Ry’s van went lame

Saturday Ry stopped by and left his cat with my daughter Xenia while he went on a road trip. I was worried about the dependability of his van and he jokingly thanked me for lending him mine.  HA!  I told him that if he broke down within 300 miles I would come and rescue him, but if it was a 1000 miles away to forget it.  He left Sunday and had his first breakdown at about 500 miles away on Monday.  He limped on into town on his own and $93 poorer continued on his way.  Tonight he made it almost exactly 1300 miles away before breaking down the second time

I’m afraid this road trip is going to be one of those “well thought out” plans hatched from his “incompletely myelinated” brain that “seemed like a good idea at the time”.  He’s (technically) an adult and just as long as he doesn’t do something that gets him a “felony dumbass” conviction that “insurance doesn’t cover” and he makes it back in time for Boomershoot I guess I don’t have anything to complain about.  But I’m almost certain that his spreadsheet for this adventure has a “need for more columns“.  OMG, it’s getting close to “Superbowl Sunday” isn’t it?

See Ry’s dictionary to understand the significance of the quoted phrases in the previous paragraph.

Still another Boomershoot blogger

Liberty News made a post mentioning Boomershoot today.  It seems I can barely keep up with all the postings.  Analog Kid again mentioned boomershoot today.  There were some others too.  I think they are all listed here now and the number of referrals should be close to up-to-date.  Claire Wolfe would be the exception, she just keeps racking up the hits on Boomershoot.org.  I expect she’ll have a free entry to Boomershoot by tomorrow if she wants it.  It’s also very, very interesting to see what sections of Boomershoot.org the various people look at.  The Claire Wolfe people are interested in different things than the Kim du Toit people, who are interested in different things than the IsntAPundit people.  I can see why the people at work have a full time counter intelligence guy looking at the lab web logs.

There is a lesson in the previous paragraph for people paying attention.  Darwin awards await the people that have more balls than brains.

Another Boomershoot blogger–Claire Wolfe!

Imagine my surprise when the first referral I see through my blurry eyes to Boomershoot.org this morning is from the blog of my greatest inspiration in our fight for freedom–Claire Wolfe.  Her post is rather brief but I’m thrilled just the same.  She also mentions my Jews in the Attic Test.  Very cool.

I updated the Boomershoot Blogging section 20 minutes ago but Claire’s column already is out of date — it should be 19 now.

Thanks Ms. Wolfe, you made my day.

Quote of the day–Claire Wolfe

If you’re involved in any underground or anti-government activity, there is always one person you should distrust more than any other.  For years, members of groups from the Ku Klux Klan to the Weather Underground have had a saying: “You can always tell the FBI agent; he’s the one who keeps trying to get you to bomb something.”

Claire Wolfe
From 101 Things To Do ‘Til The Revolution