Welcome Zuckerberg to the Fight and Watch Your Back

Quote of the Day

In his exclusive interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Meta’s chief global affairs officer, Joel Kaplan, admitted that the Trump election changed the situation for the technology company: “We have a new administration coming in that is far from pressuring companies to censor and [is more] a huge supporter of free expression.”

It is a chilling statement if one thinks of what might have happened if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, arguably the most anti-free speech ticket in history, had won. The suggestion is that the new spring at Meta would have turned into a frozen tundra for free speech.

Around the world, free speech is in a free fall. Speech crimes and censorship have become the norm in the West. A new industry of “disinformation” experts has commoditized censorship, making millions in the targeting and silencing of others. An anti-free speech culture has taken root in government, higher education, and the media. 

We will either hold the line now or lose this indispensable right for future generations. Zuckerberg could make this a truly transformative moment but it will take more than a passing meta-culpas.

We need Zuckerberg now more than ever. 

So, with that off my chest, I can get to what I have longed to say: Mr. Zuckerberg, welcome to the fight.

Jonathan Turley
January 7, 2025
Meta’s Zuckerberg makes a free speech move that could be truly transformational

The whole DEI industry has essentially collapsed. Gun laws changes seem painfully slow. But in reality, they are falling in numbers and speed not experienced in at least the last 100 years. Free speech may be experiencing a resurrection as well.

I welcome Zuckerberg to the fight too. But I’m also going to watch my back.


9 thoughts on “Welcome Zuckerberg to the Fight and Watch Your Back

  1. For all that Zuck and Elon and the rest of the oligarchs talk about free speech, they still silence some of the strongest voices against them. Vox Day, for example, is still silenced on the big platforms. Torba (Gab) as well. So they are building their own platforms, slowly but surely. People are waking up ever so slowly, but many of them are, so the pendulum is swinging back. The harder they try to silence, the harder it’ll swing.

  2. Since Bruen, the situation has actually gotten worse in a number of states. Yeah you can get a CCW but everywhere is a sensitive place and you can’t carry. Theoretically, these laws could all be struck down but the lower courts are engaging in nullification of the Supreme Court which seems unwilling to do anything about it. Colorado has repealed its preemption law which I think (IANAL) would seem to be OK under Bruen so any legal challenge would have to be one county, city or park district at a time which will take forever and in the meantime will leave gun owners in the dark about what is legal.

  3. Ya, watch your back. Rich people trust in riches. They don’t care what it cost you to get them.
    And if all they have to do is stroke a little ego of the powerful to keep it? They don’t care. Bezos still gets to go home to his 400 ft. yacht and bang the part-plastic love-doll. And your still going to order stuff from his company.
    What’s good for business, is what’s good for business, right?
    So hey, if stabbing you in the back is what it takes……
    I personally think Elon and Bezos and a few others hatched a plan to take over.
    Were to believe everything the NWO/Deep-state has used to manipulate the world, Eipstein, Diddy, red room, type information isn’t either stored on Amazon servers. Or available to Musk and friends, no matter where it’s stored?
    They couldn’t hack Dominion vote machines and rig the election for Trump?
    Could explain why Gates went Mar-a-lago? