Happy International Men’s Day!

As a happy non-feminist, I wish everyone a merry International Men’s Day!

Men: You’re not disposable. Your voices matter. Your lives matter.

Here’s a suggested documentary, to celebrate the day: The Red Pill: A Feminist’s Journey into the Men’s Rights Movement.

Buy/rent/stream details are here.

National Coalition for Men

Stack ’em up nearly 500-feet tall: Chicago gun-related homicides hit 600+

Gun-related homicides in Chicago have reached a new high in 2017, surpassing a body count of at least 600 dead human beings.

If you were to stack those bodies one on top of the other, a graphic graph would look something like this, in comparison to the height of Sears Tower:

If you were to stack bodies of people who died in gun-related homicides in Chicago 2017, it would be nearly 500-feet tall

In short, Chicago’s restrictions on firearms ownership are deadly. They do more harm than good, making unarmed people easy prey for gun-bearing thugs who care nothing about gun laws.

“600” is a nice, tidy number, but the bottom line is that Chicago’s a total mess.

I lived in Chi-town from 1996-2001. The gun situation was ugly, to say the least. There, I learned that an unarmed populace is easy prey. The break-ins, shootings, homicides, and lost lives were a brutal reality.

Combining my firsthand experiences with second-hand accounts from friends, my stack of Chiraq stories is seven-feet deep. There’s plenty to share; here are two of many, many, many:

On a bicycle ride home from work one night, someone shot at me. I could not see the shooter (the bullet came from behind), but as the bullet sped past me, it made an unforgettable whizzing sound, like what you might see/hear in war movies. I pedaled mightily, for I was more interested in zipping home, rather then calling the police. I doubt the shooter would’ve pulled the trigger if he thought there was a possibility I was packing heat.

Another Chiraq adventure comes from my then-husband/current frex (friend who’s an ex). Once upon a time, back in our Chicago era (Chicago error?), he walked with his pal to the corner store to fetch some goods. To get to the door, he had to step a few feet around a dead body. Cops had just arrived at the scene; the victim was a Latino man who’d been shot by another fella.

If gun-controllers like Chelsea Handler, Julianne Moore, and other privileged celebrities had to step around a dead body each time a Chicagoan was gunned down, they might reconsider their just-one-more-gun-law-will-fix-gun-tragedies strategy.

Whilst the 2010 McDonald case has opened up things a bit, the remaining gun laws of Chicago are extensive and harsh, making it incredibly difficult for the average law-abiding citizen to purchase a tool of self-defense.

Years ago, Joe Huffman encouraged me to blog about my experiences of living in gun-controlled Chicago. He said my pro-gun/pro-self-defense advocacy had a place in gun rights history, and that people would want to read my writings. I’m not sure if that’s true; today, I’m finally giving it a shot, putting pen to paper, fingers on keyboard.

I know there are scores of current and former pro-gun Chicagoans out there who could publicly share their eyewitness gun tragedy stories. But most won’t, out of fear. Pro-gunners from all walks of life understand the consequences of speaking up for their right to armed self-defense: bigotry, harassment, and persecution from anti-gun folk.

On the most basic level, we’re used to being yelled at by bitter GunCoggers. “Shut up! You’re a liar!” is the kind of language they embrace.

Outspoken gunfolk have had their lives threatened to the point of needing to relocate. Vocal anti-tyrannyists have been ousted from families, fired by employers, tattled on by tattlers, and targeted by anti-gun politicians. Some have experienced the meddling of their medical records. Others are locked in cages, incarcerated. Or worse.

I can relate to all of the above. I know I’m not alone. We’re not alone.

I write not for sympathy or attention. I write to shed light on what gun control looks like at ground zero in Chiraq. Nobody needs to go through any of that.

My investment in the gun rights matter is rooted in the fact that I’m profoundly saddened by the 500-foot tall pile of dead bodies in Chicago, plus scores of others elsewhere. Those were real people, not numbers. Heavy is my heart.

To the current residents of Chicago, do what I did:
Get the hell out of Dodge; dodge with Godspeed out of Chicago.

Definition of “gun-related homicide” is here.

#Chiraq #Chicago #GunCog

Vets for Child Rescue

After much thought, I’ve chosen to remove my post from last Halloween, which discussed modern-day slavery/satanic ritual abuse.

Though I wasn’t able to answer all comments/questions related to the post, I sincerely thank everyone for the hearty discussion.

