Is David Pruss in trouble again?

A few years ago my brother helped capture David Pruss and wrote up his story of the event which I posted.

This morning I got a Google hit from a court in Ohio:

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 208.27.111.# (US COURTS)
ISP Sprint
Continent  : North America
Country  : United States  (Facts)
State  : Ohio
City  : South Solon
Lat/Long  : 39.7462, -83.5451 (Map)
Distance  : 1,736 miles
Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution  :  768 x 576
Color Depth  :  32 bits
Time of Visit   Nov 30 2010 7:48:18 am
Last Page View Nov 30 2010 7:49:05 am
Visit Length 47 seconds
Page Views   2
Referring URL…wYa3DMKwV6xGJxCorScA
Search Engine
Search Words david pruss
Visit Entry Page http://blog.joehuffm…AboutDavidPruss.aspx
Visit Exit Page http://blog.joehuffm…They Caught Him.aspx
Out Click  
Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor’s Time Nov 30 2010 10:48:18 am
Visit Number 949,960

It could be an entirely different David Pruss but I do know that some time after he was released the Sheriff was looking for him again.

Philosophy questions

I moved some pages I had on a different web site to this blog for better visibility and archival. These posts were from 1997 and 1998 which was long before my first blog post (February 3, 2004) and I have given the posts their approximate original date.


The pages moved are:




If you want to comment on one or more of those posts you will have to do it on this post as the comments are disable for posts that old.

People are ‘really’ interested in lingerie

My previous post on the Windows Phone 7 advertisement posting generating lots of search hits on my blog for information about the woman in lingerie generated still more traffic on the topic.

On November 2, the day before yesterday, searches about the woman wearing lingerie in the Windows Phone 7 advertisement constituted over 91% of all searches on my blog. 984 (actually this is a little low because my spreadsheet doesn’t account for some misspellings) out of 1078 search engine hits were with searches containing (“window” OR “phone” OR “lingerie”). A visual scan of those searches confirmed all those hits were because of an interest in “girl”, “woman”, “brunette”, or “hot chick”.

I guess it must be true that sex sells.

Quote of the day—Doug Huffman

When they left this afternoon, Randy said Dan insisted on being the last one out out of the house. He locked the door behind him ending 62 years of residence on the place.

Doug Huffman
October 30, 2010
[In the spring of 1927 our Dad was not quite four years old but he remembers coming back to Idaho with his Aunt Pet and Uncle Walt. His mother had died two years earlier from T.B. and his aunt and uncle took him to California for the winter while his Dad, Cecil, stayed in Idaho to complete the purchase of a new home and farm land. When they drove by his Uncle Frank’s home he asked why they didn’t stop because that was where they had lived before they went to California. His Aunt, Frank’s and his mother’s sister, told him they had a new home. They drove on for almost another mile and as they went around a bend in the road his aunt pointed out a house on the hill above them. “That’s our new home”, she told him. Although none of the original buildings from 1927 are still standing there are newer building visible in the map image below. On the left side of the image is the location of my Great Uncle Frank’s home. On the right side of the image there is sort of a ghost road that makes a bend through some trees to the east of some buildings. That bend in the road was the site of the county road until the early 1970’s and is the bend in the road where Dad first saw the place that was to be his home for 18 years when he was growing up.

Cecil, Walt, Pet, and Ollie (first a hired assistant and later Cecil’s wife), dad and his three cousins lived there from 1927 until 1945. The land was in another family’s hands until 1949 when Dan (Randy’s father—see the quote above) bought the land.

It’s bit off topic for this post, but Dan was a Jeep driver for General George Patten during much of WW II. I sometimes wanted to ask him about that but it always seems like there wasn’t the time to do that.

My brothers and I heard stories of the dogs, cats, cows, horses, pigs, crops, trucks, cars, and tractors of when Dad grew up on the farm. We lived about two miles west on another piece of property that Mom and Dad bought when I was five years old. A few times Dan asked Dad to come over and help fix or inspect the windmill or ask a question about the granary or another of the original structures that my grandfather and great uncle built.

In the late 1960’s Mom and Dad bought the land to the north of Great Uncle Frank’s place. It is on the northern end of this land that I build the Taj Mahal to manufacture and store the explosives for Boomershoot. The participants at Boomershoot park their vehicles and set up their shelters and shooting positions on the land adjoining the NE corner. This piece of land was given to my Grandmother Huffman, Aunt Pet, and Aunt Ada (sisters) by their father (and my Great Grandfather Carey) in about 1916.

