Quote of the day—BLM Activist

You can’t talk about education, and you can’t talk about black issues, and LGBT issues, and exclude them as if they’re some individual issue; you need to be looking at this using intersectionality.

It means recognizing that there is one common enemy: the white man. The systems that they use are capitalism, patriarchy, and fascism. They were created and perpetuated by white men, for white men, in the interests of white men.

And once we realize that we are all fighting the same fight, it just strengthens the army. A problem shared is a problem halved. Imagine if we all realized and came together and grouped together?

All of these groups of people, the issues they face, it all comes from the same people: white men. So we need to get rid of them.

BLM Activist
July 19, 2020
Exclusive Video: BLM Activist Says White Men Are ‘The Common Enemy’, ‘We Need to Get Rid of Them’
[Lesson learned from the 20th Century: If someone says they want to kill an entire class of people… Believe them! Then respond appropriately.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Greg Banks

Even after we flush Trump, we have a difficult job to cleanse society of their diseased thinking.

Greg Banks
Island Country (Washington) prosecutor
Posted on Facebook September 30, 2020
[He has turned off his Facebook account, as he has several times in the past. At some time it probably will be turned back on.

More context is here.

Can you imagine being a Trump supporter in his county and your legally concealed firearm is briefly visible while reaching for an item on the top shelf at the grocery store and a Karen spots it?

I shudder to think about it. This is how we get reeducation camps and gulags.

And I was in his county for a few hours last Saturday.

Prepare appropriately.—Joe]

Quote of the day—dick costolo @dickc

Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution.

dick costolo @dickc
Tweeted on September 30, 2020
[This is not just some random troll on the Internet. This was the CEO of Twitter from 2010 to 2015. He has 1.5 million followers on Twitter.

This is what they think of you. They want you dead.

Respond appropriately.—Joe]

The voice of tolerance

I received an email today from a honeypot I created for people looking for Dana Loesch’s address and phone number (use Google to search for “Dana Loesch’s address and phone number” to find my honeypot):

From: Dirk Digler <beefstew317@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 4:26 AM
To: DanaLoesch@joehuffman.org

Hey joe..
Go FIST FUK YOURSELF! And while you’re at it…fist fuk that filthy cunt too!! You people need to be taken out!

It’s so nice to have the voice of tolerance visit my website and comment every once in a while.

This is what they think of you. They want you dead.

Prepare accordingly.

Update: I sent my new visitor an email thanking him for visiting my web site. He replied in his usual gracious manner:

From: Dirk Digler <beefstew317@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 10:11 PM
To: DanaLoesch@joehuffman.org
Subject: Re:


On Sun, Aug 23, 2020, 6:32 PM <DanaLoesch@joehuffman.org> wrote:
Thank you so much for stopping by to visit: https://blog.joehuffman.org/2020/08/23/the-voice-of-tolerance/

Internet headers from the email below the break:

Continue reading

Not a contradiction

Via Far Right Of Right@FarRightOfRight:


If you think this is a contradiction you probably made the mistake of thinking they were telling the truth when they said you don’t need guns because you have the police. As we have known for decades they have a culture of lies and deception.

With that established fact in mind we can generate hypothesizes and test them against the facts. If we include the newly established fact that they want to defund and abolish the police as we know it what can it mean?

The hypothesis which seems to best fit the data is our political opponents wish to harm us and/or take our property.

I’ve been collecting examples of “They want you dead” for some time now. The recent looting demonstrates the validity of the “they wish to take our property”. That they wanted us disarmed and dependent upon the police followed by defunding the police demonstrates not a contradiction, but consistency with this hypothesis.

Are there other hypothesizes which match the data? Are there other data points which invalidate my hypothesis?

Discuss. Then take appropriate action. Consider preparing for Boomershoot 2021. Sign up is here.

Quote of the day—Christopher Ryan @ThatChrisRyan

Republicans are against voting, against women, against education, against health care, against a living wage … at what point do we conclude they are against human beings?

Christopher Ryan @ThatChrisRyan
Tweeted on April 9, 2020
[This is what they think of you.

Typical left wing politics. It looks like Ryan is prepping the battlespace for the railroad cars and the final solution.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Caren Park

admit it, joe, it’s funny.


Caren Park
March 4, 2020
Comment to my Facebook post about someone intending to deliberately infect people with COVID-19
[The Facebook post links to this blog post.

About three hours later Caren’s comment, my response to her, and Kathy Jackson’s response are all inaccessible to me.

My response to Caren:

I don’t see someone saying they will deliberately attempt to infect others, of any demographic, with any deadly disease as funny.

Would it be funny if they said they were going to attend every LGBT rally they could? How about someone with HIV deliberately having sexual contact with people for the purposes of infecting them?

Sure, there are going to be people at any event that don’t know they are carrying a contagious disease. But that is a much different thing than doing it with the intention of harming others.

I’ve known Caren for over 35 years. We’ve always had differences in political leanings. But never, that I recall, difference of substance regarding basic human decency.

The politics of this country have skewed peoples thinking several standard deviations away from what I have perceived the norm to be.—Joe]

Does anyone still wonder why?

This is what the political left say about Trump supporters on national television:

Just imagine what they say when they think they have some privacy.

Oh! That’s right. We don’t need to imagine. We have the video.

Does anyone still wonder why they want to take our guns?

Quote of the day—Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo

I’m not sure I would say they are shocking to the people I hang out with most of the time. It’s more like, “Yeah, that’s what we have suspected for a long time.”

