Quote of the Day
To imagine a world with no guns is to imagine a world in which the strong rule the weak, in which women are dominated by men, and in which minorities are easily abused or mass-murdered by majorities. Practically speaking, a firearm is the only weapon that allows a weaker person to defend himself from a larger, stronger group of attackers, and to do so at a distance. As George Orwell observed, a weapon like a rifle “gives claws to the weak.”
The failure of imagination among people who yearn for a gun-free world is their naive assumption that getting rid of claws will get rid of the desire to dominate and kill. They fail to acknowledge the undeniable fact that when the weak are deprived of claws (or firearms), the strong will have access to other weapons, including sheer muscle power. A gun-free world would be much more dangerous for women, and much safer for brutes and tyrants.
Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne Eisen
Independence Institute
December 5, 2001
A World Without Guns
I believe the people active in the anti-gun movement know this. I believe they try to tell the truth as much as they can to create the illusion of morality.
Read and or listen carefully to their words. They speak of reducing “gun violence”. They do not speak of reducing violent crime. This is because they know eliminating private gun ownership does not reduce violent crime.
They know the death by gun numbers they offer as evidence for gun control include legitimate self-defense and police shootings. Some of them act from a belief in moral superiority tied to passivism. They may think that “all lives have value.” But the majority engage in the distortions, deceptions and lies to preserve and/or enhance their power and/or bank account.
These people are evil. They don’t rank as high on the evil scale as comrade gun controllers Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot. But they are evil and fully deserve the prosecutions, convictions, and sentences of other common criminals.
There was a recorded battle in ancient china where over 100K were killed in 3 days using only primitive weapons. It’s not the gun. It’s the human condition. That is, sin nature.
Hannibal killed 70,000 Romans in one day.
I disagree. They are as evil as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot.
They haven’t had World War I (Hitler and Stalin) or the Vietnam War (Pol Pot) to set up opportunities for them to murder people on the scale they would like, and most of them probably lack the courage or the social skills to get into that position even with those setups.
But look at, for instance, David Hogg. He is both in favor of firearm confiscation and defending the police. It’s clear that he, and everyone who supports him, have massive hard-ons thinking about the rape and murder they will commit once they have full control.
And they will get it if we let them keep breathing.
Defunding the police. Auto complete got you.
Yup, and that’s why criminal negligence, and criminal intent, carry the same penalty.
We need a new saying in jurisprudence.
“If the result is the same, the act is the same.”
It don’t matter how we got there. That’s where we ended up.
And to quote Jesus, “You will know them by their fruit.”
We don’t have to imagine, we already know.
“I don’t have to imagine a world without guns. We had that once. It was called the Middle Ages, and it was a time of peace throughout the land, when the lion lay down with the lamb. Any time it wanted to. And if the lamb knew what was good for it, it lay there and took it.”
This was paraphrased from something Tamara Keel said years ago. Don’t remember her exact phrasing.
MOST of the people crowing “get rid of the guns” really don’t want that. They just want to get rid of the guns THEY DON’T CONTROL. The rest of them are morons.