Gun cartoon of the day

This, in essence, came up in the comments a few days ago. The artist twists facts to achieve their desired goal. A six year-old does not have the right to keep and bear arms, enter into legally binding contracts, marry, or associate with whoever they want. Even fundamental human rights about which there is essentially no controversy such as access to sexually explicit material is prohibited to children.

Misrepresentation of facts can be a sign of immaturity, laziness, stupidity, evil intent, or bigotry. I wonder which it is in this case (in the case of the comments to my previous post I attribute it to an attempt at humor which I dismiss as extremely unlikely in this case).

Gun cartoon of the day

It seems to the people on the left believe everything boils down to money/greed. There apparently is no such thing as principles. There are no such thing as inalienable rights. There apparently are no solutions that do not involve more government control. It is apparently inconceivable that less government control could be the solution to the problems they claim to be concerned about.

Either they are either incredibly narrowed minded, incredibly stupid, or incredibly evil. Most are not all that stupid. Other than a few politicians I don’t think they they have that high a percentage of evil in their midst. That leaves narrowed minded.

With such narrow minded and evil people in positions of power our current economic situation should not be a surprise to anyone. The only thing that will surprise me is if the future does not hold a lot of government caused deaths.

The school massacres have been caused by excessive government and the economic collapse, political unrest, and starvation ahead of us will result in many, many more deaths. Will this be the final lesson that will ever need be taught that attempting a socialist/communist utopia is a really, really bad idea? Or is it true…

Gun cartoon of the day

I’m not sure how to take this one.

It could be the kid is frowning because there are so many laws which are so complex that he has to start when very young in order to learn them all. Or it could be the artist intended to say the kid shouldn’t have to worry about the existence of guns and should be listening to fairy tales of a different type.

Gun cartoon of the day

Lying in an attempt to win. What else can it be? Certainly the NRA has never said anything like that. My guess they could not even find a gun owner who has said anything like that else.

Oh, and do you want to know what a NRA spokesperson really looks like? Here is a picture of a couple of them from the NRA convention last May:

Sorry about the poor picture of the one on the right. She probably just heard the latest lie from some anti-gun bigot claiming the NRA was a bunch of baby killers or something.

Can you see any resemblance between the artist’s rendition and reality?

Lies, it’s all they have to work with.

Gun cartoon of the day

As usual the anti-gun people have to lie to make their case. Fortunately for us lying isn’t enough to win anymore.

The artist is almost for certain referring to the Tiahrt Amendment. Here is what Wikipedia says about it:

… the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(BATFE) from releasing information from its firearms trace database to
anyone other than a law enforcement agency or prosecutor in connection
with a criminal investigation. Additionally, any data so released is
inadmissible in a civil lawsuit. Some groups, including the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition,
believe that having further access to the BATFE database would help
municipal police departments track down sellers of illegal guns and curb
crime. These groups are trying to undo the Tiahrt Amendment. Conversely, the Tiahrt Amendment is supported by the Fraternal Order of Police, as it allows municipal police departments full access to BATFE trace data in any criminal investigation.

Gun cartoon of the day

And when has anything like this ever happened at the NRA? Or even at any place of employment that did not have a victim disarmament policy?

As is usual for bigots they base their opinions on unrealized fantasies.

Gun cartoon of the day

Nice representation of the NRA as Nazis. And, of course, no concept of due process or the effectiveness of the “terrorist watch list”.

The gun representation is pretty messed up too.

Gun cartoon of the day

This is the last of the Charlton Heston cartoons I have. I meant to post it yesterday but was in a hurry and grabbed the first one on my list.

I mostly give the artist a pass on this one too. It’s not exactly classy to criticize someone on their death but compared to some of the other crap that was thrown at him this is pretty mild.

Gun cartoon of the day

Even if you ignore the U.S. Revolutionary War (it was prior to the 2nd Amendment but it was enabled by the inalienable right to keep and bear arms) the scorecard is far from complete. It doesn’t show the (probably incalculable) number of tyrants prevented in places all over the world. It doesn’t show the number people murdered by tyrants who successfully infringed the right to keep and bear arms. And it doesn’t show the number of innocent lives saved by people who exercised their specific enumerated right to to keep and bear arms on a much smaller personal scale.

But it’s anti-gun artist. Of course they are going to leave information out and distort things. It’s what bigots do.

Gun cartoon of the day

So… do you think the artist thinks that when they go for a walk in Seattle, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Dallas, Tampa, Phoenix, or any of the state parks in (probably) 40 different states? Of course not.

Then why the big deal about National Parks? It’s those damn uppity gun owners–they let them go anywhere rather than staying in their place where they belong.

Gun cartoon of the day

Were there ever any cartoons expressing the view that President Clinton was the puppet of The Brady Campaign? That view certainly would have had more truth to it than President Bush was the puppet of the NRA or Charlton Heston.

But then truth is irrelevant to bigots.

Gun cartoon of the day

You have to wonder at the intensity and extent of the hatred expressed toward Charlton Heston by those opposed to this human right. Was it his support for the civil rights of black Americans a few decades that pissed them off and this was the last straw? In his view, and mine, it was entirely consistent–he supports human rights.

Or maybe it was because they assumed everyone in Hollywood was with them and they viewed him as a traitor. How else can one explain it? And it seems so odd that for all the indignation by the left for the blacklisting of actors in the 1950’s that they would fail to see the irony of their actions.

I’ve posted a few Heston cartoons earlier which portrayed him in a negative light. This one is the beginning of a series.

The anti-gun people did not even stop their attacks even when it was announced he had Alzheimer. In fact I remember the anti-gun people suggesting Alzheimer’s was the reason he aligned himself with the NRA. And as you will see in a few days the anti-gun people didn’t stop their attacks even when he died.

Gun cartoon of the day

[sarcasm] Nice characterization of an NRA member [/sarcasm] –complete with the safety violation of the finger on the trigger.

But the artist may have accurately depicted the effect of the loophole for the NRA. It severely wounded the proposed law and while the law is still is on life support there is a good chance it will die.

Gun cartoon of the day

The artist thinks the votes of 4 million members and millions more that own (and vote) guns have nothing to do with the support of politicians for the NRA agenda? And no politician supports the Bill of Rights without fear of being shot or encouraged by campaign donations?