Quote of the day—Mark Walsh

Illinois is really important nationally. The country needs one state people can look to and see it’s still doing the right thing.

Mark Walsh
June 29, 2011
Director of the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Ill. likely to see fierce battle over gun control
[And if they were the last state in the union that still had legalized slavery, Jim Crow laws, or outlawed alcohol what would be the response?

Nationally both Illinois gun laws and anti-gun organizations are a disgrace and nearly irrelevant. It’s time to shame them into the dustbin of history.—Joe]

Quote of the day—kiplingsburdens

Schumer is a criminal put in power by russian mobsters and israeli criminals. What better way to further the interests of criminals than to see that those they prey upon are absolutely defenseless?

What better way to condition a population into victim-hood and perpetual oppression than to have them used to being perpetual victims without any ability to defend themselves?

June 25, 2011
Comment to Do We Need Gun Control?
[I don’t know about the “Russian mobster and Israeli criminals” but something similar has been at least joked about in regards to Chuck Schumer for many years. And it is claimed the original intent of the Sullivan Act, a New York State gun control law, was to protect criminals.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Walter E. Williams

Becoming a burden on society is not a problem of liberty and private property. It’s a problem of socialism where one person is forced to take care of someone else. That being the case, the government, in the name of reducing health care costs, assumes part ownership of you and as such assumes a right to control many aspects of your life. That Americans have joyfully given up self-ownership is both tragic and sad.

Walter E. Williams
Who May Harm Whom?
[Via Lyle in the comments.

Read the whole thing. I think the concepts presented have the ability to shut down, in my favor, many of debates that I sometimes get into.—Joe]

Long day, sort of

Barb and I got up at about 2:30 AM this morning. Daughter Xenia and her husband needed a ride to the airport.

We helped them get through the check in line and started through TSA and then left. We were sad because daughter Xenia is now living over 2000 miles away. It’s the furthest any of our kids have moved away from home. We then came back to my bunker and went back to sleep.

We ended up spending the entire day in bed watching videos (“Night and Day” followed by 12 episodes of “In Plain Sight”). We only got up for bathroom breaks and to get a little bit of food.

It probably wasn’t the best treatment for mild depression. Exercise probably would have been better but it’s what we felt like doing.

Quote of the day—Giovanni Bisignani

Today’s checkpoint was designed four decades ago to stop hijackers carrying metal weapons. We need a process that responds to today’s threat. It must amalgamate intelligence based on passenger information and new technology. That means moving from a system that looks for bad objects, to one that can find bad people.

Giovanni Bisignani
June 15, 2011
The future of airport security?
[Today daughter Xenia and her army husband went through TSA on their way to Alaska. One of his checked “bags” (a large plastic “tote”) had the locks broken so TSA could search the contents. He was also singled out for special attention. He opted for the “feel me up” search rather than the “naked body scan”.

The U.S. government trusts him to fight terrorists in the sandbox using some very expensive equipment and with the lives of the men under him and around him but they have to feel him up before he can fly on a commercial flight with his wife and her cat?

I think I know where to find the “bad people”.—Joe]

Something for anti-gunners to think about

There are over 330,000 Washington state residents with concealed handgun licenses. The state population is about 6.7 million. That means that almost 1 in every 20 people have a concealed handgun license.

As Dave Workman points out Washington Ceasefire only has about 7,000 members. For every Washington Ceasefire member there are nearly 50 people with a conceal handgun license.

It’s no wonder we are winning.

One round of 9mm equals 15 years in prison

From the ATF:

Steven L. Roberts, 43, of Kansas City, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Dean Whipple to 15 years in federal prison without parole. Roberts was sentenced as an armed career criminal due to his prior felony convictions for crimes of violence.

On Feb. 8, 2011, Roberts pleaded guilty to being a felon in possession of ammunition. Roberts admitted that he was in possession of one round of 9mm ammunition. Roberts was arrested on Aug. 8, 2009, after a short foot chase by Kansas City police officers. When Roberts was searched, officers found the ammunition in his pants pocket. Officers also found a Makarov 9mm semi–automatic pistol, a small amount of methamphetamine and some marijuana when they canvassed the area through which Roberts ran.