If you’d like to learn more about the topic, a starting point might be Vets for Child Rescue; website and Facebook. Here’s the founder, Retired Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer:


Thanks again.

Who Is The Biggest Threat To The Black Lives Matter Plantation?

In his latest video, @MrColionNoir torches the political plantation of Democrats aka Black Lives Matter.

I’m not much of a party politics girl, but the moment moved me enough to make a meme:

The biggest threat to the political monopoly of the Democratic Plantation is free-thinking indepdendent African-American citizens who embrace the Second Amendment. - Colion Noir

Feel free to share this image, no need to credit me.


Jason Pohl, Part 3: Wrong. Try Again.

We’re still awaiting Jason Pohl’s corrections regarding gun stats.

Recap: 7/11/17 I made this post, pointing out that Pohl’s remarks were based in lies.

Jason Pohl made no effort to correct his errors, but was overtaken with a bad case of #GunCog, poking fun at this blog’s founder, Joe Huffman. Yesterday I corrected Pohl, explaining that I’m not Joe Huffman, not a boy, etc.

Then, after a gun group sought accountability for Jason’s inaccuracies, Pohl tried to pohl a fast one, posting this to Twitter:

Twitter of Jason Pohl not being accountable

Reporter Jason Pohl tries to pohl a fast one.

I see, Jason. It’s not your fault. You’re just a reporter… who made an emotional tweet, based on falsities written by your USA TODAY colleague @npenzenstadler [Nick Penzenstadler]:

Screen cap of Coloradoan Reporter Jason Pohl's lies

Devastating l-i-e-s.

Jason, just fix it. Say you were incorrect. Recognize that you were wrong there and elsewhere. How are readers supposed to trust you on any topic, if you can’t admit your most glaring errors about guns?

Today you made darn sure to tweet about your ability create spreadsheets. Yawn. Your visual display of rows n’ columns doesn’t free you from admitting your wrongs. If anything, it demonstrates you’re able to read data and admit what’s right.

Jason Pohl tweets about an uninteresting spreadsheet

Jason Pohl spreads it.


Jason Pohl Part 2: Incorrect.

When an individual is called out on lies, lies, lies about gun facts, facts, facts, that person tends to choose one of two responses:

1. Research the topic; apologize for errors. (As we’ve seen with Kit O’Connell – way to go!)

2. Commit GunCog! (As we’ve seen with Terilyn Reber. Man, she was so nasty to Joe.)

Quick refresher on definition of GunCog:
When presented with facts, anti-gun people often choose to remain in a state of denial, rather than be open to a new perspective. This often results in their violent rages of yelling, name-calling, and/or throwing a tantrum. #GunCog is basically anti-gun brain fog. By choice.

Yesterday, I called out a reporter, Jason Pohl, for his shoddy reporting. Instead of cleaning up his mess of lies, he committed GunCog, posting this to Twitter…
Jason Pohl posted another lieSaid @pohl_jason:
“Today a self-proclaimed gun enthusiast/redneck/farm boy from Idaho devoted a ~500-word blog post to me because it’s 2017 and why not?”

Reporter Pohl: In the tone of an old Speak & Spell, I say to you, “Incorrect.”

– It’s me (guest blogger Stephanie) who wrote yesterday’s essay.
– I’m not a boy.
– I’m not a gun enthusiast.
– I’m a gun rights (self-defense) enthusiast.
– The reason for my post was to hold a reporter – you – accountable for dishonesty.
– The reason for my post was not “because it’s 2017 and why not?”

Jason, you can do better than this. Correct your reporting errors. From yesterday. And the day before yesterday. And the days, and days, and days before yesterday.

It’s that simple.


(7/13/17 update: I made a few minor grammatical modifications to the above post, for the sake of crystal-clear clarity. – Stephanie)

Public Safety Reporters: A Natural Disaster

One day Henny-penny was picking up corn in the rickyard when—whack!—an acorn hit her upon the head. “Goodness gracious me!” said Henny-penny, “the sky’s a-going to fall; I must go and tell the King.” Henny-Penny: The Sky is Falling!, English Fairy Tale

Public Safety Reporters are the Henny-pennys of fairy tale “news”.

They “report” on things like natural disasters (something so natural is hardly news), weather (isn’t that the weatherman’s work?), traffic (OpenStreetMap can take care of that), among other terrifying tidbits. Public Panic Reporters are busybodies: they scratch the surface, then go nuts, spewing so-called “news”. They’re ever-so-ready to chirp n’ chatter on Twitter about their personal fears.

