I don’t think so

Dr. Joe’s cure for everything, more sex, works for a lot of things but I have my doubts about this:

All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction.

Solstice Day — Friday, December 22nd, at the time of your choosing, in the place of your choosing and with as much privacy as you chose.

To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through the input of the largest possible surge of human energy, a Synchronized Global Orgasm.

I’m fine with most of it but I think someone needs to take some physics classes because their understanding of energy and fields is more than a little wacked.

I’ll particpate and encourage Barb to help out because it can’t do any harm and it was on my list of things to do anyway but these people are nuts.

Posted in Sex

Sex and taxes

Now they are taxing sex. It’s an extension of the “pleasure tax”:

The sex levy is part of the “pleasure tax,” which originally placed a duty on casinos and arcades and was later extended to include brothels, massage parlors and table-dancing clubs.

Okay. So it’s only on the business sex. But they also pay other taxes:

The city’s finance department was not able to say how many prostitutes worked in the city as individual tax numbers could be registered to entire brothels. Prostitution is legal in Germany, where sex workers also have to pay income and value-added taxes.

Value-added tax? I”m going to have to think about that one for a while…

Posted in Sex

Cameron Diaz has subscribed to Dr. Joe’s cure

I’ve been saying it for over 30 years and now celebrities are endorsing it:

Hollywood beauty Cameron Diaz thinks that sex is the remedy for all the world’s ills.

The actress, who is dating pop singer Justin Timberlake finds lovemaking so therapeutic she believes it could be used as a cure for practically everything.

“Sex is the most amazing stress reliever. I actually think it’s the best thing for everything! I think it should be 100 per cent part of everyone’s life on a day-to-day basis. We’d all be a lot happier!” she was quoted by Hollywood Ragaas as saying.

Posted in Sex

This explains some things

I’ve heard New Zealand was a great place to visit and live. I was told it was because how beautiful it is. Now I find out they were holding back on me:

NEW Zealand’s prowess may lag that of Australia in most sporting pursuits but condom-maker Durex says it chose Kiwis to test its products because they are sexual champs.

Durex said New Zealanders were chosen to test-pilot their wares because they were among the most sexually active and adventurous in the world.

“Kiwis have proven they’re a sexually energetic bunch, and therefore it makes sense that a select few will have the chance to try our latest condom innovation, all in the name of research,” Durex NZ manager Victoria Potter said.

This may also explain why Mr. Completely married Kiwi.

Posted in Sex

Dietary changes

I don’t need to modify much. Just a little. I already eat lots of cashews and granola. I just need to up the foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Here are the detail:

Like many aspects of health, our sex drive is affected by what we put into our bodies. Certain foods affect the body in different ways. Depending on what you consume, wining and dining a date can induce more sleep than romance.

To really get your blood going, consider circulation-enhancing dishes. Food that’s high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are best. “Omega-3 makes your nervous system function better,” says Dr. Barbara Bartlik, assistant professor of psychiatry and sex therapist with the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Sex is really about circuitry.”

Improved circulation results in greater erectile response. To accomplish that, go for food rich in L-Arginine, such as granola, oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, dairy, green vegetables, root vegetables, garlic, ginseng, soybeans, chickpeas and seeds. Studies show that L-Arginine is helpful for improving sexual function in men.

I wonder what sizes those come in

How very odd for a couple of reasons. 1) I didn’t realize petrol (it’s from a UK paper) and Drano would cause an exothermic reaction. And 2) What in the world was going on in this woman’s mind? Did she think the men would be so stupid as to try to use the condoms?

An ex-strip club worker has been sentenced after she admitted sending condoms filled with explosives in the mail.

49-year-old Kimberly Lynn Dasilva pleaded guilty to the charges of sending threatening letters and flammable material through the post.

The ‘flammable materials’ included condoms filled with a mixture of petrol and the Drâno drain cleaner – a combination that can cause an explosion.

Her targets included strip clubs where she had previously worked, as well as a television station and a radio station. She claimed that she was fed up with being mistreated by men.

The incident occurred in Boston and there were several domestic papers that carried the article but it was only in the UK that they mentioned the materials used. The other articles I found were:

Now if they came in large enough sizes and detonated from rifle fire I might order a few from Ms. Dasilva.

Excuses, excuses

Samantha has a list of excuses for missing work. Pretty good stuff. Adding my favorites to the list:

  • Sixty Minutes wants to interview me about my working conditions.
  • The voices in my head told me today was a good day to stay home and clean my guns.
  • I was up all night reloading ammunition.
  • I was on America’s Most Wanted last night and I need to stay low for a while.
  • My house is surrounded by a SWAT team.
  • The ATF wants to see my explosives magazine (I always use vacation days, not sick days).
  • A hundred people with guns from all over the world are showing up expecting me to give them explosives to shoot at and I don’t want to disappoint them.
  • My wife is out of town so my girlfriend and her twin sister are spending the day in bed with me.

In case you didn’t know, I’ve never used the first five–I just thought they went well together and were sort of on topic with my interests.

I’ve never used the last one either. My social director (Barb) hasn’t been able to make the arrangements even though, for the last 30 years, she keeps saying, “Sure. I’ll work on that this weekend.”


I wouldn’t normally mention this sort of thing on my blog. I’m not into bathroom humor, like some people I know. And this video is nearly ten minutes long which is way too long for most blog readers. But the police marksman and the total breakdown of civil society make it good enough to warrant my mention. Via Samantha.

Interesting solution

This “male pill” works by preventing ejaculation without inhibiting orgasm. For some people that would eliminate a lot of the fun but for others it would be most welcome.

Also “useful” is that it can be taken as a “one of” a short time before its effects are needed and normal function returns a few hours later:

A male contraceptive pill, which can be taken as a one-off dose just before a date without any side effects, is being developed by British scientists.

The tablet would prevent a man from being able to impregnate a woman by creating a “dry orgasm”. But the user’s fertility would return to normal within a few hours of taking the drug.

The pill, which was derived from drugs used to treat schizophrenia, prevents ejaculation but does not affect the intensity of the orgasm.

Very interesting.

Posted in Sex

Luxury toys

I got an email from Babeland this evening. They have some toys they are pushing as gift ideas:

Spoil someone rotten with the look, feel, and total body indulgence of our top-of-the-line sex toys. These opulent items combine the latest technologies, premium craftmanship, and deluxe materials to create toys that are as decadent as they are delightful.

They have some interesting stuff available including programable (“as easy as sorting your music on iTunes”), 24K gold, stainless steel, and chrome toys. I will include just the paragraph titles to avoid pushing this blog too much past the PG-13 rating.

  • For the Connoisseur
  • For the Technophile
  • For the Fashionista
  • For the Adventurer
  • For the Minimalist
  • For the Sensualist
  • For the Bootie Queen
  • For the Realist (her)
  • For the Insatiable
  • For the Sophisticate
  • For the Aesthete

I couldn’t find any gPod’s there however.

Get a gPod for your iPod

Apple doesn’t like it but a small Japanese company has a innovative new product that is designed to be attached to your iPod–for women only:

Ichiro Kameda, the president of a tiny, two-man company in Osaka, is currently embroiled in a bitter battle with computer maker Apple.

“Putting it simply, the fight is all over what I call our beat generator. There’s a small device with three different, sound-activated motors. It’s a revolutionary invention. You can plug it in to iPods or mobile phones. It can also be programmed to operate only for certain voices,” Kameda says, referring to his company’s product.

Kameda’s commercial pride and joy is actually a women’s sex aid worn inside her most intimate orifices and buzzing her with good vibrations when set off by sound.

Though the Japanese Patent Agency gave him the right to use the devise (sic) in August last year, and the trademark he chose for the product was approved two months later, he still hasn’t been able to sell. The problem? He called the product the gPod, presumably after the G-Spot and jii, the Japanese word for masturbation. Kameda has since found out his choice of product name was like, well, taking a bite out of a rotten apple.

I wonder if Phil has some appropriate tunage

Explosives and Soapbox

I uploaded a several videos to Soapbox on MSN. They, not to mention Barb, won’t allow me to upload videos of my sex hobby activities. So I did the next best thing:

Video: Kim’s Project Fireball Test
After breaking up with her boyfriend this is Kim’s first smile in a week. Fireballs will do that to you.

Video: Titanium Powder Works
One of our first successful fireball tests.

Video: Boomershoot Project Fireball Test

Video: Rocks Versus Explosives
My brothers had two big rocks in a field they couldn’t get out with either the backhoe or the dozer. Ten pounds of explosives took care of the first one. Twenty for the second.

Video: Fairly Well
This is the first ever successful detonation of the explosive mixture to be used in Boomershoot. After two years of failures I was “enthusiastic” about the results.

Video: Exploding Guitar
It was a cheap guitar. Lyle can explain further. It was his guitar and he fired the bullet that detonated it.

Video: Pumpkin Popping
Aluminium powder gave it a bright flash. Flour gave it the white cloud of dust. It was hoped the aluminium would ignite the flour but it didn’t work out.

Yin and Yang?

I should ask our Chinese friend if this is some sort of cultural thing. Maybe something was lost in the translation because this makes no sense to me:

China has a totally different attitude towards sex from many countries. We should not only promote a bold, open attitude, as in Western countries, but also preserve healthy, traditional views on sex,” said Duan.

