger thrill than if they had plopped their gun down on the ground and got a first round hit 10 seconds after going prone. They have to earn their reward. They don’t get as excited as I did when I got my first one but then most people probably don’t have the patience to work on trying to get one to go off for two years either.

Another day another 500 explosions

We made and people detonated over 500 boomers today. Most of them were from about 20 yards away.

People seemed to have a good time. I just feel tired.

Alan made a lot of the explosives. Kevin Baker showed up around noon. Without having permission from the ATF I had him doing more mundane things like folding cardboard boxes into the proper shape and sweeping off the anti-static rug that goes inside the explosives magazine.

I was a bit concerned about Bonnie doing her first long range shooting at the Precision Rifle Clinic today. I saw her at lunch and asked. She reported things were going well and had only missed (steel targets, not boomers) three shots and that she was having a lot of fun. Great!

Derek is also a new boomer shooter and it’s pretty clear from the pictures and video that he is having a good time.

Boomershoot blogger day pictures

This was our fireball demo. Notice the milk jugs filled with gasoline on the left and the road flare to ignite the gas on the right.

Here we have the gas mixing with the air and the fireball just starting.

The gas air mixture is in flames now.

The fireball is rising and expanding.

Ry has the most awesome picture of a detonation of a simple boomer I have ever seen.

See also Snarky Bytes and Trigger Finger posts on our day.

We Get it, Already

This is an open letter to all the talk show hosts, pundits, party hacks, cheaters, scumbags, sick twisted freaks (you know who you are) and pro-freedom bloggers.  We could spend the rest of our lives cataloging the outrageous behavior of nasty, America-hating, ignorant, self-loathing, cultist, freedom-hating, anti-human, leftist politicians including Progressive Republicans.  We know they’re bad, OK?  If there are three or four people who still don’t get it, that’s all right.

I’d rather try to figure out how we’re going to get some principled Americans nominated so we’re not always forced to choose between bad and worse– between more socialism slower, and more socialism faster.  This last national election was a real puker.  The Republican Party is, at the moment, just as lost, dumbfounded, selfish and clueless as ever.  They’re a herd of does, staring blankly into the headlights of an on-coming truck, and the worst part of it is; they don’t even suspect that they’re clueless.  They in the Republican leadership think they have some really clever answers, which amount to more of what got us into this mess.  I recently heard it described as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  That fits very well.  The Republicans have some really super great, super ultra smart ideas for rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  No really, listen…  (all the while we have this simple, proven model for success, and it’s being ignored.)

We need to change that.  You need to change it.  I need to change it.  There isn’t anyone else.  I suppose, since it’s up to us, it will have to be on the local level for most of us, being as we’re not billionaires.  That’s OK.  We can still do what we can do.  A lot of people are jazzed up right now.  They just need somewhere to start.  Well, pick a place, a local issue or a local politician that needs a hand (or a very public spanking) and get to it!

That there are clueless people is not the issue.  There will always be the clueless.  They’ll sit on the sidelines, worrying about who likes them and who doesn’t, trying to figure out where the “center” is so they can position themselves in it and claim superiority for having done so, while someone else does the lifting.  Are you a sitter or a lifter?

I have a bad feeling that things could come to blows before this government is brought under control, and I really don’t want that to happen.  Do you?  This country is far too important in the grand scheme of things.

And with that; I don’t have much more to say on here, other than to repeat myself or talk about the weather and what I did last weekend, unless it’s to tell you what I’m doing on the local level to influence politics.  Now I think I have some calls to make.

(Note that I placed this in nearly every one of Joe’s categories. It’s relevant to everything we do and every opportunity we want for our kids in the future)

It’s official

I won’t be attending the Second Amendment Blog Bash and NRA convention next month. I just sent my regrets to the organizer.

Xenia’s getting married in June and there are a lot of other things that are sucking up time and money this year so I just can’t make it happen.

Last year I had a wonderful time (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here for examples). Nearly every time my wife or kids talked to me on the phone they commented on “how happy you sound”. I think Barb got a little jealous that I sounded happier to be with other bloggers than be with her. Yeah, I had a really, really great time.

Maybe next year. For this year the Boomershoot Gun Blogger Day next Thursday, with 11 gun bloggers attending, is going to have to be my main fix for the year. Even the Gun Blogger Rendezvous in September is out.

Amazing snark

For quality Tam does far better than I can even dream of. Robb Allen doesn’t quite have the quality of Tam but seeing them side by side for a few days:

And it was obvious Robb has the edge on quantity.

But for truly amazing snark check out Ann Coulter. I’m so in awe that I can’t even laugh. Here are some example from Let’s all surrender our weapons – you first!

After being pulled over for a routine traffic violation, Lovelle Mixon did exactly what they teach in driver’s ed by immediately shooting four cops. Mixon’s supporters held a posthumous rally in his honor, claiming he shot the cops only in “self-defense,” which I take includes the cop Mixon shot while the officer was lying on the ground. 

It’s something in liberals’ DNA: They think they can pass a law eliminating guns and nuclear weapons, but teenagers having sex is completely beyond our control. 

The demand for more gun control in response to any crime involving a gun is exactly like Obama’s response to North Korea’s openly belligerent act of launching a long-range missile this week: Obama leapt to action by calling for worldwide nuclear disarmament.

If the SAT test were used to determine how stupid a liberal is, one question would be: “The best defense against lawless rogues who possess _______ is for law-abiding individuals to surrender their own _______________.”

Correct answer: Guns. We would also have accepted nuclear weapons.

Obama explained that “the United States has a moral responsibility” to lead disarmament efforts because America is “the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon.”

So don’t go feeling all morally superior to a country whose business model consists of exporting heroin, nuclear bombs and counterfeit U.S. dollars, and of importing Swedish prostitutes, you yahoo Americans with your little flag lapel pins.

On the other hand, the Japanese haven’t acted up much in the last, say, 64 years …

Wow! I can write code which inflicts wounds like that but I can’t even dream of writing words which impart that much damage.

Update: Alternate picture of Robb and Tam together. This is so I can better respond in the comments to Robb’s post.

Boomershoot 2009 update

Sorry for the light blogging the last few days. Lots and lots of Boomershoot stuff to work on.

There are two positions that have just opened up. Positions 8 and 17, both in “Lowlands”, are now open. Sign up here.

Odds and ends:

  • A quick update on the weather… it has been snowing about every other day in Moscow (400 feet lower than the Boomershoot site). They got six inches yesterday.
  • I paid the deposit for the Saturday night dinner.
  • I arranged for a bartender for the social hour.
  • We have a tentative speaker for the dinner–Sean Carlock. Carlock is the shooter in this video, is a “technical advisor” for Nightforce, custom rifle builder, and former Boomershooter.
  • I’m really looking forward to seeing and chatting with all the bloggers that are showing up for Boomershoot Gun Blogger Day (schedule and outline of the events is here).

Update: April 3, 8:38 AM. Both open positions have been filled. One was taken by some people that attended regularly for a few years in the early days and were avid Blanchard Blast shooters. But I haven’t seen them in ages. I frequently look at the pictures of them on the web site (the three in the foreground) and wonder what happened to them. I got a call from one of them this morning and he was asking if he should bring hip waders to get through the mud. “No”, I told him, “But you might want to bring snowshoes.”

Update2: Sean says he can’t make it.

Keep your lung and liver

Caleb says he would sell off body parts to acquire the Browning 1917 I posted about the other day.

It turns out he probably could just sell a kidney and keep the lung and piece of his liver and still have some change left over after purchasing it. I inquired as to the price and got this reply:

$6000 and it comes with a ton of extras: This is a Colt 1928 variation with safety; flash hider only 635 built and in this variation the right side plate was build with a much stronger design. We had the weapon changed to 8mm due to cheaper and more readily available. Only a few were built in semi auto we’ve seen them go for between $6000-$8000 without as many extras. Pictures are available upon request.

Tripod is a colt the 1928 version with Colt brass logo on rear leg. (These sell for $1000-$1200)

(7) 250 round cloth belts

Condenser hose and condenser can

(2) Oak 250 rds ammo boxes

1918 Browning loader w/ 8mm conversion with transit box. (these sell for $1000)

Custom 2 piece Mahogany transit chest on a removable roller base. One box holds weapon and the other all other parts

Two manuals

3000 rds of 8 MM

Attention Boomershoot 2009 Gun Bloggers!

It’s a long story but I deleted the list of Gun Bloggers planning to attend Boomershoot 2009.

I have reconstructed the list as best I could and sent an email to those people. If you are a gun blogger planning to atttend Boomershoot 2009 and did not get an email please let me know and I’ll add you to my list.

What we have here is a failure to communicate

First I want to get something out of the way before I make my main points.


I’ve been laying it on Catherine pretty thick and she updated her blog post to include some of my comments such as suggesting she look up the definition of “shill”, and commenting on my equating our struggle for gun rights to other civil rights. I will partially concede one point to her. At least one dictionary defines “shill” merely as “to act as a spokesperson or promoter”. The definition I was working from required the person pretended no association with the group or organization being promoted. Except for the Merriam-Webster dictionary cited above all the other on-line definitions I found mention deceit (or similar such as “put under cover”) as a component of the definition:




Hence even though I promote the civil rights agenda of the NRA because I am open about being a (life) member of the NRA, an NRA certified instructor, and communicate with them fairly regularly I am not a shill of the NRA–except if you use Catherine’s and the Merriam Webster definition. Perhaps in our on-line war of words we should just drop the shill issue. We both have adequate justification for our positions and it’s a distraction from the important points.


The more important point is that despite being a lawyer and a BA in English magna cum laude she has a reading (and spelling but I don’t hold that against her) problem. For example she stated:


Some NRA proud propagandists (they displayed a badge stating “NRA propoganda” [sic] blogger)


But the actual badge doesn’t say that. The badge is:


Unorganized Militia Propaganda Corps


The badge does not say what she claims it says. Furthermore it does NOT have ANYTHING to do with the NRA. Not only doesn’t it say NRA, it is not affiliated with the NRA in any way other than there is a strong correlation between people that have those badges and a NRA membership.


Another example. She stated:


They only seek to ridicule viewpoints different from theirs in the most base and crude ways.  I will not engage in that.  See my comments.  That is my right.


She implies someone was trying to infringe her rights in some way. No. They, and I, tried to point out the flaws in her statements and I asked her Just One Question. She refused to engage on those issues and shut off the comments. Fine, it’s her blog she can do whatever she wants with it (within legal limits such as libel and certain limits on pornography, extortion, blackmail etc. which are not at issue in this case). As near as I can determine she had trouble reading the actual words said and imagined they said something completely different.


Because of her refusal to engage people did ridicule her and I did call her a bigot in regards to which had the following to say:


I have been referred to as a “bigot” because I have a different opinion. They equate gun ownership with the struggle for civil rights that African Americans had in this country, which is why I am a bigot?  Yet they say my view is narrow?  Such chutzpah to even to equate gun ownership with the struggle for civil rights.  That says a lot about just how extreme and fringe they are.


No. Not because she had a different opinion. It was because she without thought, is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from her own. She wants to ban “assault weapons” but refuses to address the facts they are probably protected by the Second Amendment, and restrictions on them have never been shown to improve public safety. Facts, as near as I can determine, are irrelevant to her beliefs and she continues to push her beliefs. That makes her a bigot.


In still another example that can be explained by her inability to read we have the issue of the D.C. v. Heller ruling. I gave her a link and quoted from it. This ruling clearly states the Second Amendment is a specific enumerated right that protects the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms. That means gun ownership is, beyond any doubt, a civil right. Either she cannot read what the ruling clearly states or something else is going on. In any case that I can think other than some sort learning disability it is further confirmation she is a bigot.


Also of note is that my posts regarding the bigot at hand generated some hate mail. It’s been so long that this really made my day:


From: Skujins Andre []
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 2:43 PM
Subject: Comments on: Shills

Boy your title says it all mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger.  What a  complete asshole.  Hope your dog gets shot by your drunk buddies.


First off, I don’t have any dogs (my wife and kids have two small dogs that I occasionally interact with when I go home to Idaho). And two, I almost never drink anything with alcohol nor do I hang around with friends that are drunk. So what is appears what we have here is another person that is willing to apply false stereotypes to someone they don’t know because of their bigoted beliefs.

Para USA promotes gun bloggers

I received an email from Para USA a few minutes ago. They are preparing for SHOT Show and will be distributing a new catalog at the show. The page 34 of the catalog looks like this:

You can download the 2009 Para USA catalog off their website at this link

You might have noticed the video link on the image to a web page and video of the gun blogger event. Yeah, it doesn’t work for me either.

I win!

Robb claimed Someone is getting an early start on “Weirdest Search Term for 2009” (see also the followup posts Whale tits and Oh, like I wasn’t expecting THIS to happen)

This afternoon I submitted my entry (a search phrase one of my visitors used to find my blog) to him via email:

Domain Name ? (Network)

IP Address


70.104.201.# (Verizon Internet Services)



Verizon Internet Services





North America



United States   (Facts)






Virginia Beach



36.8267, -76.0179 (Map)



2,190 miles



English (U.S.)

Operating System


Macintosh MacOSX



Safari 1.3
Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_1_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5F138 Safari/525.20



version 1.5





320 x 396

Color Depth


32 bits

Time of Visit


Jan 7 2009 4:03:08 pm

Last Page View


Jan 7 2009 4:03:08 pm

Visit Length


0 seconds

Page Views



Referring URL…vagina&start=30&sa=N

Search Engine

Search Words

gorilla vagina

Visit Entry Page



Visit Exit Page



Out Click



Time Zone



Visitor’s Time


Jan 7 2009 4:03:08 pm

Visit Number



Robb’s response?

From: Robb Allen 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 5:25 PM
To: Joe Huffman
Subject: Re: Someone is getting an early start on “Weirdest Search Term for 2009”


You win…

Yeah. I’m competitive like that. Just ask Barb.

Update: Also note that the perv was using an iPhone instead of something Windows based. I always sort of wonder about those type of people.