Thanks for the confirmation that I need to spend some more time at the range.—Joe]

Quote of the day—lana_palooza @lana_palooza29

1.5 less MAGAbilly’s in the world. At least they died supporting their beloved 2nd Amendment.

lana_palooza @lana_palooza29
Tweeted on January 3, 2020
[This was her reaction to a father and his nine year old daughter who were hunting and were killed by another hunter.

lana_palooza’s Twitter account appears to have been deleted or at least deactivated at this time. You can still find the screen shot of the tweet at the link above.

This is what they think of you.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Greta Thunberg

Unfortunately, we probably already know the outcome. World leaders are still trying to run away from their responsibilities but we have to make sure they cannot do that.

We will make sure that we put them against the wall and they will have to do their job to protect our futures.

Greta Thunberg
December 13, 2019
Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd ‘we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall’ if they do not tackle global warming as she attends climate protest in Turin
[This is consistent with much of the political left throughout the 20th Century. But usually they do not publicly announce this until they have consolidated more political power than what this 16 year old has. I attribute the poor judgement to her youth.

It would appear that after saying this she received some coaching from someone wiser than her:

Yesterday I said we must hold our leaders accountable and unfortunately said “put them against the wall”. That’s Swenglish: “att ställa någon mot väggen” (to put someone against the wall) means to hold someone accountable. That’s what happens when you improvise speeches in a second language. But of course I apologise if anyone misunderstood this. I can not enough express the fact that I – as well as the entire school strike movement- are against any possible form of violence. It goes without saying but I say it anyway.

Any native Swedish speaker out there that can verify or refute this claim?—Joe]

Quote of the day—muricatoday.com

Look, this is really simple.

All you have to do is comply and you won’t get hurt by cops. When they tell you to get down, you get down. When they tell you to turn in your guns, you turn in your guns. When they tell you to get in the boxcar, you get in the fucking boxcar. Why in the hell is this so difficult to understand people?


Via Rabbit Chasing @Chasing_Rabbits on September 22, 2019.
[muricatoday.com has been down when I have tried to visit. Perhaps your luck will be better than mine.

Beto doesn’t expressly say this but it’s implied. And if he doesn’t actually think things through far enough to arrive at this conclusion there are lots of other Democrats who have and wish he wouldn’t have “spilled the beans”.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Kelly Ann Pollard (@KellyPol55)

We can’t worry about inflaming the right anymore.  Their inflammation is an “itis” that has no cure and the only treatment is to excise it.

Kelly Ann Pollard (@KellyPol55)
Tweeted on October 7, 2019
[Not the “extreme right”. Not the “alt-right”. Just the “right”.

The tweet above was replied to by Mick Collins‏ @BroknHeadphones who said:

and cauterize the wound

This is what they think of you. This is what they want done with you and your family. They no longer hide it. They use their real names.

We are at war.—Joe]

Update: Ms. Pollard responded to me on Twitter:

Mr Huffman, will you please take this tweet down and remove this reference from your blog? I was speaking as a nurse and with regards to voting. Thank you.

I declined the request and invited her to make a comment on my blog. She declined my invitation.

If she intended to refer to voting she was certainly obscure in her reference. I’m skeptical that was her real intention.

It’s what leftist do

Union County high school teacher reportedly told students VP Pence should be ‘shot in the head’

A Union County high school teacher is under investigation after reportedly making threatening comments to a class of students, saying the vice president should be shot.

The Cuthbertson High School teacher called out VP Mike Pence while he was visiting NC, allegedly telling her students he should be “shot in the head.”

Leftists are inherently violent. It’s part of their nature. The 100+ million people murdered in the 20th Century by their own government were almost all victims of socialist and communist governments. It should come as no surprise those on the political left in this country want to murder their political opponents as well. And this explains the increasing shrillness to ban the guns most useful to defend ourselves from them. They are just more visible in the expression of their intents now than they have been in the last 40 years.

Quote of the day—Sean D. Sorrentino

This is the world that the gun banners want you to live in. After they ban the guns, they want to ban anyone from renting a gun from a gun club, taking multiple training classes to get certified, and using that gun in organized pistol competition.

They hate you. Never forget that. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Sean D. Sorrentino
September 20, 2019
This is the world the gun ban fans want us to live in
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Dean Engemoen (@deanengemoen)

Go fuck yourself, shithead. The only violence I am interested in is taking care of every right-wing shithead who thinks that AR-15’s are appropriate in a decent society.

Dean Engemoen (@deanengemoen)
Tweeted on September 4, 2019
[Ahhhh… yes. The voice of tolerance in a decent society.

What would the death count if he got his way? 50 Million? 100 million?

Well, that certainly convinces me to give up all my guns.—Joe]

Quote of the day—SayUncle

I can’t wait for those who want their political opponents dead to be in charge of health care.

August 29, 2019
Details here.
[The same concerns would apply to law enforcement in a disarmed society. Criminals would know they could prey on those who were politically disfavored with little risk. In the early days of the USSR the criminals were openly considered allies of the communist party because they would prey upon those who owned property.

Although he doesn’t address the health care issue this guy from East Germany told me his experience with housing and jobs also confirms SayUncle’s point.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Jennifer Rubin

It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party. Um, we have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.

Jennifer Rubin
August 26, 2019
Washington Post Columnist Calls For Anti-GOP Violence: ‘Burn Down The Republican Party’
[This is what they think of you. They don’t want any survivors.

This could be said of all Socialist and Marxist politicians with a lot more justification than Republicans.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Tirno

Let me boil down the position of an anti-CCW advocate: “When I get what I want, my political enemies in this matter will be subjected to assault, rape and murder that they used to be able to stop. One-hundred-thousand to one-and-a-half-million people that disagree with me, per year, according to official government estimates, will suffer bodily harm if I get what I want, and I’m OK with that, if not actually gleeful.”

August 22, 2019
Comment to Quote of the day—Brian Malte
[Excellent point.—Joe]