In the map image below the shooters berm for Boomershoot is just under the “ce’ in “Nez Perce”. Shooters face almost directly south and shoot into a hillside that isn’t clearly a hillside in this image:

The pictures below are from about two weeks ago when my brothers and I walked around the farm where my Dad grew up:

This windmill was assembled and erected by my grandfather Huffman and Great Uncle Walt in 1940. It supplied the water to the farm until about 1972. Dad plans to restore it to functional condition.

This is part of the concrete foundation for the windmill.

This is the grain elevator Dad, Grandpa, and Uncle Walt built in the granary which they also built.

We found old books in the original carpenter shop which had copyright dates in the 1930’s. One book that I opened had the names of my Dad’s cousins in it. Dad frequently told us stories of some of  the things his Dad and Uncle Walt built in the shop. Things like Christmas gifts and a bobsled. Dad built a carpenter shop on our farm and when I climbed the ladder for the first time, a little over two weeks ago, into the shop my grandfather built, I knew my Dad had modeled his carpenter shop on the older one. And I recalled the bobsled Dad had built for my brothers and I.

Grandpa Huffman and Uncle Walt sold the farm because my Grandpa had heart problems caused by Scarlet Fever from much earlier and he wasn’t able to do the work the farm required. Grandpa spent the remainder of his life in California working as a carpenter, in a furniture store owned by one of his brothers, and was retired for several years before dying of a heart attack when I was about 8 years old.

Last Friday brother Doug and his wife Julie purchased the land with the buildings from Dan and his wife. The land on the south side of the road, also belonging to Dan and his wife, was purchased by my other brother Gary. This morning wife Barbara and I purchased the land from on the NW corner of South Road and Meridian Road from Randy and his wife. This land is directly south of the Boomershoot site and is part of the potential impact zone if stray bullets go over the hillside we shoot into.

This land deal is another reason for the light blog posting the last month or so.

It actually makes me as much sad as it does happy to have the land back in the family again. As Dan, Randy, and the rest of their family cleaned out the buildings and auctioned off the belongings they wouldn’t have a place to keep in their homes in town I imagined what it would feel like to do the same to the farm where I grew up. I could imagine what it would feel like to have Dad walk through the house we built when I was growing up. To have him lock the door and give the keys to someone else would be very, very painful. I know it was painful for Dan, Randy and their families. They put a lot of thought into it and rationally it was the proper decision to sell the place—Dan and his wife are at an age they can’t maintain the place anymore and have lived in town for the last few years.

They said it made it a little easier for them that it was a farm family and neighbors they had known for many decades but it was still a very hard and sad decision. They plan to come back in the spring and take pictures of the crops growing and I expect they will come back near harvest time to see that too. I know I would. And they will be welcome anytime.—Joe]

What people are really interested in

In one recent 24 hour period this blog has received the following search engine queries and counts related to Windows Phone 7.

You would think that of all the questions that might be asked about Window Phone 7 there would be a greater diversity of search engine queries instead of this narrow theme*:

Who is the woman in lingerie in the windows phone advert ( : 6
woman from windows phone advert ( : 3
lingerie woman in new microsoft window phone 7 commercial ( : 3
windows 7 phone lingerie ( : 3
lingerie windows phone commercial ( : 2
who is the woman lingerie in the windows phone 7 ad ( : 2
who is the woman in the lingerie windows phone commercial ( : 2
windows phone advert lingerie ( : 1
woman in windows phone advert ( : 1
woman in lingerie window’s phone 7 ( : 1
windows 7 phone ad really lingerie ( : 1
lingerie woman windows phone ( : 1
microsoft windows phone 7 commercial lingerie ( : 1
who is the woman of the windows phone advert ( : 1
windows phone 7 advert lingerie ( : 1
who is the woman on the windows phone advert ( : 1
“windows phone advert” lingerie ( : 1
windows phone lingerie woman ( : 1
windows phone 7 lingerie women ( : 1
windows phone advert woman in lingerie ( : 1
windows phone 7 lingerie woman ( : 1
microsoft phone advert lingerie ( : 1
windows phone 7 commercial lingerie ( : 1

As wife Barbara said, “It just shows what people are really interested in.”

*This, almost for certain, isn’t true. It most likely is an artifact of the Google search engine giving a high ranking to my blog post for queries that combine “woman” or “lingerie” and “windows phone 7”. For queries without “woman or “lingerie” my blog ranks very low. Hence the queries above represent a very biased sample of the total number of queries  related to WP7. As further evidence of this hypothesis note that there were no other search engines that sent WP7 queries my direction. It almost has to be an artifact of the Google ranking algorithm.

