Quote of the day–Tony Blair

In Iraq and Afghanistan, al Qaeda has taken a stand.

They know that if progress and democracy take root in those two previously failed and terrorized states, then their values of violence and hatred against those who disagree with them will in turn be uprooted.

That’s why they fight and why they will continue to fight very hard.

For three years, al Qaeda have sought to murder innocent people, promote sectarian killing and wreck the democratic process in Iraq.

This terrorism is a global movement. Their attack in Iraq has only ever been part of a wider attack that they have carried into conflicts and countries the world over.

Indeed, there is barely a major nation in the world that has not felt the outreach of their evil.

Defeat them in Iraq and we will defeat them everywhere.

We need to do so armed, of course, with weapons, but also with one simple idea — that where people want to live in freedom and be governed by democracy, they should be able to do so and the world should stand united behind them.

In Iraq today, that idea has shown its worth.


Tony Blair
Prime Minister of Britain
June 8, 2006
Blair: Blow to al Qaeda everywhere

Quote of the day–Martin Luther

Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and … know nothing but the word of God.

Martin Luther
[I admire Luther for his honesty even though I dispise his contempt for reason and truth. Most present day haters of reason, nearly all advocates of gun control, are not nearly so open about it.–Joe]

Culture under attack

In the U.S. we have a gun cultureNRA, SAF, CCRKBA, GOA, KABA, JPFO, USPSA, bloggers, and even Boomershoot and I are a small part of it. And even though all the these organizations and people only advocate legal activities we still get blamed for the illegal use of guns. Our culture is under attack by bigots with mental problems who can’t answer Just One Question.

But have you wondered what the bigots would say if our gun culture was abolished? Would they then be happy and stop their whining about freedom? In England nearly all guns are banned yet they still have violent crime. So what do the like-minded bigots say there? No big surprise–it’s the knife culture:

…he was appalled at Britain’s knife culture.

Kamondo Mulumbu said: “Knives are out of control. Most young people are walking around with them.”

These bigots are people that cannot tolerate freedom. They demand their freedoms be taken from them and others. They yearn for a utopia that cannot exist and paradoxically the perceived path to an Elysium Field is the path to a hell on earth. You can chose to fight them now on the gun issue or you can attempt to fight them later when even knives have been abolished. Adapt Churchill’s quote to the situation as necessary. It’s not just gun or knife culture that is under attack, it’s the culture of freedom.

Awesome understatement

Ry says awesome.  That is an understatement.  Among the usual things to wonder about in this video I wonder about the air density.  How did he know it would be safe at that altitude?  The glide ratio is going to be severely affected compared to doing the same stunt at sea level.

Quote of the day–Martin Luther

Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but — more frequently than not — struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.

Martin Luther
[The benefits of socialism, communism, and gun control are faiths as well.  Factual data and reason are hated by most, no matter how well intentioned, promoters of those belief systems.–Joe]

A good sign

Some moderate Muslims in Canada are asking for help in preventing their youth from becoming extremists.  This is a good sign:

OTTAWA—Canada’s Muslim community is asking for high-level political assistance, including the help of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to weed out extremists who are preying on young people.

“We’re not here to say we don’t have an issue. Of course we have an issue, but we can’t deal with it ourselves,” social worker Shahina Siddiqui, president of the Islamic Social Services Association, told a news conference yesterday.

“We are part of the Canadian society and so we demand that the Canadian society come forward and help us to root out this.”

All the alternatives to a large majority of Muslims helping to end the violence of the extremists are very unpleasant.

Understanding Bush derangement syndrome

Putting on my engineer/scientist hat…

Why do so many of the people on the political left make such outlandish claims that no rational person could believe them?

