Should I be worried?

I haven’t been following the scandal related to the University of Idaho’s University Place project.  So I don’t really know what to make of this Google query that showed up in the list of referral links for my blog:

grand jury witness list University of Idaho Foundation (

It could have been almost anyone looking for more information on the topic.  It could be a reporter.  It could be a lawyer.  It could be a “hit man” (or is that synonymous with “lawyer”?)  As near as I can tell they are located in North Carolina.

Anytime someone is looking for testifying witnesses I start hearing alarms go off in my head.  Any suggestions as to what, if anything, I should do?

Twenty pounds of HE versus a rock

I made an animated gif of the blasting of the big rock in our field the other day.  The combustion products from the gun show up in the second frame, then dirt is thrown up around the muzzle, then the detonation occurs.  This gives you an indication of the time delay between the bullet leaving the muzzle and the detonation of the explosion.  I was 127 yards from the explosion.  Just a little closer than I really should have been–there were clods of dirt that landed behind us.  My brother moved behind my van as the objects fell from the sky.  He was concerned they were rocks.


The jugs have water in them.  Except for the red targets all the explosives are under the water jugs and dirt.


Here is a picture of one of the larger plastic water jug remnants:

Click on the pictures for a high resolution version.

See also my previous posts on this topic:

Rocks and explosives video
Little rocks from big rocks and explosives

Traffic patterns

Kim du Toit (his site still down at the current time) once posted that he was frequently surprised at what posts got the most attention.  Something he thought was very ordinary would get a lot of attention and something he thought was really special would end up being no big deal.  In the case of my postings nearly everything is “no big deal”.  Virtually nothing makes a big splash on my blog.  However last night Keep and Bear Arms posted a link to my simple reposting of an email alert I received from them.  Traffic jumped.  Probably half of my traffic came from their referrals.  Then this morning Outdoors Unlimited linked to the same posting.  About 80% of my traffic is now from that one site.  About 10% is now from KABA.

It’s not my writing, it’s not my insights, it’s not my leaking of privileged information (hah!  As if I would ever do that), it’s that I posted an email that went out to thousands of other people. 

Kim duToit and hiding in the closet

I’ve had a couple people ask me if I had any clues what was going on with Kim duToit’s site, why it was down, etc.  I also saw a lot of people visit my site via search engines with query strings about Kim.  About all I could determine without given him a call (which I was hesitant to do because I don’t really know him that well) was that a connection could be made to the machine but it was refusing requests–someone had turned the site off.

AnarchAngel has the story, the essence of which is:

I have communicated briefly with Connie Du Toit, and there is a business issue requiring Kim and Connie to take the site down right now, and without any notice. They can’t provide details yet but expect some information in a few days.

The last few months have had a very sobering effect on me.  Think about this:

Q: How many gun bloggers openly use their real names? 
A: Not many.

Q: What percentage of those have had “problems” of some sort because of that?
A: A lot.

Q: How many anti-freedom bloggers do you know of that have “had problems?”
A: None that I know of.  But I don’t “travel in those circles.”  Anyone that you know of?

If you have to “stay in the closet” to be safe then how safe are you?  Did the Jews in Nazi Germany increase their safety by “keeping their heads down”?  It’s a predator/prey type situation.  If you go into hiding then you are saying, “I am the prey.”  You embolden the enemies of freedom. They become the full time predators.  They are at the top of the food-chain.  If we don’t bring a few of those predators down, feed on them, and scatter their sun-bleached bones on the range among our empty brass shell casing we have nothing but fear and hiding in our future.

Careful now.  Think about this.  Who are our true predators?  They aren’t just someone that advocates for their own imagined safety at our expense.  The predators are those that attempt to harm us personally (socially, financially, etc. as well as physically–which is unlikely) because they do not want our voices heard in open debate.  If you were to target someone for the loss of their job just because they advocated some new restriction on firearms then you are no better than those that targeted me or Kim for our activism.  In essence you cannot initiate “force”–you can only respond when they have initiated the use of “force” against you or another innocent party.  Don’t think this means you have to “play nice”.  Don’t just whine about things for a while.  If they initiate “force” they have given you the signal for you to transform into a ferocious predator.  You aren’t done until you are napping in the sun with a full belly and the vultures are feeding on the remnants of the carcass.

Also on this topic:

The closet
CCRKBA blasts bigotry 
Fred of Fred’s M14 Stocks on being on a list
Thoughts on coming out of the closet
Coming out of the closet has it’s price
Coming out of the closet

Quote of the day–Greg Hamilton

You’ve just dumped a scumbag.  Don’t put your gun away.  You scan the area.  Jackals and lions travel in packs.  You probably will never be involved in another shooting in your entire life.  This is it!  Make the most of it.  This is a target rich environment.  See if there is someone else that needs to be shot.

