
I was buying the last of the chemicals needed for Boomershoot 2014 when the following occurred. This was in Bellevue Washington just across the lake from Seattle. This is in the belly of the anti-gun beast.

Lady in line at Walmart: Nice coat.
Joe: Thank you!
Lady: That’s a good organization, right? They teach how to use guns safely don’t they?
Joe: Yes they do. In fact, I’m a firearms instructor.

She apparently saw this patch on the sleeve of my jacket:


Boomershoot 2014 entries

Boomershoot 2014 entry is now open for staff. If you were staff for 2013 and use the same exact spelling for your name as before the entry software will allow you to enter now.


If you were a participant in Boomershoot 2013 then the software will allow you to enter tomorrow, Wednesday May 22, after 6:00 PM PDT.

Anyone is allowed to enter after Friday May 24 6:00 PM PDT.

There may be some web service interruptions. My web hosting provider is updating my server and it will involve a change in IP address. If you get a page not found type error wait an hour or so and try again.