Today’s example of the sky is falling comes from Jason Pohl. This guy is falling.

Jason is a Public Safety Reporter at the Coloradoan (aka USA TODAY, aka Gannett Company, Inc.). Below, he’s made a tweet, packed with devastatingly wrong info:

Screen cap of Coloradoan Reporter Jason Pohl's lies

Devastating lies from Reporter Jason Pohl of the Coloradoan (soon to be working for Arizona Republic).

Lies, lies, lies. Jason, how much time did you spend researching your bosses’ childish numbers on kids and guns? Please, before you go writing about the topic of firearms, I beg of you: utilize gun truths at GunFacts.info. All it takes is a quick click. The truth is out there.

Jason Pohl's haunting Twitter post

A haunting tweet by Jason Pohl, filled with lies. He needs to read GunFacts.info.

The lesson of this story? It lies upon the conscience of readers. To you, I ask, “Do you believe everything you read?”

“I do not,” say readers of this blog, including Foxy-woxy, Ducky-daddles, Turkey-lurkey.

Yes, that was a loaded question, with a charged answer. I already know the vast majority of this blog’s viewers are critical thinkers who question everything, gobbling up accurate facts n’ stats. Y’all exited The Matrix long ago.

Jason: I’m not picking on you. There are so many Henny Pennys out there, it’s hard to choose who to expose. Your “work” happened to roll across my news desk. I’m sure you’re not all that bad. I’m focused on setting the story straight for firearms facts. I’ll leave it to the rest of the universe to comb through your other stories/topics.

Jason Poh's Twitter post needs to be corrected

Wow. Interesting lies. Reporter Jason Pohl needs to find gun truths at GunFacts.info.

Yet I’m solidly skeptical of your remaining “news” stories, wondering what’s fairy tale vs. fact. Things look bleak. Are you a Brothers Grimm? Or an Adam Ruins Everything? I rally for the latter.

Perhaps there’s hope for the past articles you’ve composed. I dunno. Maybe nope. Yes?

Please seize the moment. Think twice, before pouncing to post lies, regurgitated by USA Today, who eats up numbers from skewed anti-gun groups like Everytown for Gun Control and The Brady Bunch & Co.

Above all, Jason Pohl, stay classy.

Twitter post of Jason Pohl's book and beer (drug).

Jason Pohl enjoys drinking beer, a drug.

Jason Pohl's Tweet "Drug Death in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever"

Jason Pohl finds this data to be staggering, even if the graph’s sourced by New York Times.

Chart: Alcohol is the drug of choice for 64.5% of American with a Substance Use Disorder

Alcohol is the drug of choice for 64.5% of Americans with a Substance Use Disorder, according to this graph that Jason Pohl didn’t tweet about.


Prediction: Gimps, Dinosaurs, Crazies Are Next

First, they came for the Jews.
Then, they came for the women.
Next, they came for the blacks.
Thereafter, they came for the queers.
Moving forward, they’ll come for the gimps.
After that, they’ll come for the dinosaurs.
Subsequently, they’ll come for the crazies.
In the end, they’ll come for the Commies — because, logically, that batch can’t last.

The self-defense movement’s coming for you, too. Yes, you.

Yesterday, Nicki Stallard of the gay gun group Pink Pistols had an op-ed featured in The New York Times. Yes, you heard me right, The NYT. The Gray Lady. The Lefty Rag.

Nicki nailed it. The L.G.B.T. Case for Guns is quite possibly the most crisp, concise, salient piece I’ve ever read about marginalized classes and their right to self-defense. I’m not exaggerating.

Says Stallard:

This is a call to L.G.B.T. people to take their own defense seriously, and to question the left-leaning institutions that tell them guns are bad, and should be left to the professionals. Become a professional. You’re allowed. That’s what the Second Amendment is for. We can fight back when our lives depend on it.

Big steps happen when gun packs branch out.

Prediction: The next specialty gun groups to mobilize will be, in descending order: disabled people, seniors, and “the mentally ill”. (The latter being all of us, except for the busybodies who define insanity, but those folks wouldn’t be reading this blog, unless they’re paranoid and planning to terrorize all of us gunfolk.)

Together, let’s see how this story unfolds. Send a thank you note to Nicki and the New York Times, while you’re at it.

Lastly, I’m not forgetting about the white guys. It goes unsaid: you’re already at the tippy-top of the endangered species list.