Greg Hamilton
Self Defense Instructor
Nov. 19, 1995

Business idea

I have had a lot of experience recently with detecting and tracking visitors to my websites that have an unusual interest in what I have to say.  Some of this is automated but a lot is still just grunt work.  I could do a lot more automation–to the point I think I could sell the service or perhaps the program.  I’m not sure on this last point.  Their may sufficient false positives that a quick look by a human eye is needed to make the final judgment.  Anyway, there are two things I would like to ask of my fellow bloggers and webmasters:

  1. Would you be interested in a service that monitors your log files and was capable of giving you a notice within a few hours that someone was taking an unusual interest in you?  It might prevent you from being Dooced.
  2. Do you have access to log files that I could use for test and development purposes?  I would even pay small amounts of money for log files from people who have actually been Dooced or “investigated.”  “Normal” log files would also be needed but I wouldn’t pay money for those.

Send me an email if you have some input.  Use

SAF needs New Orleans info

From a KABA alert I just received:


The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is calling on members and supporters living in the New Orleans metropolitan area who have had firearms confiscated by police, federal officers or National Guard units to contact SAF headquarters at once.

Over the past three weeks, since the New Orleans and surrounding area was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, there have been disturbing reports about warrantless searches and seizures of privately-owned firearms.

“SAF, in cooperation with the National Rifle Association, has investigators on the ground and has retained legal counsel in preparation for possible action,” said SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb.

SAF wants to speak directly with individuals who have actually had their firearms confiscated. If you, or someone you know, has had a firearm seized by authorities in the New Orleans area in the days following the hurricane, SAF needs to hear from you.

Contact SAF via e-mail at Please provide us with your full name, address, current working telephone number and the date and time of the firearm(s) seizure. Please also let us know the best time of day for us to reach you at that number.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb

Photographs at the fair

Earlier this week Xenia and I entered a bunch of photos in the Latah County Fair.  She entered most of these.  I entered this one:

All got blue ribbons except for three of Xenia’s.  The Blue Fairy on the next to the last row got a white ribbon, the one of the cat and the flower got a red ribbon, and one was entered in a different contest which hasn’t been decided yet.  She is very talented.  Barb and I went to the open house at the High School last night and got to meet all her teachers.  She is taking “Yearbook” this year and is one of the photographers.  The teacher held up last year’s “Inner Visions” (once a year school publication for outstanding literary works) with this picture of Xenia’s on the cover.  We are very proud.

I enjoyed hanging around my picture at the fair last night and listening to the comments of the people when they noticed it.  I think I’ll do that some more today…

Phone interview

I had a phone interview this morning with a software company.  It seemed to go very well.  My skills in the area they need help with are a bit rusty but I know I could do the job.  They said they are having trouble finding qualified people so my guess is that I’m in the running for at least a little while.  I probably won’t hear back from them for at least a week and then from there even if things went perfectly it would be at least several more weeks before I could actually start work. 

Xenia, Xenia’s John, and James were really excited about the job possibility and not just that it’s a job but because what I would be doing in this job (details after it is decided one way or the other).  Barb is less enthusiastic because it is out of state.  I share Barb’s concern on that issue but it is the number one company I would like to develop software for.  That makes up for a lot.

Awesome letter to Kevin

Kevin, over at The Smallest Minority, received a letter from one of his readers today.  I read it a little while ago.  A contributing factor is that I’m really tired right now but I started crying when I got to this part:

My dad, however, was a survivor of Auschwitz. My grandparents were murdered there. And it is now a cliche, but it’s true, the ‘average’ Jew could not defend themselves. So that got me to thinkin…and then seeing how it starts to look like America could end up like many S. American countries, with gated communities and barbed wire or broken glass up on the walls of the compounds…and I used to think this was the siren song of the Cassandras, but New Orleans showed that ain’t necessarily true…well, all this speaks of the need to have some protection.

This is the part that has to make Kevin really puff up in justifiable pride:

You’ve helped me understand a great deal of things I otherwise might not have. I had a lifetime bias against guns…still won’t say I like ’em, but that’s that cultural bias I mentioned, and having one for self-defense is not the same as enjoying killing.

Although it scares some people he should now understand my post Why Boomershoot?  And although many people think I’m paranoid for my Jews in the Attic Test I doubt he is one of them.

He’s looking for someone in the St. Louis area to take him shooting for the first time.  I would go and supply an assortment of firearms and the ammunition if someone wants to cover my travel expenses.  I’m a certified NRA instructor, I’m a high class B IPSC shooter, I do pretty good with a long range rifle, and further credentials are here.

Thanks for sharing Kevin.  That was really great.

Update: I have a pledge to cover the air travel with excess frequent flyer miles.  If I could get a little bit more to cover a couple nights in a cheap motel I’ll cover my meals.

Update2: I now have pledges to cover all my expenses.  Now it just depends on if Kevin’s reader wants to accept or not.

You would think they would know better

Via a pointer from Mindless Bit Spew. The Dutch are planning to open a “cradle to grave” electronic file on every child.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands – The Dutch government plans to open an electronic file on every child at birth as a tool to spot and protect the troubled kids of the future.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, all citizens will be tracked from cradle to grave in a single database — including health, education, family and police records — the health ministry said Tuesday.