Bush derangement syndrome describes some of the symptoms in general terms. It does not explain why it occurs and hence is of little use in prevention and cure.  Other, more specific, examples of irrational beliefs include:

The best explanation to date is, in the simplest possible words, When Prophecy Fails.  This isn’t a perfect fit but the underlying mechanism appears to explain the symptoms.  Let me explain.   When people commit to a political viewpoint they frequently don’t just adhere to a set of beliefs they claim are “good” they also frequently claim their opponents are “evil”.  This is, in almost all cases, not true.  Because I am so familiar with the issue of gun control I’ll use examples from that particular public debate to illustrate. Without any data to support one side or the other there are two hypothesis that, at face value, appear to be worth exploring:

  1. Easily available weapons is good public policy because they enable innocent people to defend themselves against violent criminals.
  2. Easily available weapons is poor public policy because they enable violent criminals to commit violent acts against innocent people.

Some people promoting hypothesis 1 go beyond claiming they are trying to save lives by enabling self-defense.  These people may claim their opponents have the intent to enable evil acts (socialism, communism, genocide, etc.)  Some people promoting hypothesis 2 go beyond claiming they are trying to save innocent lives by removing weapons from potential criminals.  These people may claim their opponents do not care about the loss of innocent lives and are motivated by money from gun and ammunition sales or the mere enjoyment of their hobby.

In the process of promoting their beliefs both sides will make predictions (prophecies) about the consequences of agreeing and/or not agreeing with them.  When those predictions fail to come about they are in the situation of a failed prophecy as described by the book.  Those people, given certain conditions, will not admit they were wrong and change their beliefs but will instead increase their promotion (proselyting) of their belief system and make new, typically even grander, predications of the adverse results if people fail to adhere to their belief system.

Hence, people opposed to the Bush administration end up claiming President Bush is the equivalent of Adolf Hitler and the gun controller types ban certain types of clothes when gun bans fail to reduce crime.

Quote of the day–Abu Abdel-Rahman al-Iraqi

We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

The death of our leaders is life for us. It will only increase our persistence in continuing holy war so that the word of God will be supreme.

Abu Abdel-Rahman al-Iraqi
Identified as the deputy “emir” or leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.
June 6, 2006
Quad Cities Times–Spiritual adviser led to al-Zarqawi
[Note the goal, that the word of his God to be supreme and hence the end of human rights as we know them.  It also sounds to me like a example for When Prophecy Fails.–Joe]

Reading, arithmetic or both?

We already know The Gun Guys have mental problems, but beyond the known problems there is even more.  Which do you think it is?  Do they have reading comprehension problems? Arithmetic problems? Or maybe both? Here’s the evidence, you decide, from an email I received today:

But the most important of these is definitely the “one handgun every three months” law.  Currently, anyone legally able to buy one gun can legally buy any number of them– illegal gun dealers know this, and therefore use it to buy weapons in bulk, which they then sell to criminals.  This law cuts that right out, and doesn’t come close to bothering “law-abiding gun owners,”  Who legitimately needs to buy 36 new guns every year?  A similar law is being worked on in Pennsylvania right now, which would actually limit the purchase of handguns to one every month.  And if you really need to buy more than 12 handguns per year, you should get another hobby.

If he didn’t understand one “handgun every three months” meant something different than “three handguns every month” it was a reading comprehension problem.  If he mixed up multiplication and division then it is a serious arithmetic deficiency.  I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he knows better than to believe there are 58 months in a year but with all the mental problems he has the possibility exists he could be living in some sort of imaginary alternate universe.

If you are ever asked why limiting your purchase rate is a bad idea here are some answers:

  • Registration:  In order to enforce laws such as these registration of all (hand)gun sales with automated retrieval of the data is required.  If you don’t understand what is wrong with that then you have more reading to do (also here and Molon Labe).
  • Legitimacy:  The constitution (Federal and most states) protect the right to keep and bear arms.  Where did they acquire the authority to ignore the constitution?  And if they claim “reasonable regulation” such as “shouting fire in a crowded theater” comparing it to the First Amendment you answer that if they are allowed the power to restrict you to one gun a month then they also have the power to restrict it to one per year, one per lifetime, or ownership of only one gun at a time.  A better comparison would being only allowed one letter to your congress critter each year, or one blog posting per week.
  • Effectiveness: It’s already illegal for convicted felons to own firearms.  A law prohibiting you and I from buying more than one gun every N units of time will not matter to them.  Such a law would not be any more effective than the current laws against the manufacture, sale, purchase, and use of some recreational drugs.

