Quote of the day—Marianne DeAlessi

Losing innocent children to gun fatalities can be eliminated with gun control.

Marianne DeAlessi
March 15, 2012
Argument for gun control
[What kind of fantasy world is she living in? Even ignoring the hundreds of thousands of children murdered by their own government using firearms many who might have been saved had there not been gun control the only “gun control” that could possibly achieve such a result would be the complete destruction of all firearms. And of course as the availability of firearms tends toward zero other types of violence tend to go up such that there is no net gain in safety.

It may be that she is suffering from Peterson Syndrome but if not then she should attempt to answer Just One Question before advocating for more gun control.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Philip Mulivor

Today, responding to the anti-rights twaddle of daily newspapers is more and more like arguing with—for lack of a polite comparison—terminally ill mental patients. Having departed from the world of fact and reason long ago, and sliding ever faster toward their inelegant demise, newspapers simply have become distractions and decoys for gun-rights activists. It’s only from the force of habit that gun writers today bother to rebut the tired fallacies rehashed in the dead-tree media.

Philip Mulivor
March 14, 2012
Gun rights and the death of newspapers
[“Terminally ill mental patients.” I like that.—Joe]

CBS segment on Glock

Via email from author Paul Barrett:

This Sunday, the newsmagazine “CBS Sunday Morning” will air an extended segment on Glock — the pistol, the company, and the man behind them — based in part on my new book, GLOCK: The Rise of America’s Gun (www.glockthebook.com). Anthony Mason, CBS’s Senior Correspondent for Business and Economics, reported the piece. He attended SHOT Show, did some shooting with a Glock, and interviewed me. How do you think the network will handle the issue?

We shall see Sunday morning!

All best,
Paul Barrett

My guess is the anti-gun people (all 10 of them) will be more unhappy than the pro-gun people.

Guest post: Are You Defenseless Without A Firearm?

This is from guest writer Rick Saxby.

I think it would be safe to say that pretty much all civilians who have a carry permit carry folding knives as backups to their pistols. If I were to bet, I would put money on the probability that the majority of them never train with their knives. In this article, I go over some points and make the argument that you should train with your folding knife so you can make it your primary weapon if need be. In my opinion, that is the best self defense. There’s a statement that I regularly read on forums which I believe is a poor answer to an important question. People say that carrying a pistol is a lifestyle and they avoid places that forbid them to carry a pistol on their person. This is not a solution nor is it possible if you are a member of this society. Here are a few of the places were civilians are forbidden to carry their firearms. 1. Post office, courtrooms (Jury duty), DMV and other government establishments 2. Colleges (Including Sports events) 3. Commercial airline travel 4. High schools (Including sports events) 5. Work: Most companies do not permit their employees to carry firearms to work Unfortunately for the public at large, shooting rampages commonly take place in places such as these. Most people who carry a firearm on a daily basis pretend that they can just make a habit of avoiding these places. But the thing is, for the majority of the people in our society, this is impossible. And if all you have is firearms training then when you are forced to leave your pistol behind you are completely letting your guard down for just a moment in places we typically associate with mass shootings. There are studies showing that someone armed with a contact weapon like a knife can travel approximately 7 yards in 2 seconds. 1.5 seconds is the average time it takes someone who has their pistol holstered to take out their firearm and get off a shot or two. So unless someone is very aware of their situation and also looking for attack cues, they are going to get stabbed. I would never tell anyone to bring a knife to a gun fight but my point is that I try to never underestimate what someone with intent is capable of doing to someone if they have a knife. Especially if that person has the right kind of training. I also have some facts that women and fathers who have daughters will be interested in; girls who are ages 16-19 have the highest rates of being victims of violent crimes in America, followed closely by women 20-24. In cases of rape, the ages of the average victims are younger than that, with half of the victims being under 18. One third of all the rapes in this country happen to girls 12-17. So it’s kind of funny to me when a grown man can get a permit to carry a gun but the population segment in this country who has the highest potential to be a victim of violent crime is strictly forbidden by law to carry firearms on them. And don’t forget about all the politicians out there who are dedicated to total and complete gun control.

