Do not Compromise with Evil

Via Firearms Policy Coalition @gunpolicy:

I can see pragmatic consideration being advantageous in certain circumstances. One could argue that is what happened with the bump stock ban. I’m not convinced that was the best route, but I heard that argument.

But as the bedrock principal, yes. Gun control is evil. Do not compromise with evil.


29 thoughts on “Do not Compromise with Evil

  1. “The other side” says gun owners are evil and shouldn’t be compromised with, so…yay! We’re all on the same page that everybody not in our tribe is evil. I’m sure this’ll work just great….

      • If by “legitimate standing” you mean moral/ethical standing, clearly not. But the “evil” each side is using to characterize the other goes way beyond guns now. Project 2025 (which folks here told me was totally not going to be a thing and was just propaganda) has a clear plan laid out, on which they’re executing, to turn the U.S. into a white Christian state. And on the other side, we have the far left wanting to tear down capitalism and create a socialist utopia, because they, like the Christian nationalists, know what’s good for all the rest of us.

        From my perspective everybody’s lost their minds, and it’s gonna turn out badly for everyone involved because we’ve apparently lost the inclination towards rational thought. We’ve left the enlightenment and its appeal to rational, considered action and into the generation of “We have lots of power, let’s fuck around and find out!” And boy are we gonna find out….

        • Scared of a white Christian state? You can always go live in a colored, atheist one?
          You fail to notice over the last 50 years, but especially the last 4, all the people from around the world that want to come to the white Christian state? Or what’s left of it.
          You should learn to appreciate what you got Johnny, and chill out. Somehow, I don’t see Trump sending out army of radical Jehovah witnesses force baptize you.
          Or gangs of radical southern baptist to cut your head off if you don’t pray to Jesus.
          Not sure, perhaps the LDS could force you to buy and wear their funny underwear?
          Their a pretty nasty group.
          And John, the left took a shot and missed. Worst of all, you hit Trumps ear. And didn’t kill him.
          The left used every dirty trick to destroy him.
          They missed. And what, you’all think he going to be civil after all that?
          We elected him president, the communists made him the emperor.
          Now their whole commie, liberal, bigoted, machine is going to die in a loud, grotesque, military manner.
          If you don’t like the way Trumps doing it? You sure as hell wouldn’t like the way the white Christian nationalist that founded and built America would do it.
          And John, you should be careful what you write. Elon has you in his database now.
          He could turn it over to the Presbyterians anytime. You could be forced to go to mass.
          End up eating the crackers.
          And we ain’t talk’in just matzah here buddy. Were talk’in slinging holy water.

          • I’m sortof fascinated that you don’t think authoritarianism will come around to bite you later. There was a time when conservatives claimed that power should reside in the people, not the executive, and thought the President should only issue executive orders in extreme circumstances. Not any more apparently. Seems that power makes hypocrisy taste like sugar, and they just can’t get enough of it.

            The founders knew that what goes around comes around, and the point of the rules they created was to avoid exactly what’s happening now, where one group dominates another with impunity. Nobody who subscribes to the ideas in the founding documents and the philosophy of freedom generally can logically support one party dominance.

            • The real problem with what is happening now is that we have come to a position where we are not too unlike obese people that are in that condition because of bad choices and finding that their health is so fragile that death is at the door. They do not want to be there but it hurts (a lot) to make the changes that will save their lives yet the visceral reaction is to cry and whine. Time will be a friend to those that persevere in spite of the pain and the restored health (physical and financial) of both people and the nation will be understood and appreciated. For too long there have been many that have looted both the treasury and the culture without accountability. Now is the time of accountability and it will be painful for a while.