And the best answer is, “It’s a bad idea because no one has yet answered Just One Question.”

Now feed him to the hogs

Fortunately the two 500 pound bombs didn’t reduce him to his molecular components:


In fact he lived for a few minutes after the bombs blew the house into rubble.  In his last minutes he had the opportunity to see the faces those who he should have worshiped–those who brought the fist of god down upon his head:

The house, and all inside it, was wiped out. However, Jordanian sources last night said Zarqawi did not die instantly. Though mortally wounded, he was alive when Iraqi and US troops arrived on the scene. His brutal reign ended 10 minutes after the bombs fell. Ten others died with him, among them a chief aide and two women.

There is video showing the bombs being dropped but the video I really want to see publicized is that of his remains being excreted from the ass of a pig.

Ammo shortage is Hillary’s fault

I’ve been hearing about the 7.62×39 ammo shortage and high prices for sometime now.  I didn’t realize it was Hillary Clinton’s fault and wouldn’t have believed if I didn’t have these additional details:

American defence officials have secretly requested a “prodigious quantity” of ammunition from Russia to supply the Afghan army in case a Democrat president takes over in Washington and pulls out US troops.

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Pentagon chiefs have asked arms suppliers for a quote on a vast amount of ordnance, including more than 78 million rounds of AK47 ammunition, 100,000 rocket-propelled grenades and 12,000 tank shells – equivalent to about 15 times the British Army’s annual requirements.

The Bush administration is said to want the deal because of worries that the next president could be a Democrat, possibly Hillary Clinton, who may abandon Afghanistan.

Defence specialists said Russian arms chiefs at first “fell about laughing” because they thought the order was a joke when it arrived this month.

But with the Americans said to be pressing for a price and earliest delivery date, the request is being rapidly processed and exports could begin before the end of this year.

The “decade’s worth” of ammunition will give the Afghan National Army a vast arsenal to deal with Taliban or drug warlords if Washington withdraws its troops.

The order also suggests the Afghan army will be equipped with T62 tanks, Mi24 Hind attack helicopters and Spandrel anti-tank missiles.

If fully trained it will provide a formidable force against insurgents and potential foreign aggressors, including Pakistan where tensions are high on the southern border.

“This is completely refitting the Afghan army for the long term and it should stop a resurgence of the Taliban in its tracks,” a British arms expert said. “The order will take a year to make and deliver but the Russians are used to large quantities.”

Some observers pointed to the irony of the deal, because when the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan the Americans sold Stinger surface-to- air missiles to the Mujahideen to enable them to shoot down Moscow’s aircraft.

Quote of the day–Nouri al-Malki

Al-Zarqawi was eliminated.

Nouri al-Malki
Prime Minister of Iraq
June 8, 2006
Top terrorist killed in air raid
See also:

[There was no competition for today’s “Quote of the day”.–Joe]

Experts weigh in on ID cards

Via Bruce Schneier.

In this case the experts are the people that make a living selling the fake cards:

(AP) Luis Hernandez just laughs as he sells fake driver’s licenses and Social Security cards to illegal immigrants near a park known for shady deals. The joke _ to him and others in his line of work _ is the government’s promise to put people like him out of business with a tamperproof national ID card.

“One way or another, we’ll always find a way,” said Hernandez, 35, a sidewalk operator who is part of a complex counterfeiting network around MacArthur Park, where authentic-looking IDs are available for as little as $150.