  • Senator- Dianne Feinsteine Democrat-California: Interview with 60 minutes (1995) “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the senate of the United States for an outright ban picking up everyone of them (Firearms), Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in, I would have done it”.
  • Rep. William L. Clay (D-St. Louis, Mo.), said the Brady Bill is “The minimum step” that Congress should take to control handguns. “We need much stricter gun control, and eventually we should bar the ownership of handguns except in a few cases”

The tragedy of it all is that every time there is another shooting rampage that takes place in this nation’s schools or workplaces, these politicians use these tragedies as fuel for their fire. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop these shootings from happening. They are just byproducts of a society that is spiraling out of control. To top this off, according to the IMF’s latest forecasts, China’s economy will soon surpass America’s in real terms by the year 2016. And the sad thing is we are also in debt to this massive communist superpower who does not allow any of its population except the police and military to own firearms. China is also beginning to strongly influence our financial policies as well. Maybe they have already started to influence some other policies here. I know that’s pretty far-fetched but look what happened in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. There was a massive gun confiscation in the aftermath of the hurricane. Here are some of the victims of the gun confiscation and how they described that day:

  • Buell Teel- “Automatic rifles pointed at you, you don’t have any choice… They didn’t care what your rights were, they were going to deny them. It’s not America as we’ve known it before; it’s changing”
  • Richard Styron- “They took ’em, and they didn’t have a right to take ’em, they didn’t even have a reason to take ’em.”
  • Robert Zas- “Heed the warning of what this was, it’s like Australia. All the sudden, boom, they’ve got our rights.”
  • Wayne Schum- “We are living proof that all they have to do is say, ‘look- this is the law’.”

What if you and your family found yourselves surrounded by men with M16’s pointed straight at you with one in the chamber and the safety off? Make no doubt about about it, when the cops come for your guns the tough talk stops and you give them up. God forbid this happens to anyone but people in this country shouldn’t believe this type of situation will never happen to them. So what I’m saying is people should incorporate knife and club training into their firearms training. This makes for the most practical self defense training. This is not the “one true answer” that will save you and your loved ones from all harm but it is far better than just gun training by itself. Make no doubt about it; an awesome folding knife, some combat boots, a bulletproof vest and a billy club can go a long way when you keep a low profile.

Quote of the day—Windy Wilson

What comes out of the mouths of Leftists that is purportedly the law is as related to the law as Cargo Cult is related to science.

Whenever some made-up statistic like this one is put forth by Leftists the blogosphere should accompany it with images of James Gregory and the Heinz Ketchup bottle from “The Manchurian Candidate.”

Windy Wilson
March 13, 2012
Comment to Quote of the day—Gun Victims Action.
[I’m not sure the reference is understood by enough people to get the message across but the gist of it is certainly correct.—Joe]

Quote of the day—John Richardson

Calling Ladd Everitt an expert on gun laws is such an oxymoron that it borders on incomprehensible.

John Richardson
Consult An Expert!
March 9, 2012
[Everitt is with the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

This is almost a trend. Yesterday I quoted a former police officer saying Brian Malte at the Brady Campaign didn’t know what he was talking about.—Joe]

Quote of the day—kraigwy

Mr. Malte needs to ask for a refund from his History Teacher. The Constitution says nothing about Permission in regards to the 2nd amend.

As an FTO for my department I stressed that the officer safety dictates to the officer that everyone he/she meets is carrying.

My hat goes off to every state that passes “constitutional carry’ laws, joining my state (WY) and the state I policed (AK) prior to retiring.

March 8, 2012
In response to “They want a gun in every nook and cranny in society with no permission needed and no background check,” Malte said, adding, “This is just a recipe for disaster.” in the article 12 States on Path to Guns Without Permits.
[“Malte” refers to Brian Malte, the director of state legislation for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

So here we have a former police Firearms Training Officer telling the Brady Campaign they don’t know what they are talking about.

That’s par for the course.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Sebastian

[C]an I please also move to the universe where Ladd Everitt, Josh Horwitz, and Dennis Henigan are machine gun collectors?

March 8, 2012
Weed Legalization: Surreal Edition
[A close second for QOTD from the comments of that same post was by Oliver Perry who said, “You wouldn’t want to live in that universe-Huffman would be head of the Brady Campaign and Baker would be head of CSGV.”

This reminds me of an alternate universe I once hypothesized where the NRA was evil and the Brady Campaign represented the good guys.—Joe]

Boomershoot 2012 has openings

Boomershoot 2012 still has openings available. The following positions are available:

  • Position 5 in the .50 Caliber Ghetto
  • Positions 8 and 13 in the Lowlands
  • Position 38 in Main (a shooting bench is strongly recommended)
  • Positions 48, 49, 51, 55, 57, and 58 in Berm (shooting benches discouraged)

Author Paul Barrett will be our dinner speaker on Saturday night plus there will be a dozen gun bloggers attending:

There will be over 1000 exploding targets available. Each detonation will pack enough of a “punch” for you to feel it hundreds of yards away.

Have a blast by getting your share of those targets and make anti-gun people cry by signing up here and attending Boomershoot 2012.

