No Clue About Human Nature

Quote of the Day

It’s kinda weird that deplatforming Trump just like completely worked with no visible downside whatsoever.

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias
Tweeted on January 21, 2021

I can’t find the original tweet, but Marc Andreessen @pmarca (and others) have preserved the quote for our enjoyment:

One has to wonder what type of mental deficiency is responsible for believing such a statement would be true. My model of human psychology predicts a white-hot rage in a narcissist. More normal people will be very unhappy and welcome an opportunity to repay the insult, with interest, even years later.

To be fair, democrats are seldom accused of understanding the true nature of humans (or even animals). They are more likely to assert human nature can be changed to match their beliefs.


7 thoughts on “No Clue About Human Nature

  1. The lack of a “visible” downside was simply because Twitter under Whatshisname was censoring the pro-Trump voices.

    Once Elon Musk took over, the downside became visible and obvious.

    “It’s kinda weird that knocking part of a wall out and covering it with curtains had no visible downside.”

  2. Yes, weird and delusional. Even if you are not a Leftist and celebrate the victory of common sense and American attitudes that came with Trump’s victory in November, you can recognize a downside to censoring Trump and other conservative, non-Leftist voices.

    For just one, there was great risk that the gigantic and intrusive, all-controlling government created by Leftism would prevail despite our best efforts to preserve American values. .

  3. It’s kinda weird that deplatforming a sitting President was seen as a viable strategy… one that could never come back to bite us too, no siree no!

    How often does the lesson need to be repeated? Whatever you do to your political opponents, you license them to do the exact same back at you, as soon as they can.

  4. Pretty sure that original tweet was ironic / sarcastic.
    If it was actually literally genuine, then yeah, it hasn’t aged well.

    USAID yesterday.
    Dept of Ed today.
    What can we dare dream will go POOF! tomorrow?

      • Given the date it’s possible he was serious… but also so short-sighted that he’d not see the problem with screwing down the pressure-canner relief valve because nothing bad appeared to happen in the first ten seconds.

        If he was serious, it’s likely he can largely be safely ignored as a political pundit.

  5. “They are more likely to assert human nature can be changed to match their beliefs.”
    I’m thinking Charlie Manson and the CIA, MK ultra program, kind’a of proved up on that one.
    There is just too many of us barbarian “revvers”, in the American system to make it work here.
    From Norway to Italy, and most in-between. It seems to be working pretty good.

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