Random thought of the day

Having a government agency to control and regulate firearms in light of the Second Amendment is like having a government agency to control and regulate people with black skin in light of the 13th Amendment.

This isn’t to say that the use of firearms should be unregulated. You still could, and should, be punished for causing harm to innocent people or the property of others regardless of the means by which you caused the harm.

We were right again

Less than 10 days ago the Brady Campaign was saying:

Militant gun advocates and firearms industry lobbies will be surprised to learn that there are indeed limits on the Second Amendment right to bear arms, and that there is no fundamental right to carry handguns in public.

Today the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals said:

The Supreme Court has decided that the amendment confers a right to bear arms  for self-defense, which is as important outside the  home as inside. The theoretical and empirical evidence (which overall is inconclusive) is consistent with  concluding that a right to carry firearms in public may promote self-defense. Illinois had to provide us with more than merely a rational basis for believing that its uniquely sweeping ban is justified by an increase in public safety. It has failed to meet this burden. The Supreme  Court’s interpretation  of the Second Amendment therefore compels us to reverse the  decisions in the two cases before us…

This is huge! Carry of firearms outside the home has been declared to be a specific enumerated right by a Federal Court. Laws in Washington D.C., California, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and other jurisdictions are now target rich environments for lawsuits to strike down restrictions on a fundamental right.

The Brady Campaign is on the wrong side of history. Again.

Update: As pointed out by David Hardy this is a circuit split and it will almost for certain go to the Supreme Court for resolution.

Quote of the day—Smooth Kobra

the nation is founded on evil…anyone can see that

Smooth KobraSmooth Kobra
Tweeted on November 29, 2012.
[This pissed me off pretty good.

My response was:

@smoothkobra I’ll take you to the border with all your stuff that fits into my SUV if you NEVER come back. @Gay_Cynic @anothergunblog @TL671

He doesn’t deserve to live in this country and with that attitude he certainly isn’t going to make this country a better place.—Joe]

Blog status

Yes. I’m making some progress on getting my blog back up.

It is going to be more work than I originally thought. The conversion program had far too many bugs in it and I’m going to have to write my own to get the content moved over.

I have started the program but it will take probably four to eight hours of programming time and I have a lot of things going on in my life right now that prevent me from working on it. So it might be Sunday night (12/16/2012) before I can get the old content moved over.

I’m going to start blogging here again but with a reduced output while I work on the conversion.

Thanks for your patience.

I scored at the gun show

It has been nearly two years since I went to a gun show and I decided today was a good time to go look around again. The first table I looked at was selling bulk food (hard red wheat, beans, lentils, and corn) in plastic buckets appropriately prepared and sealed for long term storage. Since we grow and clean lentils on the farm I decided to ask if they were interested in buying direct from me. It turns out I could sell delivered product to them for $0.10/pound less than what they were currently paying. They ordered 1000 pounds on the spot!

I also picked up a couple of stickers that I’m considering putting on my vehicle:


Quote of the day—Dan Gross

This is the conversation the gun lobby wants you to be having.

Dan Gross
President of the Brady Campaign
November 2012
In response to the question, “Would you, at a moment when a stranger is shooting at you, prefer to have a gun, or not?”
[I find it very telling that Gross avoids the question. This is especially true because I recently finished listening to (and then purchased the hardcover version) Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception.

This is an excellent book. The title is a bit misleading because the book is about detecting deception which doesn’t necessarily mean lying. But “Spy the Deception” or even “Detect the Deception” just doesn’t have the “ring” to it that “Spy the Lie” does. Also of note is that the authors are former CIA officers.

Gross is being deceptive. He does not want to discuss the truth. In the famous words of Col. Nathan R. Jessup, Mr. Gross, “You can’t handle the truth!” And because Gross cannot handle the truth his organization is, and rightly so, doomed to the dustbin of history.—Joe]