That idea has potential

Hover your mouse over the image to get the best part of the joke.

And according to my sources it isn’t all that difficult to build a program which can read a few conversation threads on a topic then make short comments that are indistinguishable from a live person on a similar thread. I would write something to do that and haunt the comment sections of the anti-gun websites but they disable comments or we outnumber them about 100 to 1 already. Hence human labor ends up being “cheaper” than automating the task.

It would be even easier to automate the task of responding as an anti-gun person to all the pro-gun websites—so I did:

namespace AntiGunComment
    using System;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] commentCollection =
                “ban armor piercing ammo”,
                “ban assault weapons”,
                “ban cop killer bullets”,
                “ban plastic guns”,
                “ban Saturday Night Specials”,
                “ban sniper rifles”,
                “ban the shoulder thing that goes up”,
                “close the gun show loophole”,
                “get illegal guns off the streets”,
                “keep guns out of the hands of children”,
                “license gun owners”,
                “reduce gun availability”,
                “register all guns”,
                “require an arsenal license”,
            const string commentFormat = “We need to {0}. It’s just COMMON SENSE!”;
            Random randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
            int index = randomNumberGenerator.Next(commentCollection.Length);

            Console.Write(string.Format(commentFormat, commentCollection[index]));

In case the source code is a little too obscure here is an executable for up to date Windows machines.

It’s a little scary to think someone could be replaced with such a small number of lines of code. With a little more work the capabilities could be enhanced such that it could respond to Bing News alerts by making a blog post. This could replace most of the anti-gun bloggers out there (hmm… maybe I could do that next weekend). I wonder what Joan Peterson and MikeB302000 would think of that… but then, maybe they already have been replaced. That would explain some things.

Light posting

Yes. I have been extremely lax in my blog posting. I have been spending a lot of time working on the Boomershoot entry website. I have made a lot of progress and expected to finish up this weekend but I had some unexpected problems come up which put it out at least another week.

I’m really pleased with the changes. Most will be transparent to the users but the most visible changes will be:

  • If you pay online (via Amazon and/or PayPal) your payment status will be updated automatically on the participants confirmation page
  • Payment/refund transaction history will be visible on participants confirmation page
  • Entry being open only to staff and/or previous year participants will be enforced by the website rather than relying on secrecy that entries are open

I sucked all the bits out of this town

I’m in a small town in central Missouri. I’ve been accessing the Internet via Internet Sharing with my cell phone and that worked well for a while. Then the data transfer rate gradually went to zero. Rebooting the phone and computer didn’t help. I started “borrowing” wireless bandwidth from someone with a SSID of “Linksys” (it is my understanding they are the largest free Internet provider in the country). That went away about two hours ago and I’m back on the cell phone which gives me a few bits every once in a while before drying up.

It’s like I am pumping water from a well and I pulled the water table down below all the intake pipes in the town. I’m mostly sucking air now with just an occasional few spurts of water.

Another indication of the low bit table is that my new phone with the weak cell signal (known issue, we are working on it) runs its battery dead, even while plugged into USB power, trying to sync my email from work.

Until I leave town blogging and email responses will be marginal at best.

Automated blacklist checker

As you probably already know some bloggers have been sued (for details see here, here, here, here, and here).

I don’t have problem with people enforcing their copyrights. But there is the concept of “fair use” which also needs to be taken into account. It is the general impression that the lawsuits do not recognize “fair use”.

The best plan of protection proffered so far (I have something else in mind that will take some more legal research) is to not link to any content from the offending news organizations (“blacklist” them).

Searching your blog for existing content that should be removed or edited is going to be dependent on the type of blogging software you use. Sebastian has something for WordPress.

Here is something to use with dasBlog software.

In private email Robb Allen reports if you have direct access to your data store you should be able to do something like:

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE postContent like ‘%{website}% OR postContent like ‘%{website2}%’ etc.

For future links I have created a web based utility that will check a link for you to see if it is on the blacklist. Some people got a preview of it last week. This morning I updated it so that it can handle heavier traffic and it looks a little prettier. Feel free to share it with whoever might have need of it.


In an hour or so I’m headed off to the semi-deep woods of North Central Idaho. I know I won’t have any cell phone service. I might be able to occasionally find an Internet connection. It’s just as likely I will come across wolves (or they will find us). The reports I have been hearing suggest they are getting more bold and agressive toward humans. If it comes up I’ll give a field report on the Hornady TAP FPD in 55 grain .223 Remington I found waiting for me when I got home last night.

