Every Civilian Owner of an AR-15 is Unhinged

Quote of the Day

I don’t think there are any “good guys” with AR-15s. It’s only used to massacre people. I think every civilian owner of an AR-15 is unhinged, can’t wait to use it and is a danger to everyone around them. And are almost certainly insecure in their manhood.

Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur)
Tweeted on May 28, 2022

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday; it is another science denier (see also here)!

Odd. If they are only used to massacre people, I have a problem to report. I have owned one or more AR-15s for nearly 30 years now. I’ve fired thousands of rounds in them without massacring even one person. They must be malfunctioning. I wonder if they are still under warranty.

Millions of people own AR-15s. Tens of millions of these guns are in civilian hands. You would think there would be evidence of Uygur’s concern. However, in the U.S., there are only about five to six hundred rifles used in murders per year. These rifles are a superset of the AR-15s. Hence, those “unhinged” gun owners who “can’t wait to use it and are a danger to everyone around them” don’t exist outside Uygur’s imagination.

Furthermore, constitutionally protected rights are evaluated based the text of the law. They are not judged on how they are or may be misused by criminals.

Uygur view of reality is faulty. There is not a problem with the gun owners. Tell the Uygur’s of the world to seek counseling and leave the rest of us alone.


10 thoughts on “Every Civilian Owner of an AR-15 is Unhinged

  1. Unhinged? Probably some people would say yes. So what? Maybe I think they’re a bit unhinged.

    Can’t wait to use it? Well I’ve had one for years & barely fired it so…I think it’s safe to say no on that score. It has a cool bayonet though. Not sure what I’d ever actually use it for, I just wanted to attach something to the super scary evil bayonet lug.

    A danger to everyone around me? Only when beans are for dinner.

  2. I don’t think there are any good guys who support gun control.

    I think every gun control freak is deeply insecure about his manhood and is literally drooling at the thought of watching the massacre of every gun owner in America while he hides in his room watching television. I think his reason for his hatred is that gun owners are capable of doing things, while he is an inadequate and cowardly loser with child porn on his computer.

  3. He’s currently at a career crossroads. He’s disillusioned with many aspects of the left and maybe moving more towards the center.
    It’s most likely just him following advertising dollars, but………..
    Who knows?

  4. We can only hope Cenk was getting paid to say that through USAID.
    Otherwise, well…… I just hate to think some people truly are that stupid.
    But on the upside, if the cannibals ever get after you. You can feel comfortable in shooting Cenk in the leg. ((He don’t seem much like the survivor type anyway.)

  5. Amazing. I went through three wars as a US Soldier carrying arms, including pistols, actual assault rifles with giggle switches, and belt-fed machine guns, and never once fired a shot in anger. I must be an outlier, right?

  6. Cenk Uygur has been a fixture on the Left for a long time, like Al Sharpton but with less than 1/10 the intelligence or political acumen.

    At least Sharpton occasionally says something original and generally knows when to shut up. Cenk is 100% a parrot in an echo chamber.

  7. All owners of AR15s are civilians as the military doesn’t use them. I suppose some military members may own one in their private, civilian capacity.

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