That seems a bit harsh to me. Where is the victim?

But that’s the point isn’t it? To make gun ownership extremely risky.

Quote of the day—Howard Nemerov

I recently correlated Black homicide rates from the CDC with Brady Campaign report cards 2001-2007. Brady evaluated states on how well they implemented gun control laws. The result shows that more gun control correlates with higher Black homicide rates and lower Caucasian homicide rates.

Most of Brady’s reports graded states on “A” to “F”, though that’s recently been replaced with stars. In any case, it conveniently divided states into quintiles. When comparing Quintile 1 (most gun control) with Quintile 5 (least gun control), Blacks averaged 20.7% higher homicide rates in states with the most gun control, while Caucasian rates averaged 64.1% lower.

Gun control still benefits Caucasians and harms Blacks, just like it did before and after the Civil War.

Garry McCarthy just happens to be Caucasian (picture here). For that matter, so’s Brady president Paul Helmke.

Just a curious coincidence, no doubt.

Howard Nemerov
June 24, 2011
Chicago’s top cop: ‘Federal gun laws are racist’
[See also this QOTD.—Joe]

With accomplishments like these who needs failures?

If I had a list of engineering “accomplishments” that were projects that failed to achieve their goals I wouldn’t be in the engineering profession for very long. But somehow the Brady Campaign doesn’t see it that way (or at least publically doesn’t want to admit it) when it comes to the failures of Paul Helmke. Their list of “accomplishments” strike me as failures or irrelevancies:

  • responding to the decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court in Heller and McDonald in a way that makes legislation implementing common sense restrictions on guns more likely in the future; [FAIL! It’s now three years post Heller and no significant gun control legislation has passed Heller or McDonald addressed.]
  • helping pass the NICS Improvement Act in 2007, which law has already helped spur the addition of another million records to the Brady background check system; [IRRELEVANT! The NRA supported this legislation.]
  • engaging a new generation of victim advocates, such as Virginia Tech survivor Colin Goddard, in the fight for sensible gun laws; [IRRELEVANT! How many are of the “new generation” are voting anti-gun?]
  • supporting the filming, release and distribution of two new documentaries on the gun issue — Living for 32 and Gunfight; [IRRELEVANT! How many people have watched it and changed their position? The numbers are statistically insignificant.]
  • pursuing an aggressive media strategy, including national television and radio, as well as local, newspapers, magazines, and web outlets; [FAIL!  My pathetic YouTube videos get more traffic than the Brady Campaign videos do.]
  • the Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence initiative; [FAIL! I have never heard of it. If I haven’t heard of it then almost for certain the number of people who have heard of it and acted upon it is vanishingly small.]
  • beginning relationships with professional athletes such as Plaxico Burress; [FAIL! I can’t see this as an accomplishment for either party in the relationship. It’s a suspect and very odd relationship that will go nowhere.]
  • advancing Brady’s “assault clips” campaign and targeted district strategy; [FAIL! This campaign has achieved zero legislatively and even if it were to get passed by some legislature it probably will not pass the “in common use” test of the Heller decision.]
  • enlisting 100+ sponsors for bills to close the gun show loophole and ban assault clips; [FAIL! This legislation didn’t even come up for a vote let alone get lip service from the President.]
  • implementing successful defensive efforts in the states to stop “guns on campus” as well as helping pass strong pro-active legislation in places like California; [FAIL! We made several steps forward and zero backward.The right to self-defense on campus was passed in several states. It was not repealed in any.]
  • leading the Starbucks “open carry” campaign; [FAIL! Starbucks told them to mind their own business.]
  • steering the organization through the most serious economic downturn since the Great Depression; [FAIL! Income is down by how much? It’s so much that Helmke barely has enough to pay his salary and keep the lights on in his office.]
  • supporting the writing and promotion of a new book on the gun issue, Lethal Logic by Dennis Henigan; [FAIL! The book is full of half-truths from the front cover on and everyone knows it. And in the book Henigan admits it is difficult to determine whether the presence of guns leads to high crime rates.]
  • getting more attention from the White House, Administration, as well as many leaders on the Hill than in the past decade; [FAIL! And what has the attention gain the Brady Campaign in terms of getting their legislative agenda passed? Zip.]
  • budgeting for new investment in donors that resulted in thousands of new donors and supporters. [FAIL! Where’s the money?]