Quote of the day–Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre

If virtue be the spring of a popular government in times of peace, the spring of that government during a revolution is virtue combined with terror: virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is impotent. Terror is only justice prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a natural consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing wants of the country … The government in a revolution is the despotism of liberty against tyranny.

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre
February 5, 1794
Report on the Principles of Political Morality
[Via Bill Whittle:

Via Kevin Baker’s The Slaughter isn’t a Bug, It’s a Feature.

Read that again:

Terror is only justice prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a natural consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing wants of the country.

That is what emanates as a natural consequence from those that believe if only the 1% (or 10% as President Obama’s good friend Bill Ayers believed) were responsible for the problems of the rest of the population were “taken care of” utopia could be achieved. The method for dealing with these “troublemakers”, as Whittle above points out, is frequently the murder of tens of millions of people. And as Kevin points out, this is a “feature” not a “bug” in the mind of the self-anointed.

And that is Why Boomershoot.—Joe]

A good use of their money

It’s extremely rare that I am pleased with anything Washington Ceasefire does. But I find this moderately pleasing:

New ads asking you to think twice about gun ownership are showing up on Metro buses…

Ceasefire spent $50,000 on the bus signs…

The ads are trying to change the minds of people about exercising their specific enumerated right to keep keep and bear arms. That’s going to be a really tough sell. And to what end? The only way that can have a detrimental effect is if they can get a critical mass in the legislature through the shift of public opinion. They are advertising in districts they already “own” legislatively. The best they can hope for is to keep from losing some of that support.

It is going to be a especially difficult sell since they are using bogus statistics. Only one researcher has come up with their claimed conclusion, “When you have a gun in the home, you are 22 times more likely to kill a family member or a friend than you are an intruder”. Other researchers disputed it. And the wording of the conclusion is such that it is very misleading. It assumes the only valid use of a firearm is if it is used to kill an intruder. Brandishing or a wounding that results in the protection of innocent life or property doesn’t count with this metric.

So… keep pouring that money down the toilet Washington Ceasefire. Your end is near and I am pleased you are hastening that day.

Quote of the day—David Stockman

The Fed is a patsy. It is a pathetic dependent of the big Wall Street banks, traders and hedge funds. Everything (it does) is designed to keep this rickety structure from unwinding. If you had a (former Fed Chairman) Paul Volcker running the Fed today 7/8— utterly fearless and independent and willing to scare the hell out of the market any day of the week — you wouldn’t have half, you wouldn’t have 95 percent, of the speculative positions today.

When the real margin call in the great beyond arrives, the carnage will be unimaginable.

David Stockman
March 3, 2012
DAVID STOCKMAN: You’d Be A Fool To Hold Anything But Cash Now
[H/T to Rudy Kearney.

I’m not convinced cash and gold are the only thing to hold onto right now. Farm land, copper coated lead, and brass would seem to hold their value better than cash and probably gold. But I see his point about stocks and fully agree the carnage is going to be massive.—Joe]


It seems to have become universal.  Cops refer to us as civilians, meaning, I guess, that cops don’t see themselves as civilians, meaning that they think they are military police.

If you want our respect, you might at least try using the language correctly, otherwise I’ll assume you went to cop school because you were rejected as a junior high school janitor.

I rarely watch television anymore, but last night I caught some of a show about cops in Alaska.  I’ve been to several parts of the state, so I was interested in a general sort of way.  Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous photography, but it otherwise made my skin crawl.  In what I can only assume is an effort to dehumanize the people they ostensibly serve, cops refer to men and women as “males” and “females”.  No one is a man, or a woman, or a husband, father, son, brother, wife, mother, sister or daughter, but is a “male” or a “female” as though cops are of a different species.  By their own language then, they’re non human MPs.  Or is it superhuman MPs?  Either way it’s sick.

They say there is a high rate of suicide in Alaska, and they showed a couple of responses to the same.  I find it extremely unfortunate that they send a man with a uniform and a gun (drawn) to respond to something like that.  It’s probably the worst possible choice.  Yes; I know the reasoning, so don’t bother.  It’s just extremely unfortunate.  They hauled one guy off to a “doctor”.  Gawd.  The last thing that “civilian male” probably needed was cop (who refers to him as a “civilian male”) and “doctor”.  The whole thing reminded me of that spoof Star Wars Cops video, only it wasn’t a spoof.

It’s a small world

This morning I road the bus into downtown Seattle pretty much as usual except one of Caleb‘s brothers was on the same bus. He recognized me from the Boomershoot coat and says he reads my blog all the time. 🙂

It turns out he works five stories above me in the same building.