You’ve Got 99 Problems And A Lobotomy Ain’t One: GoFundMe For Howard Dully’s Medical Expenses

Think you’ve got problems? Think again.

Howard Dully is a son, father, husband, and author. He’s also a lobotomy survivor.

In 1960, Howard was 12 years young when his stepmother sought a transorbital (“ice-pick”) lobotomy for him. The reason? He was a difficult daydreamer who couldn’t sit still.

I first heard Howard’s story via radio broadcast in 2005. It broke my heart, and opened my eyes. Listen to the recording here.

Dr. Walter Freeman performing lobotomy on Howard Dully

Image courtesy: Howard Dully/George Washington University Gelman Library

Howard Dully didn’t have to come out of the lobotomy closet. In sharing his experience with the world, he bravely faced his uninvited demons, opened doors for other survivors, while closing the door on a dark chapter of his life. Photos from his childhood medical records speak a thousand words. And then some.

In 2006, when I was the conference organizer for the Eris Society, I invited Howard to speak. He accepted.

Howard’s presentation was so moving, someone from the crowd passed out. As the audience member was wheeled out of the room, Howard held his head high, and resumed his speech.

Howard Dully portrait

Howard Dully, the Gentle Giant. Photo courtesy: GoFundMe.com

Howard has every reason to be ferocious, vicious, and hateful towards the world. Instead, he chose to become a warm, personable, kind Gentle Giant.

Recently I found out that Howard is having some health challenges, and needs help with medical expenses.

A slice of this blog’s readership consists of freedomnistas, anarcho-capitalists, libertarians, and the like – folks who espouse that free markets, charity, and private enterprise will help lift those in demise.

I’m asking you to please put your money where your mouth is. Donate here, now. Then spread the word.

Chin up, Howard. We’re rooting for you. The world’s a better place with you in it.

Violence Alert: Communist Mr. Kit O’Connell’s Ready To Bash Back To Survive

Update: Kit O’ Connell has publicly corrected his error. Thanks, Kit! (Scroll to bottom of this post to view his acknowledgement.)

Dear Kit O’Connell,

You were wrong when you posted a photo to Twitter, declaring, “Oathkeeper with his hand on the trigger of his assault rifle, defending literal nazis”. Here’s your tweet regarding last weekend’s anti-Sharia law rally in Austin:

Kit O'Connell's twitter post says, "Oathkeeper with his hand on the trigger of hi assault rifle, defending literal nazis. #antifa #Islamophobia #Austin" Oath Keeper standing peacefully, practicing safe handling of firearms, as evidenced by finger off the trigger of his gun.

Kit, being that you’re a self-proclaimed journalist, I challenge you to the following:

1. Correct yourself. Oath Keeper has his finger straightened alongside the frame of his gun. His hand is not on the trigger. Nor is his finger. It’s physically impossible for Oath Keeper to get his hand (five fingers) on the trigger. That’d be like fisting a trigger. There’s simply not enough space. Learn the basics of gun safety.

2. Recognize that Oath Keeper Jay Stang is defending free speech, peacefully monitoring the protestors. In a any crowd, it’s nearly impossible to decipher each person’s specific viewpoint. However, when your group raises a hammer & sickle flag, there’s no doubt: you’re sick enough to hammer into our heads that you stand for land-grabs and death camps for dissenters.

Though Mr. Stang disagreed with your perspective, he peacefully defended your right to free speech, even though during an interview, you repeatedly screamed, “F*ck you!”


3. Answer this question: “What’s a literal Nazi?” Just curious. Literally, I’m curious.

4. Assess your contradiction of defending the 1st Amendment, but not the 2nd Amendment. You state you’re “openly biased toward human rights and equality.” Your writings reflects otherwise. Guns are the great equalizer. Sort it out.

5. You’ve declared yourself to be a hands-on gonzo journalist. So do it. Get yourself to the gun range to face your irrational fear of firearms. Even if you don’t aspire to own a gun, at least learn gun safety basics, so you know what you’re talking about, when you write about guns.

You say you’re “proudly disabled, polyamorous and queer”. Yawn, snooze, snore. As you’re well-aware, those three self-declared factor categories make you an easy target for gimp bashing or gay bashing. Checkout the Pink Pistols. Their motto: Armed gays don’t get bashed.

Be pro-active. Refuse to be a victim. Learn self-defense. Stop whining. Go to seminars held by  Black Guns Matter or Operation Blazing Sword; OBS’s basic mission: We teach LGBTQ how to shoot.