Quote of the day—SantaMoniker

I wish you were right about the timing being appropriate for banning and impounding guns in the USA.

Unfortunately, the gun nuts are claiming that if there had been another person with a gun handy at the Gifford shooting he or she would have saved the lives of those killed and prevented Giffords from being almost killed.

These people are mad and there will never be a good time. It just has to be done when someone has the guts to do it.

The argument used by the NRA types that guns are needed for self-defense is farcical. There is almost never a gun-related death reported in which a gun was used by a person defending themselves. The vast majority occur in the home among family members or various criminal shootings.

I cannot think of a single good reason for anyone in the USA to have or carry weapons.

June 24, 2011
Comment to Time to target gun control
[SantaMoniker must have blinders on or have a severe inability to think because I can think of millions and millions of reasons. And that doesn’t even include possession by the police and the military.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Angela Mapes Turner

Former three-term Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke said Thursday he’ll step down July 10 as president of the Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Angela Mapes Turner
June 23, 2011
Helmke to leave Brady Center–Former mayor undecided about next step
[I have been wondering why he continued to stay on when we have them outnumbered, outsmarted, out financed, and of course (literally) outgunned. It turns out he gave them a five year commitment when he signed on. July 10th is the end of that commitment.

They are going to find it difficult to get someone to replace him with the current political climate. I think they should just close up shop and say, “I’m sorry, we were wrong.”—Joe]

Think it through

In a letter to the editor in The Columbus Dispatch Greg Ward whines:

Thursday’s Dispatch carried the news that state lawmakers have passed legislation allowing concealed-carry permit holders to carry guns in bars, restaurants and some stadiums, as well as making it easier for weapons to be carried in a vehicle.

As if that weren’t, in itself, troubling news to the police, restaurant owners and employees and other people with common sense, there appears to be far worse news on the horizon: A Republican legislator has introduced a bill that would eliminate the need for gun permits “and allow anyone who ‘qualifies for a permit’ — but doesn’t have one — to carry a concealed weapon.”

The wording begs the question: How will our law-enforcement officials know if a person “qualifies” to carry a gun unless that person has had to submit his qualifications to be judged?

It’s really very, very simple. But apparently Ward has the mindset of “Unless specifically allowed it is forbidden.” I thought this mindset went out the door with the collapse of the USSR but apparently there are still people stuck in the past.

The individual does not have to get permission from a LEO and being “judged” before being “allowed” to carry a concealed firearm. It is probably beyond the capacity of Ward to view things from the constitutionally mandated view of “innocent until proven guilty” and “that which is not prohibited is allowed” but I’ll explain it for him anyway.

Law enforcement cannot search people to see if they have a concealed weapon unless there is probable cause to search them or there are special circumstances that require a search for the safety of the officer. Hence the LEO will do the background check after having doing a legal search and finding a concealed weapon. At that time the individual will provide their identity and the LEO will do the background check.

There. That wasn’t so hard, was it? I’m betting Ward still won’t be able to grasp it. It’s an alien mindset for far too many people.

Quote of the day—Bob Owens

Gunwalker’s objective was never intended to be a “legitimate law enforcement interest.” Instead, it appears that ATF Acting Director Ken Melson and Department of Justice senior executives specifically created an operation that was designed from the outset to arm Mexican narco-terrorists and increase violence substantially along both sides of the Southwest border.

Success was measured not by the number of criminals being incarcerated, but by the number of weapons transiting the border and the violence those weapons caused. An ATF manager was “delighted” when Gunwalker guns started showing up at drug busts. It would be entirely consistent with this theory if DOJ communications reflected the approval of the ATF senior officials they were colluding with — but as we know, Holder’s Department of Justice refuses to cooperate.