                • It is interesting to me how easy it is to toss out a glib response rather than provide evidence and detail, automatically assuming that a held opinion is both valid and understood by all.
                  For far too many years now, those with conservative political views, whether also holding Christian views or not, have politely tried to avoid unconstrained responses to assaults on truth and liberty. They have tried to work through the means provided by our Founders. This forum is primarily focused on issues related to firearms and the fact that they represent and enable individual liberty. However, few readers of this blog are unaware of the broader general assault the Progressives, Communists, Socialists, Satanists or other holders of anti freedom and liberty ideals that you may care to name have promulgated. You cannot have a society rooted in liberty when thoughts are punished (e.g. praying outside an abortion clinic). Neither can you claim that you are humane when you subject children to permanently life altering conditions they have no way of comprehending. It is unimaginable that those who have risked their lives in service to their country be labeled as potential terrorists and yet it has happened. How does labeling people as terrorists because they speak out about the exposure to materials totally unsuitable for the ages of their children or because they prefer a particular religious presentation of their faith enable freedom and liberty? The examples could go on and on and on.
                  The United States has had the greatest success of any nation in the world because of liberty and freedom. Our elections have resulted in a continuous flow back and forth between significant ideals. That said, a significant condition has arisen where the leaders of our country have failed us and have co-opted our faith in their fidelity to their oaths of office, creating a state where we are rapidly losing crucial freedoms and liberty. Some people see this and some are blissfully ignorant and some are actively doing what they can to promote it.
                  The majority of voters spoke their piece last November and elected Donald Trump as our President. He was clear about his perception of the problems we face and he was equally clear about how he would address that. What he has done is use the same tools that have been available to every other President. What he has not done is use them as a vocal minority wants him to. What we are seeing from the minority is anger that their ox is being gored in that their political ambitions are being called out for they are and being removed from having the effect they want.
                  So, what to do? How about everyone take the time to analyze what they think and how to support it with facts and data and then take a deep breath before committing those ideas in public comment. If we are all willing to do that, we will surprisingly find a lot more understanding and common ground and maybe even peace.

                  • Are you claiming, then, that the Trump administration’s flood of executive orders are based on “facts and data?” Because it’s fairly clear to me they’re based on ideology and Elon Musk’s strategy of “fuck around and find out”.

                    So I don’t think it’s glib to say that the current administration’s shredding of legal process in favor of executive edict is a clear indication they think the ends justify the means. And your post seemed to support that, so it seems to apply there too.

                    Perhaps I misunderstood your point.

            • Authoritarian? You know how many people would have told both Pinochet and Franco to, “Hold my beer”?
              If you’all would have killed Trump?
              Trump is the best you could hope for after what has been done to this country for the last 100 years.
              You think Trump is giving the commies a butt-reaming now?
              All I can say is what we used to maintain our integrity in construction when your getting “bent and hammered”. You just got to rationalize and remember.
              “Your only gay if you push back.”

              • Actually I’ve had conversations with a number of folks who’ve lived through Soviet authoritarianism (One from Romania, one from Czechoslovakia, two from [Soviet] Ukraine), and their take is that we’re following the same path with the same “it’s for your own good” propaganda by the ruling elites. They take power “temporarily” to “restore order,” yet somehow never get around to giving it back.

                I recommend you chat with some folks who’ve seen this movie before…they’ve got lots of interesting stuff to say about the ending.

                • In case you haven’t noticed, I have never cheered for Trump. I am concerned about the unabashed exceeding of constitutional authority. I suspect every president for the last 150 years has exceeded the text of his powers. But Trump is doing the equivalent of, “Hold my beer…” Yes, I know he doesn’t drink…

                  There is a crucial difference from all the examples you cite. This authoritarian can be considered a supporter of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In theory, this will prevent the worst of catastrophes that befell the other authoritarian situations you referenced.

                  Still, I want an underground bunker in Idaho with a Plan B for escaping the northern hemisphere.

                  • The fact that he *says* he supports gun ownership is one of the few bright spots. But whether that continues when push comes to shove is an entirely different matter, as it looks to me like he’s just an opportunist working whatever angle seems to best get him more power. Any thoughts he has on gun ownership aren’t coming from a position of principled determination, and are likely to shift if it suits his whims.

                    Has this guy even ever fired a gun? I doubt it.

                • John, I too have known people that have had real life totalitarian experiences. It is sobering to know what some people, for “the greater good” are willing to do to their fellow men. If you have equal concerns about how the last two Democrat Presidents have behaved politically compared to Donald Trump, then we have a lot more in common than I would have imagined. I would certainly be interested in understanding how you would propose we return to a truly Constitutional government and rid ourselves of an out of control bureaucracy.

                  • I haven’t liked a Democratic president since Jimmy Carter, and I wasn’t really old enough to know why I liked him, so it’s possible I wouldn’t have liked him either. I loathed Clinton, found Obama irritating but at least not completely toxic, and Biden’s just a corpse, so it’s hard to evaluate much there other than the stage of decomposition. And Harris was just a cipher, so it was sortof a foregone conclusion she’d lose.

