Quote of the day—Daniel Greenfield

The left exists to destroy you. It does not seek to co-exist with you. Its existence would lose all meaning. Any common ground will be used to temporarily achieve a goal before the useful idiots are kicked to the curb and denounced as bigots who are holding back progress.

The purpose of power is power. The left is not seeking to achieve a set of policy goals before kicking back and having a beer. The policy goals are means of destroying societies, nations and peoples before taking over. If you allow it a policy goal, it will ram that goal down your throat. It will implement it as abusively as it can possibly can before it moves on to the next battle.

It’s not about gay marriage. It’s not about cakes. It’s about power.
More fundamentally it’s about the difference in human nature between the people who want to be left alone and those who want power over others.

You can’t work out a truce with tyrants. You can give in or stand up to them. There’s nothing else.

Daniel Greenfield
June 30, 2015
No Truce With The Left
[Via an email from Ry.

While at the Washington State Steel Championship a couple weeks ago a few of us were talking about something closely related. “Why do they want gun control? They know it doesn’t make people safer. They know almost all the mass shootings have been in ‘gun-free zones’. What is the real reason to keep pushing for gun control?”

Bill, who sometimes comments here, said, “I read your blog. You know the reason.” Another guy and his wife said essentially the same thing and continued with, “We were just talking about this the other day. What we don’t get is what do they think they are going to do if they get their way? Their lives, as well as ours will be worse off then. Everyone loses.”

But as Greenfield points out, to them it’s not about money, physical possessions, or quality of life. It’s about power and control. There are people that crave power. There are people that who are frightened if “someone isn’t in charge”.

I can sort of understand wanting power even if I don’t really crave it myself. Power can silence your enemies, bring you wealth, give you status, bring you respect, and help preserve your health compared to those with lesser power.

It is more difficult to understand those who are frightened if “someone isn’t in charge”. But keep in mind that at the end of the civil war there were slaves who were frightened by the prospect of freedom. Slavery was all they had ever known and they were frightened of freedom. Today we have people who crave a form of slavery because they see it as providing security. Samuel Adams quote from 1776 is my response to them.

My response to those who crave power and control is to remember that today is July 4th and that has meaning to me and they will be well advised to understand the significance of that in their quest for power.—Joe]


One thought on “Quote of the day—Daniel Greenfield

  1. That is a good article, and as such I wish he would have edited it.

    ““Why do they want gun control? They know it doesn’t make people safer. They know almost all the mass shootings have been in ‘gun-free zones’. What is the real reason to keep pushing for gun control?””

    Again and again and again; don’t be distracted by the assertions of the left. The assertions themselves are never the point. The point is to confuse, upset, frustrate and anger you, and ultimately to destroy you.

    “I can sort of understand wanting power even I don’t really crave it myself. Power can silence your enemies, bring you wealth, give you status, bring you respect, and help preserve your health compared to those with lesser power.”

    There you go trying to make sense of it, trying to apply logic to illogic.

    The left is a schoolyard bully, an abusive husband. A drunken wife beater. Do you think the drunken wife beater is abusive because he has actually assessed his situation rationally, and reasoned out how being a shithead is going to make his life better?

    Certainly not! The abusive personality is hurt as much by his behavior as his behavior hurts others. He never actually believed that punching his wife in the face or putting his foot through the wall would improve his situation. He does it because he has lost control, because his anger is in control and not his mind or conscience.

    The left is a rabid dog. The rabid dog lashes out, not out of self preservation but because the disease makes him do it. The dog is in the process of dying, and the disease that’s killing him is in the process of perpetuating itself. The dying dog serves the disease.

    In the past I’ve referred to the left as a death cult, which it is. In that context, the things it does, the insane assertions and contradictory behavior and all the rest, DO make sense then. It is even somewhat predictable.

    You now have no excuse for standing around, pondering and questioning the seemingly bizarre things the left is saying and doing. If you’re confused, you’re looking at it in the wrong context.

    “But it just doesn’t make SENSE!” you may say.

    Yes it does make sense.

    We’re trying to figure out why the rabid, drunken wife beater “decided” it would be a splendid idea to slam the door as hard as he can, punch a hole in the wall with his fist and kick the cat. In fact he didn’t decide, so we’re asking the wrong question.

    There IS a very simple reason though, which has nothing to do with making his life better or improving anything for anyone. It’s all about serving and propagating the disease that’s killing him. The difference between the left and the dog, or the left and the wife beater, is that the left is a mass movement. Though the “motivations” are exactly the same, it’s a lot more powerful than one sick dog or one wife beater here and there in the trailer park. They’re an organization. It has cleverness and cunning behind the destruction, so rather than put a fist through the wall, they knock a hole in the constitution, etc. It’s far more deliciously evil, if you will.

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