Basically it’s a unsolvable problem that, even if successful, won’t solve the problems the government wants it to solve.

The front is here

The recent arrests of Muslim extremists in Canada weren’t isolated and weren’t limited to just that country:

AN INTERNET trail left by a British computer expert has led investigators to an intricate terror network spreading from the backstreets of Baghdad through cells of young militants living in European capitals to Islamic extremists plotting car-bomb attacks in North America.

For nine months police and intelligence agents in eight countries have patiently worked through a forest of e-mails and intercepted telephone calls that have so far led to the arrest of up to 30 men.

A senior security source told The Times that there is a far greater number of terror networks operating in Britain than had been thought, all using the internet to plot attacks here and abroad.

A series of criminal trials in Britain, the US, Canada and Bosnia over the coming months will determine whether the much maligned Western security agencies have successfully disrupted a dangerous ring of al-Qaeda sympathisers or been duped by faulty intelligence.

The arrest of 17 suspects, many of them teenagers, picked up in the suburbs of Toronto at the weekend is said to be the latest stage in dismantling a terrorist nexus that, worryingly, has its links with one of the world’s most wanted men — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

On his website al-Zarqawi has encouraged young Muslims to take up the fight in their own countries and spread his religious war further than Iraq and Afghanistan.

One aim is to create an army of “white-skinned” militants, men born in Europe and America who can convert to Islam and become harder for the authorities to detect as they cross the world on their missions, including suicide attacks. Using skilled computer operators around the world, al-Zarqawi’s outfit passes on bombmaking manuals, advice on how to sustain terror cells and even ways to use credit card fraud to hack into vital internet sites.

A series of raids in recent months in a number of Europe’s capitals and in Atlanta in the US has passed virtually unannounced.

One US official told the Wall Street Journal: “We let the operation run as long as we had to make sure we could identify as many would-be terrorist operators as we could and then picked them off one, two, three and finally 17 at a time.”

What will it take for people to realize we are in the middle of WW III with the front lines in our own cities?  And furthermore our enemy is composed of up to a billion people.

Unchecked freedom

One might assume Mr. Brown thinks there should be some “common sense” restrictions on our rights guaranteed by the First Amendment:

In a highly unusual instance of a United Nations official singling out an individual country for criticism, Mr. Malloch Brown said that although the United States was constructively engaged with the United Nations in many areas, the American public was shielded from knowledge of that by Washington’s tolerance of what he called “too much unchecked U.N.-bashing and stereotyping.”

“Much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News,” he said.

Mr. Brown forgets that in the United States we are not subjects of the politicians or “The Crown”.  Here the politicians are the servants of the citizens.  But I guess that is understandable, the politicians here frequently forget it also.  This is why we have the Second Amendment–our other communication tool (as Ry once described the pistol on my belt next to my cellphone).

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this to my attention.

Heinlein in leather

One of my children’s favorite high-school teachers (and a former Marine and a Boomershooter), Mr. Kaag, wrote to tell me:

I know that you probably have the complete Heinlein in a jumble of various paperback and hardback editions, as I do.

Did you know that after The Master died, Virginia renewed all of the copyrights? The lady has a whim of steel—as the most popular Science Fiction writer ever, his publisher wanted to continue to print copies of the canon, and when they asked her for permission, she acceded. But, and here’s the kicker, she politely required they put back in all of the stuff they had taken out because it wasn’t “politically-correct”, like the pro-gun parts of “Red Planet”. So the Heinlein published in the last 5 years or so is all unexpurgated. You might want some new copies. There’s a bunch more to “Stranger”, for example.

And speaking of which, Virginia is no longer among us and the Robert A. and Virginia Heinlein Foundation has done a joint venture with Meisha-Merlin Books, and is publishing the complete collection of Heinlein, including some previously-unpublished articles and speeches, in a fine leather-bound collection for about $2500 on up.

Here’s the URL: www.meishamerlin.com

I am saving up my shekels.

