Gay marriage is spreading

Belgium, the Netherlands, Massachusetts, and now Canada have approved it.  New Jersey, New York, California, and other states in the U.S. are working towards it via the courts and the legislature.  Even though several states had initiatives on the topic last … Continue reading

Gay marriages in MA

Lots and lots of stuff in the news about this.  The constitutional challenges to it are the most interesting aspects to me. I especially liked this article: [New York Attorney General] … Spitzer concluded that same-sex marriages should be … Continue reading

Random thought of the day

If bakers of wedding cakes can be forced to bake custom wedding cakes for homosexuals because gay marriage is legal, doesn’t that mean stores which sell firearms can be forced to custom order an AR-15 for you because you are … Continue reading

Privacy issues

Numerous times I’ve posted half-baked concerns about our increasing loss of privacy and the dangers and even extreme dangers. Some people have brought up good points and/or asked good questions and I will respond to those people then share further … Continue reading