As a privacy safeguard, no single person or agency will be able to access all contents of a file. But organizations can raise “red flags” in the dossier to caution other agencies about problems, ministry spokesman Jan Brouwer said.

The intention is to protect troubled children, Brouwer said. Until now, schools and police have been unable to communicate with each other about truancy records and criminality, which are often linked.

“Child protection services will say, ‘Hey, there’s a warning flag from the police. There’s another one from school. There’s another one from the doctor,” Brouwer said. “Something must be going on and it’s time to call the parents in for a meeting.”

Every child will get a Citizens Service Number, making it easier to keep track of children with problems even when their families move, said Secretary of Health Clemence Ross.

“Safety, guidance, education and supervision are incredibly important for the development of children,” Ross said.

All Dutch births are currently registered with local authorities.

Doesn’t it always seem to be “for the children”?  It has often been said the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I claim it is paved with the skulls of the tens of millions of people, including children, who died at the hands of their own governments intent on doing good at any cost.

It must be the Dutch forgot about the little incident back in the late ’30s and ’40s when those type of records were found to be quite useful–when tracking down all the people with “Jewish blood”.  And how is that “privacy safeguard” enforced?  Is there anything that can’t be changed by a simple act of the lawmakers?  As I said in the context of a U.S. Universal Biometric Identification the safeguards that I would require to be put in place in order to believe the contents of the database would not abused would cause the most enthusiastic Auschwitz guard to cringe at my creativity in punishment methods, violate numerous protections of the Bill of Rights, and probably inspire several additions to it.  And, I now add, enforceable by any person anywhere on the planet that has a reasonable suspicion there was abuse of that database.

Rocks and explosives video

My video digitizer is not working right. The audio is messed up.  But here is the video anyway.  At least you can see the big clouds of dirt.  There was one attempt that failed to detonate when we didn’t have a “detonator target” on top of the main charge and I tried to shoot into the top portion of the milk jugs.  Also, I think there was one blast on the first rock we didn’t video tape.

RockBlasting20050913.wmv (1.59 MB)

See also Little rocks from big rocks and explosives.

Quote of the day–Jeff Cooper

More than two thousand years ago Aristotle opined that most of the human race has essentially the soul of a slave. A recent Associated Press poll recorded that fifty-four percent of those questioned seemed willing to trade liberty for security. The sad fact is that one cannot trade the one for the other. You can surrender your liberty, but what you get in turn is never a significant increase in your security. There are those in Israel who feel that they would like to trade “land for peace.” That will not work either.

Jeff Cooper
From Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries
Vol. 3, No. 7
16 May 1995

Little rocks from big rocks and explosives

The complete collection of pictures for this adventure is here.  Below is just a sample.

I got up about 6:00 this morning, took Xenia to her drivers ed class by 7:00 and was on my way to the farm.  A little after 10:00 I had all my gear gathered up from the Taj Mahal and met my brothers at the house.  We went to a field they had been removing rocks from for several days.  There were two rocks that couldn’t be dug out with the equipment they had.  Below is rock number one from the “back side”:

Rock number one from the “front side”:

The rock appeared to be directly connected to the earth’s crust.  It also poked just above the surface of the dirt (prior to their digging with the back hoe and cat).  We put one of my improvised shaped charges on top of it and got back 93 yards to shoot it.  Here is a picture of the charge all ready for detonation by rifle fire:

The results were disappointing.  It removed a small “cap” off the right side and showed just a hint of a crack basically down the middle.  But not enough to brag about much.  We hit it again in the same spot with the same type of charge.  The crack got a little wider.  We tried a different approach.  A “water hammer”:

The detonating target for my rifle is on top.  In the middle is about two pounds of HE in a thin rectangle.  On the bottom is about two pounds of water in a thin rectangle.  The thought was that the HE would accelerate the water into the crack and force it open further.  The results were, again, disappointing:

We came back after lunch with more explosives and tried two milk jugs (about 10 pounds of HE) with rocks and water around the sides to help confine the charge.  This yielded a significant break in the top side of the rock which we easily exploited with a large bar:

We put about five pounds of HE under this rock and another five pounds on top of that but still in the crack.  Around that we packed dirt and water jugs:

This pulverized it:

We went on to Rock two.  Having learned our lesson we packed about 20 pounds of HE in the side of it next to the bedrock and put dirt and water jugs all around it.  It took four of the 4″ square detonator targets stacked on top of each other to reach a height we could see it from our shooting position:

I’ve never set off a 20 pound boomer before.  In fact the 10 pound boomers a little earlier were a new record for me.  We got back what seemed to be a reasonable distance which according to the laser range finder was 127 yards.  I fired and clods of dirt (sure glad we didn’t put rocks around it!) landed behind us and off to the side of us.  It had the desired effect on the rock however:

Video was taken as well.  I’ll get that digitized and up before long.