A Different View of Reality

Quote of the Day

Gun capitalism is legitimized through the kind of bill President Biden signed into law in 2022. The bill authorized things like new money for mental health and red flag laws — which are good, but also inherently signal that gun consumerism is perfectly legitimate and can continue so long as we make sure the guardrails are there.

The U.S. is one of the few if not the only country in the world that approaches gun policy in that particular way. I think that until we are ready to confront gun capitalism, we’re going to continue in the cycle that we find ourselves in.

Ben Tumin
March 19, 2024
Why Is There a Gun Problem in America? The Gun Capitalists Are Partly to Blame | Teen Vogue

*Puns and capitalism, God and guns! - Imgflip

I used to read some of the small communist newspapers I found laying around in downtown Seattle. They had the same twisted view of reality. Capitalism was unquestionably to blame for all the evil in the world.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

* Image from Gun Control: Good for the Noble, Bad for the Greedy – Imgflip

They Hate the First Amendment Too

It is not about guns. It is about control.

Social media platforms must face lawsuits claiming they enabled Buffalo mass shooter By Reuters (investing.com)

Several social media companies were ordered by a New York state judge to face four lawsuits seeking to hold them responsible for helping enable the avowed white supremacist who killed 10 Black people in 2022 at a Buffalo, New York grocery store.

Justice Paula Feroleto of the Erie County Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the more than 40 plaintiffs could try to prove that Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META)’ Facebook and Instagram, Reddit, Google’s YouTube and other platforms were designed to addict and radicalize users like the shooter, Payton Gendron.

“We must hold accountable every single bad actor that prepared and equipped the shooter to target and kill members of Buffalo’s Black community,” said Eric Tirschwell, executive director of the gun control advocacy group Everytown Law, which filed two of the lawsuits.

I am reminded of Quote of the day—Joseph Stalin.

Returning to the Stone Age

Quote of the Day

Those who want to outlaw drugs must first outlaw, among other things, chemistry and horticulture.

Those who want to outlaw strong cryptography and cryptocurrency must first outlaw, among other things, math and computer science.

If it was even possible to get rid of guns, drugs, and crypto — it isn’t, but if it was — the politicians who want to do so would have to figure out how to get us to give up everything modern, from the bicycle to the automobile to the microcomputer to the smart phone to most of the food we eat to accomplish their objective.

They’d have to outlaw Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), the set of fields that they’re constantly complaining not enough students are going into.

Thomas L. Knapp
March 16, 2024
Opinion: ‘Gun Control’ is a call for returning to the Stone Age – Newton Daily News

There is a lot of truth in this but one must realized it isn’t really about banning these things. As Ayn Rand pointed out, it is about controlling people.

You’re Just a Big Baby Gun Wacko With a Small Dick

Quote of the Day

You want to talk about a single person to avoid the reality that no one has taken away your 2nd amendment rights. No one has taken away your guns. No one is trying to take away your guns. You’re just a big baby gun whacko with a small dick.

Secret Lair Arcade (@LairArcade)
Posted on X, May 19, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

I don’t know what color the sky is in their universe but we can be certain our political reality does not match their delusions and/or lies of the political landscape.

Check out No one wants to take your guns for a quick and easy refutation of their primary assertion.

Those Who Would Outlaw Weapons

Quote of the Day

Those who would outlaw weapons must first outlaw the knowledge of weapons. And those who would outlaw the knowledge of weapons must outlaw knowledge itself.
         Similarly, civilization consists of more than just impressive public buildings and a battery of arbitrary rules. Its continued existence depends absolutely on the day-to-day good will of each and every individual. History (especially recent Soviet history) proves that this good will depends on how well individual rights are respected. Alienate the individual, lose his good will, and you lose civilization itself.
         Think I exaggerate? Take another look at Beirut, Los Angeles, or the World Trade Center.
         Every day we learn again how dependent we’ve been all along on individual self-restraint. Self-styled liberals label this lesson “terrorism” because it makes them feel better and helps them to forget until tomorrow. But it doesn’t matter what they call it. In sufficient numbers, disaffected individuals become armies of chaos, reducing whole civilizations to archaeological rubble. And, as with most violence in our culture, it is self-styled liberals who will make it happen here.