Bob Owens
June 20, 2011
Mega-Scandal: Was ‘Gunwalker’ a PR Op for Gun Control?
[This claim falls into the category, “Too Good To Be True” for me. I really want to believe it but it’s going to take a lot more data for me to be really convinced.

I hope investigators continue to dig and find the truth. If the claim above is true then I hope the perpetrators can and will be prosecuted.—Joe]


It was hard to fit this into one of Joe’s categories, so I put in “Current News”.  I currently hear this sort of thing in the news.  Does anyone else twitch a little bit when hearing that someone or other “taped” or “video taped” this or that, or that we’re about to be shown video “footage” of something that happened long after the 1990s?

Where do you buy the little videotape cassettes that fit into your mobile phone?  How often do you change reels in your digital camera?  Where do you get them developed?

What’s to be the replacement term for “footage”?  Bitage?  Bytage?  How about “video”?  “I got this or that on camera (or on video)” certainly works.  I didn’t tape it– but I did record it and it’s on my flash drive.  If the cops come after you for videotaping them, maybe it’s because they hate outdated technology.  Ever thought of that?

Do we need some different terms, do we need simply to think about what we’re saying, or should we forget and submit?  There are terms and sayings that linger well past the time when their original meanings were widely understood.  “Flash in the pan” comes to mind.  We still might say that someone is “letting off steam” but how many today understand that a steam engine might sometimes need to let off steam to avoid over-pressuring the boiler, so as to avoid a boiler explosion?  It used to be that boiler explosions were a much more common problem, so when someone was said to be letting off steam it was understood to be the more preferable among possible outcomes.

Quote of the day—Ron Paul

My hope is that the recent hearing will further expose the ATF’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s assaults on law-abiding gun owners, and more people will start questioning the need for unconstitutional agencies like the ATF that exist solely to infringe on American citizens’ God-given right to keep and bear arms.

Ron Paul
June 21, 2011
Rep. Ron Paul slams Obama over gun scandal, Second Amendment
[This is a little weak. The words “right to keep and bear arms” should be replaced with “rights”.

At least that would be a good start. Calls for tar and feathers would gain further support from me.—Joe]

Quote of the day—Dennis R. King

Dad Passed Away This Morning at 10 AM.

The Hospice nurse, Kim (whom he really liked) was with him. No pain, he was awake but just relaxed and passed on.

Dennis R. King
June 20, 2011
Via email regarding the death of his father, Louis Ray King, my only true uncle, my mother’s brother.
[When I was in California last week I had hoped to visit Uncle Lou because I knew he wasn’t going to be around much longer. But he wouldn’t have recognized me and it was too far away to make it over there between my business and my flight schedule. I spent the two hours I had with Dennis.—Joe]

First Pistol

Nephew and Niece are wanting their first pistol.  They’re interested in defense and fun, and they both can manipulate and control a full-on defense caliber auto pistol just fine, or more than fine, for beginners.  I know; ask a hundred people, get 100 answers.  Many of you have been shooting for decades and have fired 100s of thousands if not a million rounds or more in practice and competition, and so you have meaningful experience.  They’re looking at a sale on an XD or XDm right now.  I’ve also mentioned the M&P.  I figure Joe will mention STI, and Tam might point to another quality 1911.  Some will also say that a .22 is a good idea.  I’m steering them away from a sub compact, toward a full sized pistol of some sort.  They don’t want to spend over a thousand.  Preferably much less.

I usually answer; “Buy the one you like” but when you’re first starting out, it’s hard to know what you’ll like.  I did tell them they could rent at one of the logal gun store/ranges in their city and try a few.

I want to know about pistols you’ve really given some hard use.  I haven’t been able to wear out my old G20, for example, after much trying.  I looks like hell, it has the ergonomics of a cinder block (to quote J. Cooper) and the trigger feels like it was designed by gun owner haters, but it just keeps working.

What say you all?