It is Not About Safety

Quote of the Day

A new study listing Washington as the eighth most-dangerous state in the country refutes the hype from national gun control groups which give the state high marks for gun laws, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms observed.

The study, by the Simmrin Law Group, is being reported in newspapers across the Evergreen State. Yet Washington gets an “A-” on the Giffords gun control scorecard, while the Everytown for Gun Safety gun prohibition lobby group brags that Washington is “#9 in the country for gun law strength.”

“Evidently,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb observed, “the gun prohibition lobby is living in an alternate universe. Giving the state such high ratings probably won’t make the families of violent crime victims feel any better. We’re still waiting for anti-gunners to explain how, after almost ten years of pushing increasingly restrictive gun laws, which only penalize law-abiding citizens, the number of Evergreen State murders has more than doubled. Clamping down on gun rights was supposed to reduce murder and mayhem.

April 29, 2024
STUDY REFUTES HIGH GRADES FOR WA GUN LAWS BY GUN BAN GROUPS | Citizens Committee For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms (

As we have known for a long time, it is never about safety of the ordinary person. It has to be about something else.

Prepare appropriately.


8 thoughts on “It is Not About Safety

  1. No surprise here. As Prof. Lott pointed out many years ago, “More guns, less crime”. It has been very obvious that high-infringement states are also high-crime states, and that this is the direction of causation. This latest out of WA is merely confirmation of that well proven fact.

  2. “Yet Washington gets an “A-” on the Giffords gun control scorecard, while the Everytown for Gun Safety gun prohibition lobby group brags that Washington is “#9 in the country for gun law strength.”

    “….high-infringement states are also high-crime states,…”

    Anti-gun groups rate jurisdictions on their committment to restrictive firearms laws, which to their minds, is a “positive”; is anyone producing a similar “scorecard” on infringements – and their negative result – suitable for similar publicity and ranking?

  3. The essential preparation is to change where you live. Those gun control states are also freedom hating on most issues.

  4. As stated, gun control groups think in terms of getting laws on the books. While actual crime continues unchecked.
    But we should remember the half of the equation. What doesn’t get reported in the news or crime stats.
    And what the Soro DA reduces the charges to, is what gets recorded. Pre-mediated murder becomes man-slaughter II, maybe negligent homicide. Or strong arming old people for everything they have, then OD’ing them. Is just an OD death that doesn’t even get investigated.
    Just as John Lott explained about defensive gun uses. They happen all the time and don’t get reported. What we see in the crime stats?
    Is only a portion of the actual crime being committed.
    All gun control is evil, illegal, immoral. And just how much never gets reported.

  5. Sometime back, like before Obama became President, so quite a while back,. the other blogger I still read regularly, Kim DuToit, wrote something about how in South Africa when he lived there, his friends and associates considered it important to have a gun the government didn’t know they had.

    • Always a good idea. I think it is equally important that the government know everyone has several.
      And they will get killed trying to take them. It seems prudent for government to fear it’s population?

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