                    Wrt “the solution,” I don’t claim to have it. I do have a few things I’d do, if made king for a day:

                    – Massively slash the defense budget. We have several times more military power than we need, and like any bureaucracy it’s always looking to grow via new foreign engagements (wars). “Growth for growth’s sake is the philosophy of a cancer cell” said Edward Abbey.
                    – Increase the retirement age to 70 to get social security. Everybody’s living longer, time to admit mathematical reality.
                    – Institute single payer healthcare aka Medicare for all. Our current private insurance system is a joke, and costs us several times more than any other nation, while giving us poorer outcomes. Doesn’t mean “da gubmint” has to run it, but with an aging population we’re insane if we think we can keep paying for healthcare the way we are now.
                    – Mandatory public service: sometime before you’re 25 you have to do 2 years in public service. No exceptions, no “get out because you’re rich” loopholes, no cushy “it’s public service but without the service part” assignments. Everybody serves. We have bridges that need repairing: get to work.
                    – Reinforce free speech protections: no more trigger warnings and safe spaces and colleges allowing students to decide who gets to speak and when. It’s a harsh world. Deal with it.

                    And so on. I can go on, but this window is now only 1.5 inches wide, so clearly WordPress isn’t a great medium for lots of back and forth.

        • “We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper. Could have gone to some great parties. Did that instead.” — Elon Musk
          That’s just classic.
          And the DNC elected David Hogg to help run it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
          You should probably learn to like living in a White Christian nation. John. Ain’t nobody coming to save you.
          David Hogg? My ribs are killing me!
          And the ICE protests in LA, shutting down roads and stopping people from getting around while waving Mexican flags should help the next election, big time!
          We ain’t a WCN yet. But the left is sure working hard at making us one again.
          David Hogg? Too funny! I got to go change my adult diaper now. I just wet myself laughing.

  2. In all arguments over gun control. Should we not compel those demanding restriction of rights to prove their claim first?
    No one ever has. They only scream and point at isolated incidences, (mostly caused by their own policies), as evidence.
    No one has ever proved gun control works. As you have mentioned many times.
    And until they can? They should be enjoying their trials for violation of rights. From a box at Gitmo. With gallows in plain view.
    If were truly going to be a meritocracy again. We must start with examples of what will no longer be tolerated. In a word, we need “Accountability”.
    Commiecrat-ism, (evil in government), can no longer tolerated. Or compromised with.

    • It doesn’t matter what their claims are. The fact that more guns in private hands equals less crime is just a happy bonus. Even if that weren’t the case it wouldn’t matter; ultimately it’s not about crime prevention or public safety. It’s the check of last resort on government power; the nuclear option. The final check on tyrany cannot be allowed to be removed, the threat of armed resistance must remain and it must remain real. A line in the sand indeed.

      I like the Austin Peterson quote in response to a question:

      Q: “How many people have to die before you would be willing to give up your guns?”

      A: “All of ’em.”

  3. “They” say they want compromise. Here is the compromise…
    Our guys will take full autos off the table (for now) in exchange for suppressors being off the NFA.
    Baby steps.

  4. Gun grabbers long ago adopted the old Soviet mantra of negotiation… “What’s mine is mine, what’s YOUR’S is negotiable”.

  5. The self-defense community spends too much time on hardware and not enough on carry restrictions. AW bans will be struck down if the Supremes finally get off their asses and stop letting states deny civil rights. Shall issue and constitutional carry were big wins but the bad guys have changed tactics and the game is now “sensitive places” and preemption.

  6. Well John. What was the alternative you’all had on offer? A drunken whore meat-puppet. At best.
    That was already part and parcel of the most authoritarian government to ever rise it’s ugly head in America. Anti-gun, racist to its core, and murderous at every turn.
    You say you don’t like Trump, OK, but what have you and yours offered?
    You want to point out that orange man is bad. Good on you. You don’t seem to see what yours was doing was even worse.
    As Powerwagon pointed out above, Trump hasn’t done one thing that every other president could have done. (and some have), “legally”.
    And your just PO’ed because it’s your ox that’s getting gored.
    But this is your problem now. Trump is in there. He’s inside the commies OODA loop. (While you’all elect David Hogg to run your politics.)
    And every morning when you wake up, he’s going to be right there to punch you in the face.
    Like it, don’t like it. Don’t matter, you didn’t offer anything worth voting for.
    You’all lost/through away, legitimacy. You ain’t getting it back.

    • I’m not “y’all.” I didn’t like Biden any more than you did. I’ve wanted to vote for a libertarian candidate for quite some time, but that party seems unable to escape it’s own extremist wing.

      My ox isn’t being gored, my ox isn’t even in the stadium. (Not sure if that’s where that metaphor came from, but anyway….)

      • I’m not “y’all.” I didn’t like Biden any more than you did.
        Ya? Well, he didn’t like a white Christian nationalist America either.
        He didn’t like agenda 2025.
        And he was really out to destroy the military.
        So, nice try buddy. Hope you weren’t getting money from USAID.

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