L. Neil Smith
Armies of Chaos (lneilsmith.org)

Gun “Buybacks” Are For the Feelings

Quote of the Day

Given the empirical evidence, police agencies may use gun buyback programs not with the expectation of reducing violent crime, but to satisfy the public’s expectations. When serious crime problems occur, mayors and police chiefs are under pressure from their constituents to ‘do something dramatic and effective’ about the violence.

Scott W. Phillips, et al.
November 1, 2013
An Evaluation of a Multiyear Gun Buy-Back Programme: Re-Examining the Impact on Violent Crimes

Via Gun buybacks: Findings from decades of research (journalistsresource.org).

In other words, to make the general public feel better.

I suppose in some ways it does make me feel a little better. I almost always feel better after a good laugh.

There’s Only One Law

Quote of the Day

There’s only one law. Don’t be a Tutsi, when the Hutus show up.

March 10, 2024
Comment to Too Many Lies to Bother Refuting Them

There is a lot packed into that statement.

Read up on the Rwanda genocide for more details. Or Lethal Laws for things common to all genocides and how to prevent them.

This is short version of the story applicable to this quote:

  • The Tutsi were a minority, about 15% of the population. The Hutus were about 85% of the population.
  • The Tutsi were the favored race by the German colonizers.
  • The Hutu developed a hatred for the Tutsi who controlled the government for decades.
  • Gun control prevented the Tutsi from having effective tools of self defense.
  • A relatively small set of young male, radical, Hutu murdered up to as many as 1,000,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu using machetes as their primary weapon.

What I think are the important points to remember about all genocides are:

  • A small part of the population, something like 1% to 3% of the population do the actual killing.
  • The victims almost always vastly outnumber the murderers.
  • All genocides since the start of the 20th century were enabled by gun control.

Aaron Zelman, author of Lethal Laws makes this claim (IIRC):

All genocides require three things:

  1. Government.
  2. Hate.
  3. Gun control.

Government and hate will always exist. The elimination of gun control is the only way to prevent genocide.

With that in mind, reread the words of MTHead’s and prepare appropriately.

They Should Do Better Checking

Quote of the Day

Last time I checked words didn’t kill people. I’m sorry that your manhood is threatened unless you have a firearm on your hip but with all these children needlessly dying something has to change.

Chicagoooose @Chicagoooose
Posted on X, May 17, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

This is deliberately deceptive framing. Technically they are correct about words. Just like guns, words don’t kill people kill people. But that does not mean words/ideas are not dangerous.

As pointed out by Stalin, words/ideas are more dangerous than guns:

Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don’t let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?

See also Crazy talk.

Chicagoooose should do better checking. But if they did, and they took their research to heart, they wouldn’t be against private gun ownership unless they were a genocidally inclined tyrant.


Too Many Lies to Bother Refuting Them

Quote of the Day

The sociological question of how societies can prevent gun violence is not any great mystery. Fewer guns mean fewer gun deaths.

Andrew C. McKevitt
November 7, 2023
Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture, and Control in Cold War America
Via The real origins of America’s gun culture (msn.com).

I don’t have time to elaborate on all of the things wrong with these two sentences but I’ll give a quick outline.

  • “Gun violence” and “gun deaths” are not relevant measurements unless your goal is elimination of private gun ownership. If you are to insist on ignoring the principals of gun ownership being a specific enumerated right, then “violent crime” is the proper measurement of the hinted at downside to private gun ownership.
  • The number of privately owned guns is not positively correlated with violent crime.
  • Restrictions on private gun ownership is positively correlated with genocide.
  • Not all “gun deaths” are murders or suicides. Many are justified homicide. Some are even praiseworthy homicide. That McKevitt doesn’t make a distinction is very telling. It is deliberate deception.

There is a lot more to be said, but I’ll leave that up to commenters.PinocchioGunGrabber

Tool of Deception in Anti-gun Playbook

Quote of the Day

Blackshear, a Dayton Democrat, now calls modern rifles “mass casualty weapons,” as though the gun, rather than some deranged criminal who might create mayhem, is somehow responsible for a hideous crime. According to a news release from his office, his bill is a response to a tragic 2019 shooting in Dayton’s Oregon district.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
March 6, 2024

As pointed out by Alan Gottlieb:

The gun prohibition movement has tried the terms ‘assault weapons’ and ‘weapons of war,’ and even ‘weapons of mass destruction.’ Now, all of a sudden, Rep. Blackshear has come up with something new to incite the same old anxieties anti-gunners have always had over the fact that Americans like firearms and dislike the efforts to ban them.