The email

Robb Allen forwarded me the email about the Brady Campaign that contributed to a lot of the blog traffic about the Brady Campaign membership list. It is an exact copy of this.

Wife Barbara Scott especially likes this picture of Paul Helmke which can be found in the email:

In our family we refer to this type of humor as “Scott Family humor”.

You never know

Sometimes it is a surprise when I post something I think is fairly ordinary and it gets a lot of traffic.

Other times when I make a post I know it’s going to get some links and more traffic than most. A year or so ago I had decided that if I wanted to take the time (typically it’s a two to four hour investment so it’s not something I have time to do everyday) I can write a high traffic post at will.

When I stumbled across the Brady Campaign membership list on sale a couple weeks ago I thought I had something really big but the response was a little disappointing. Yes, I got more traffic than normal with about 1000 visits that day instead of the normal 500 to 700 but it wasn’t quite as what I had expected. [Shrug] Okay, so it’s not as interesting as I thought it was.

That was two weeks ago.

Friday afternoon Detroit Gun Rights Examiner Rob Reed made a post about it, Kurt Hofmann followed up with one of his own and things exploded. Numerous forums and email lists copied them, a few more blogs picked it up, and my Sitemeter entry page has looked like this for nearly two days:


My visitor and page counts:

Notice that on the 18th of last month when I originally made the post there was a little bump but not that much. Compare that to yesterday and what continues today.

I think the difference is because I had a rather narrow perspective on the significance of the data I found. Things clicked for Reed and Hofmann.

Just because I am willing to take their money

There are ads on this blog. I make a few pennies each day from them. Some (Blog Ads) I get individual control of. Others (Google and Microsoft ads) I don’t (or at least don’t care enough to look into it).

Just because you see an ad here does not necessarily mean I like their product. Nor does it mean I believe their message that Rapture will occur on May 21, 2011.

I just means that they bought me lunch to obtain the privilege of presenting their story to you via my blog. It’s up to you to decide if they are worthy of your attention or not.

Light posting

This will be the fewest posts I have made in a single month since March of 2006.

Things are very very busy at work. I can’t tell you how many nights I have stayed at the office until nearly midnight or worked from home until 02:00 or 03:00, or worked all weekend. I’m watching a build run out of the corner of my eye as I type this.

Next month isn’t looking good either. The pressure will remain high for most of the month and then I will need to do a lot of stuff for Boomershoot. Please believe me that I intend to post more and will do so again. It just might not be until sometime in May.

Quote of the day–Eric Shelton

Really falling in love with it.

Eric Shelton
March 12, 2010
Referring to The View From North Central Idaho
[I’ve noticed several link to my blog from Handgun Podcast over the last few weeks and finally got around to listening. That he says he is falling in love with my blog is just fine with me. And don’t forget that I admire myself for my modesty.

I haven’t finished even one episode but anyone that feeds my feelings of self importance is going to get my attention long enough to listen for a couple episodes. I’ve downloaded all the episodes and put them on my Windows Phone 7 Series and am listening to it as I type this.–Joe]

New ad appearing

I have approved a new ad which should be showing up in the right column soon. It is the first “adult” ad I have received. It’s probably not safe for work. And unfortunately it’s too late for Christmas or I might have ordered something as a present for Barb–even if they are in the U.K.

Oh well, Valentines day and her birthday are coming up soon.

Blog changes

If you read my blog directly you probably noticed a few cosmetic changes today. Mostly it was a side effect of me fixing the comment text entry box which was all messed up. I had to learn a bunch about Cascading Style Sheets to fix the problem and tweaked a few things along the way.

I moved the “Bloggers I Have Met” list to a different page because it took up so much real estate on the sidebar. I also updated the list. If I have overlooked someone please let me know. It wasn’t intentional to ignore anyone–except for wife Barbara.

Yes, she has a blog–with three posts since it was created on September 13, 2009. I refuse to link to it until she posts a little more frequently. Currently she has had a total of 13 visits. I think all of those visits were by me.

Blog maintenance

I’m upgrading this blog to a newer version. There will be some disruption. In general there should not be any loss of content but if you are in the middle of leaving a comment that could be lost.

I expect the upgrade to start at about 16:30 PST (about 15 minutes from now).

Update: All done.

Busy time at work

I put in about 15 hours at work yesterday and I have been up since about 5:00 AM this morning working too.

We have a major deadline tonight and I expect I’ll be very busy until late tonight and then crashing after that.

My blog and email may get some attention tomorrow or the next day.