With a $2200 minimum entry price I’m going to have to pass but I’ll do some drooling.

National Firearms Assocation fisks the UN

The National Firearms Assocation (Canada) explains why the anti-gun bigots at the UN are nuts:

As you have probably noticed, the UN methods of “eliminating the illegal circulation of small arms and light weapons” have been quite unsuccessful. This paper explains some of the reasons why that is so.

The Programme of Action suffers, in this writer’s opinion, from a prejudice. It seems to have been written by someone who assumed that it is the availability of a weapon that causes violent criminal acts. That is an untrue assumption. If it were true, every nation would have to mount continuous campaigns to deter husbands and wives from quarrelling in the kitchen, because knives are readily available in every kitchen. That is not necessary because ordinary people do not become murderous criminals simply because a weapon is easily available.

Now let us look at the Programme of Action. It is unfortunate, but true, that attempts to deal with complex situations are usually coloured by the type of expertise available. In this case, the type of expertise available when the Programme of Action was drafted and then adopted was apparently administrative expertise, not likely to produce successful ways of dealing with situations that range from quasi-legal to flatly illegal. Administrative methods are good for dealing with legal transactions by persons firmly determined to stay within the law. They are remarkably poor at dealing with illegal ownership, illegal procuring, illegal sales, illegal trades of goods for goods, illegal shipments, smuggling, and other illegal transactions.

So–what are the actual effects of laws based on the British theory and the American theory, as opposed to the anticipated effects, now that we have had a few years to study them?

In the U.S., the latest FBI annual report statistics showed that the overall national violent crime rate for 2004 had decreased for the thirteenth consecutive year (starting in 1991), and had reached a 30-year low. As a check, the latest Bureau of Justice statistics showed that the overall national violent crime rate had reached a 32-year low in 2004.

The FBI data also show that in 2004, murder rates hit a 39-year low, robbery rates a 37-year low, and aggravated assault rates a 20-year low. All forms of violent crime have been steadily decreasing since 1991. Between 1991 and 2004, violent crime declined by 39 per cent, murder by 44 per cent, rape by 24 per cent, robbery by 50 per cent, and aggravated assault by 33 per cent.

Those are very good numbers, and the period from 1991 to 2004 has also been one with a steadily increasing number of states that feature mandatory concealed carry laws. Additionally, the American approach has been particularly good for women, as women are the preferred (even if not the most numerous) targets of violent criminals. Knowing that some women are able to protect human life from criminal violence has had a noticeable effect, reducing crimes against women. Causing violent criminals to fear women results in a desirable check on violent crime rates, as Paxton Quigley says in her excellent book, Armed and Female.

The British picture is quite different.

The British Home Office Statistical Bulletin, “Crime in England and Wales, 2004/2005,” tells us that their national violent crime rate increased by 109 per cent from 1995 to 2004/2005.

Between 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, reports of “threat or conspiracy to murder” went up by 31 per cent in the “top nine [police] forces (those that did the best reporting)” and up 3 per cent in “other forces.” Less serious woundings reports went up 25 per cent from the top nine and 12 per cent from the other forces. Possession of weapons reports went up 13 per cent from the top nine and 0 per cent from the other forces. Harassment reports went up 58 per cent in the top nine and 22 per cent in the other forces. Reports of sexual offences increased 17 per cent in 2004/2005, but this figure was confused by a change in the definition of “sexual offence” that occurred within the two reporting periods.

“Crime involving firearms” has been rising steadily since 1998/1999 (more than doubling), in spite of the total “elimination” of handguns imposed by a total ban on the private ownership and possession of handguns in 1995. One conclusion is inescapable: British violent criminals are experiencing no difficulty in acquiring and using as many illegal handguns as they want.

Read those figures and draw your own conclusions. In this writer’s view, the American approach is working, and the British idea is failing.

Give yourself thirty minutes to an hour to read the whole thing.