Anti-gun people are always trying to put lipstick on their pigs. It’s just another tool of deception in their playbook.

It is All About Feelings

Quote of the Day

If anti-gun lawmakers can continue to chip away at gun ownership, in any small, even meaningless, way, they feel vindicated in their efforts at disarming honest Americans.

Doug Howlett
March 5, 2024
Fixing What Ain’t Broke: Hawaii Seeks to Ban .50-Caliber Guns – The Truth About Guns

It’s not about public safety. And it never has been. For probably most people it is about the feelings. But it has also been about the safety of criminals. This includes the common everyday criminals as well as the government thugs and tyrants.TrustDemocrats

Image via Rolf.

A Good Start

Quote of the Day

Today, we join 27 other states in passing Constitutional Carry. I promised the folks of Louisiana that I would champion Constitutional Carry into law, and within two months, I have honored that commitment.

Jeff Landry
Governor of Louisiana
March 5, 2024
NRA-ILA | Louisiana Becomes Nation’s 28th State with NRA-Backed Constitutional Carry (nraila.org)

Twenty seven states out of 50. That is a good start.

Another 23 then we can start working on Canada, Mexico, and other human rights abusing nations. I think some economic sanctions would be a good start. If not, there are more “persuasive” options available.

Refusing to Enforce California’s Extremist Agenda

Quote of the Day

California continues to push out a steady stream of absurd, unscientific, and flat out impossible regulations across many industries in an attempt to impose its extremist, green agenda on the whole country by forcing manufacturers and businesses who want to do business in California to toe its far-left enviornut agenda.

It has become so pervasive that 17 states have banded together to sue the federal Environmental Protection Agency to cancel the special rules it has for allowing California to make its own environmental rules. That began in 1970 when the federal government added that carve out to the Clean Air Act.

But, what we see here is just another example of how far California is from every other state and even from the federal government on its commitment to the shrill environmentalist agenda. And it is long past time California’s absurd regulations are reigned in and to end its special powers to coerce the rest of the country to abide by its extremist agenda.

Todd Huston
March 1, 2024
Coast Guard Refuses to Enforce California’s New Environmental Regulation (msn.com)

If only the Feds would reign in California gun laws as well. It wouldn’t be that hard. Just prosecute and send the governor, attorney general, a few senators and representatives to jail and/or death row, and California would be much better behaved for several years.

Does Not Meet Community Guidelines

I just tried to make a comment to a MSNBC video on SCOTUS reviewing bump stock ban.

The comment was:

This is deliberate deception on your part. This case is not about whether bump stocks can be legally banned. It is whether the ATF can change the law to ban them. If the legislators would change the law to explicitly ban them and the president signed it into law, then the case would immediately fold.

So, why are you deliberately deceiving your viewers? Is it because you want the executive branch of government to have the power to create new law without due deliberation and approval in the legislature? It appears you are deliberately trying to enable a dictatorship.

Pressing the submit button resulted in:

This comment doesn’t meet the community guidelines. Please try another one.

So I did try another one:

This case is not about whether bump stocks can be legally banned. It is whether the ATF can change the law to ban them. If the legislators would change the law to explicitly ban them and the president signed it into law, then the case would immediately fold.

So, why are you deliberately deceiving your viewers? Is it because you want the executive branch of government to have the power to create new law without due deliberation and approval in the legislature?

I received the same result. The comment “doesn’t meet community guidelines.”

My conclusion is that they realize dictatorships are difficult to create when free speech is allowed and they are taking appropriate action to suppress free speech.

This is yet another example of the Legacy Media Liars.

Prepare and respond appropriately.

Is it the Dementia Talking or is it a Lie?

Quote of the Day

Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.

President Biden
June 23, 2023
Top Senate Democrats lied about pistol brace before vote: Experts – Washington Examiner

I’m not sure what to make of this. Is it the dementia talking or is he lying while knowing that the useful idiots will lap it up?