You might think gun owners/instructors are Nazi redneck racist gun nuts, but after training with OBS or BGM, your stereotypes will be quickly shattered. These gun teachers understand the value of human life — all lives — and the importance of self-defense.

Your website reveals you’re for hire. That means you need work, and are likely living on a meager budget. Great news! OBS & BGM don’t charge for their valuable services.

6. Chill out. You’re on the verge of violence, as evidenced by your tweet:

Kit O'Connell's tweet says, "Their frog Memes and "ironic" racism are backed with real blood, death and suffering & we will bash back to survive. #PRIDE #CounterACTHate"

Kit, do you really want to bash someone just because they’re not a Communist?

Whatever the case, you’re unstable. The world doesn’t need another mass shooting from the political left. Given your agitated state, I doubt a gun instructor would let you hold a gun in your hand, even if your finger is off the trigger. Don’t let that deter you. You’ll still gain valuable to knowledge if you learn gun safety. It’ll help reduce your fear of guns, so you’re not triggered when someone’s openly carrying.

7. Wear some yellow-tinted gun safety glasses. It’ll go well with your crushed velvet jacket, and blue Antifa neckerchief.

A portrait of a violent communist wearing a blue crushed velvet coat and holding an amber-handled cane, as he gazes out at the waves on Pensacola Beach, Florida on January 25, 2015.

Image credit: Jane Michael Stallings


Hunter S. Thompson, here and there with aviator eyewear

Hunter S. Thompson, Father of Gonzo Journalism. Image credit: Sunglasses ID

Kit, good luck. I look forward to reading about your gun range experience, and how you connect with Operation Blazing Sword, Black Guns Matter, and Pink Pistols.

Readers: Peaceful people we are, let’s meet Kit’s madness with gladness. He’s a ticking time bomb, ready to explode. Let’s dismantle this time bomb, before another Communist goes on a killing spree.


——– Update: Kit’s correction:
Kit O' Connell says: "I've deleted the tweet and publicly acknowledged my error here..."






Wanted: Million Mom March Media Kit From 2000

2000 Logo of Million Misinformed Mom March Attempted Gun GrabCalling all Internet Wayback Gun Rights History Nerds:

In the spring of 2000, Million Mom March (an extension of Brady Gun Control & Co.) published a media kit on their website, MillionMomMarch.org.

The kit contained talking points for even organizers, fact sheets (wrong, of course), and other guidelines. Most notable was a clear warning to never debate pro-gun opponents.

The Million Mom March took place on May 14, 2000. Unsurprisingly, a million people did not showup. Not even close.

I used to have a copy of their 2000 media kit (maybe it was called an “organizer kit” or something like that)  on my computer waaayback, but that’s long gone. Can someone out there dredge up their media packet from ages ago? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Heston? Bueller?


Here’s What Happened When I Tried To #WearOrange

I wandered over to Everytown for Gun Control’s site. There, I became aware that a person can: “stand together” to make “real change” for more gun control, and “demand to be heard” — all by simply doing this:

Create your own #WearOrange image, and share it on Facebook or Twitter to show everyone why you’re committed to ending gun violence in America.

I gave it a shot. Here’s what happened:

Truth about #WearOrange is at GunFacts.info

Please share this copyright-free image.

You, too, may play with colors at Everytown’s website, here.

There, you can join the so-called “thousands of Americans” who allegedly wore orange on June 2nd & 3rd to send a powerful message.

Together, we can change the world by cluttering the internet with orange-tinted images.


Juliannne Moore Hates Guns But Has Armed Bodyguards

Actress Julianne Moore has armed guards but wants to disarm the regular guy

Please share this image wide and far.

Julianne Moore needs to check her privilege. She’s yet another anti-gun celeb who enjoys the luxury of armed bodyguards, but thinks her underling citizens shouldn’t be afforded their 2nd Amendment rights.

Moore, along with her predictable posse of high-class gun controllers, have recently “taken action” via their silly #WearOrange campaign.

The Clockwork Orange gang’s campaign continues through the next 26 days; they’ve declared June to be National Gun Violence Awareness Month. Like clockwork, Moore & Co. are quick to push for more gun control and manipulate statistics, without providing any tangible specifics on how to prevent or control gun crime.

