Nice rebuttal of the San Francisco gun ban plan

Gun Control: Hiding Their Heads in San Francisco.  Lots of nice numbers and tables then this:


Certain San Francisco supervisors are choosing to ignore history. With so much evidence casting doubt upon the wisdom of banning civilian firearm ownership, they would be wise to abandon their plan. Considering all the easily-accessible information contradicting their claims of noble intent, one must pause and ponder what their true motivation may be.

Since it has been in vogue for cities to sue firearms manufacturers for criminal use of highly-regulated, non-defective products, it would seem legal ground has been prepared for similar suits in the reverse direction: that city politicians should be held accountable for death and destruction of public safety resulting from the flawed policies they enact. Perhaps we need to start a new holiday: Take a Politician to Court Day.

Quote of the day — Mahatma Gandhi

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.

Mahatma Gandhi
Translated from the Gujarati by Mahadev Desai.
Public Affairs Press, Washington, D.C. 1948.
(Republication by Unabridged Dover, 1983. page 403.

Thoughts on coming out of the closet

As I mentioned on Saturday coming out of the closet has it’s price.  But that price could probably have been lowered with a little bit of planning.

Fish Or Man should have found an attorney prior to coming out of the closet.  Getting funding ahead of time would have been a good idea too.  The attorney could have researched the case law related to the laws in question.  Sometimes the case law will essentially turn what the legislature wrote into something very different than what the average person would think it to mean.  Once Fish Or Man decided to actually proceed he would have had a much more accurate view of what the cops could charge him with and how to respond.  He could have had a note from his lawyer to hand to the cop saying, in great detail, this is the law and my client is not violating it.

So, Fish Or Man wasn’t as prepared as he should have been.  This doesn’t mean that he is totally screwed yet or that we should abandon him.  I have the 23rd off from work and if the roads are decent and I can talk my wife into a trip to Spokane (about a 2 hour drive for us) I will be there to watch what happens on his first court date.  It may be that Fish Or Man is an embarrassment to the gun community and he should be “left hung out to dry“, or it could be that he is guilty only of lack of planning and we need to support him.  We’ll see and I’ll report back later this week.

Google responds on AdSense and the 2nd Amendment

If not a form letter then it’s probably a minor modification of one.  I doubt that they really know what to say when confronted with their own bigotry.  I can’t imagine their policies “ensure the effectiveness of Google ads“.  I think it is more likely the “Google Ethics Committee“ believed they were being ethical when they banned firearms.  And once a decision is made and they defend it against critics it is hard for people to admit they were wrong.  It takes very strong character to be able to do that.  Google, as a company, is probably not much above average in character.  It’s just a battle we have to keep fighting one day at a time while showing all the character we can.

Subject: Re: [#17065471] Google AdSense Account Status   
From: “Google AdSense”   
Date: Mon, December 20, 2004 22:21  (GMT)
To: Joe Huffman 

Hello Joe,

Thank you for your email. I understand that you are disappointed with our
current policies. We apologize for the inconvenience. However, we have
certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as our advertisers.

We review all publishers according to our Terms and Conditions and program
policies, and we reserve the right to decline certain websites. As we
grow, we may find that we are able to expand our program to more web
publishers with a wider variety of web content.

Thank you for your feedback, and please know that we are working hard to
make the AdSense program available to as many web publishers as we can.

Please feel free to reply to this email if you have additional questions
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The Google AdSense Team

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