This appears to be a direct contradiction unless he is saying both (and I would presume all) behaviors are acceptable. But don’t doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the context:

BEIJING, Nov. 6 — Once regarded as “bold and open,” Li Yinhe’s views on sex, particularly topics such as “wife-swapping,” got a frosty reception from experts at the fourth Guangzhou Sex Culture Expo.

Addressing last year’s festival, Li, widely acclaimed as China’s foremost female sociologist on sex issues, said wife swapping was a normal kind of entertainment and all couples should have the right to do it if they wanted to.

However, this year scholars and experts at a forum held in conjunction with the ongoing expo rejected her easy-going views.

“Wife swapping should not be promoted to the public as it will lead to the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases,” said Zhang Feng, director of the Guangdong Provincial Population and Family Planning Committee.

Zhang added that neither the sex forum nor the expo should provide a platform for advertising bold and “unacceptable” views to the public.

Posted in Sex

Internet access, violent movies, and crime

Many thanks to Say Uncle for the pointer.

Overview for the laymen is here.

More porn means less rape.  Porn is implied. The actual variable is Internet access.

Violent movies reduce violent crime.

Previous studies measured aggression in the laboratory but not what happens in the real world. These researchers seem to have found ways to get the data from the real world. Bravo for them. I’m skeptical but only because it’s what I want to believe. It reduces the justification for interference with the free market. Let’s see if other researchers can duplicate and/or confirm their work. I’ll be doing my part–especially with the porn.

Sex myths exposed

More research on one of my favorite hobbies:

LONDON — People aren’t losing their virginity at younger ages, married people have the most sex, and promiscuity has no firm link to sexually transmitted diseases, according to the first comprehensive study of sexual behaviour.

The British study was published Wednesday as part of a series on sexual and reproductive health by the British medical journal The Lancet.

Experts say the findings, which go against many stereotypes of sexual health and behaviour, will be useful not only in dispelling popular myths about sex, but in shaping policies that will help improve sexual health across the world.

We did have some of our preconceptions dashed,” she said, explaining they had expected to find the most promiscuous behaviour in regions like Africa with the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases. That was not the case, as multiple partners were more commonly reported in industrialized countries where the incidence of such diseases was relatively low.

“There’s a misperception that there’s a great deal of promiscuity in Africa, which is one of the potential reasons for HIV/AIDS spreading so rapidly,” said Dr. Paul van Look, director of Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization, who was not connected to the study. “But that view is not supported by the evidence.”

Prof. Wellings says the results imply promiscuity may be less important than factors such as poverty and education — especially in the encouragement of condom use — in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

The study also found that contrary to popular belief, sexual activity is not starting earlier. Nearly everywhere, men and women have their first sexual experiences in their late teens — from 15 to 19 years old — with generally younger ages for women than for men, especially in developing countries. That is no younger than 10 years ago.

Still, there are considerable variations across countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, men and women tend to lose their virginity at ages 16½ and 17½ respectively. In comparison, men and women in Indonesia waited until they were 24½ and 18½ respectively.

Posted in Sex

The Pill for men

I remember when “The Pill”, as it is called, came out in the 60’s. It changed a lot of things. I doubt the male version will have as big of effect but it’s still interesting:

Men concerned about contraception may soon be able to use the male equivalent of the Pill, without the potential side-effects of a drug based on altering the balance of sex hormones.

Scientists have developed a chemical contraceptive that temporarily blocks the development of sperm but does not interfere with testosterone levels.

Trials on laboratory animals have shown that the contraceptive effect is reversible and that there are no apparent long-term side-effects. Human trials of the new male contraceptive could begin within the next few years.

The biggest change I predict will be the child support issues that arise when the man thinks his female sex partner is using some sort of birth control when in fact she was careless or even deliberately not using something. The man now has a means to protect himself from unwanted pregnancies of that sort while still preserving his options for a child at a later date.

Don’t regret failing to follow Dr. Joe’s advice

For at least the last 30 years Dr. Joe has been push his cure for everything–More sex. And now a survey from the U.K. reveals 70% of people 65 years old and older regret not following his advice:

The generational study questioned 1500 Britons over 65 and the same number aged between 20-29 and asked them their top 10 wishes if they could turn back the clock.

70 per cent of the pensioners said they wished they’d had more sex, with 57 percent regretting they had not travelled more.

Don’t be ready to retire and let me have the chance to say, “I told you so!”

And although I don’t talk about it much here Barb will back me up saying that our second most favorite activity together is to travel. We’re going to keep those regrets off the top of our lists.

And speaking of regrets, here’s a quote for you:

The follies which a man regret most in his life are those that he didn’t commit when he had the opportunity.

Helen Rowland