Breitbart points out:

The actors, actresses, and other celebrities do not espouse any particular way to prevent or control gun crime, but many of them do share the exaggerated claim that “93 Americans are killed” by “gun violence” each day.


Breitbart News has repeatedly pointed out that this figure actually swells the number of people killed via “gun violence” by 66 percent. In reality, the number of people killed via actual “gun violence” ranges from about 10,500 to 12,000 a year. Clinton swelled that number by adding in firearm-related suicides, which number roughly 20,000 to 22,000 per year. Everytown, Moore, and Schumer have done the same thing to swell their figures.

h/t to Joe for nominating to meme Julianne Moore.


#OrangeYouGlad Anti-Gun Celebrities, Politicians Have Armed Guards?

Aren’t you glad anti-gun celebrities and politicians have armed guards?

I’m glad. Self-defense is a no-brainer.

What I’m not glad about is the do as I say, not as I do hypocrisy of anti-gun celebrities and politicians. They push for nonsensical gun laws, whilst padded by their posse of private armed guards.

Today is #WearOrange Day, a jubilee for anti-gun, anti-self-defense elites who dress-up in orange garments, while barking, whining, whimpering to pass more gun laws. They spew sour lies. We tell tasty truths.

Here’s a lineup of prime-time offenders: Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, Chuck Schumer, Susan Sarandon, Marty Walsh.

Help these hypocrites check their privilege. Not everyone has the luxury of armed guards. Spread the word, share these images:

If there’s a celebrity/politician I’ve missed, please post their name and a link to their #WearOrange photo in the comments below. I’ll do my best to make a meme to honor their hypocrisy. Thanks!


Wear Orange on June 2 to Demonstrate Gun Owners’ Longtime Understanding of Voluntary, Logical, Gun Safety Protocol

On June 2nd, Everytown for Gun Safety, a heavily-funded anti-gun group, is urging misinformed people to show their support of totalitarian gun laws by wearing orange. They say:

Orange is what hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others from harm. Orange is a bright, bold color that demands to be seen.

Yet on June 2nd, another group known as We Already Practice Gun Safety, Thank You Very Much will be wearing orange, to indicate their longtime understanding of voluntary, logical gun safety protocol, being that proper gun use prevents tragedy, and deters attackers. After all, you call 911 because the cop has a gun. (Here are the accurate facts.)

You see, this whole thing’s a mix-up. Tell the media the truth. Tell your gun-fearing friends, too.

Here’s what to do on June 2:

Wear orange. (Even if you’re not a Broncos fan.) And, conceal carry an orange.

Seek out public spaces where Everytown & Gang are hosting events (search here). Bypass the protesters. They’re a colossal waste of time. Go directly to the media.

You see, The Everytown Gang spends zillions on their marketing campaigns. When you speak to their media, on their turf, on their day, you’re wasting their resources while maximizing yours. Great way to spread your word far and wide, on their dime.

Kindly ask a reporter to listen for a moment. Tell them you’d like to bring honesty to the gun debate by offering a different viewpoint. Politely share the truth. Give them this link to gun facts.info. Keep it short and sweet; more guns = less crime.

Thank the person, then offer them an orange. Maybe even peel it for them. Also offer to take your new gunfriend to a gun range, so they may learn hands-on about safe handling of firearms.

Repeat. Do the same for friends, family, etc. Keep calm, cool, collected, just as you do at the gun range.

Warning: Be prepared for anti-gun people to respond violently. Videotape the incident. You never know when they’ll mix it up n’ flip it the opposite way, claiming you assaulted them. File a police report on the assailant(s).

Orange Pro Tips — My experience is: if you approach media peacefully, they’re typically grateful you’ve offered an opposing view. When you do the legwork, you save them time, and it’s usually appreciated. Worst case scenario: you have one less orange.


Wanted: Pro-Gun Graphic Designer

Help Wanted: Pro-Gun Graphic DesignerUpdate 6/1/17: Thanks for your graphic designer suggestions. I’ve found a professional pixel-pusher to help with the project.

Hello, gun enthusiasts! Anyone out there a graphic designer, willing to help add final touches to a logo? It’s for a prominent gun rights group.

I’ve completed the creative director side of things; just need a designer to add a little polish.

If you can help, please reply in the comments. Thanks,

P.S. Being that it’s for a non-profit, the pay is $0, but you’ll have an excellent piece to add to your portfolio.

P.S.2.0: Sure, I could farm this out to fiverr.com, but, in this instance, I wish to work with a pro-gun designer who “gets it”.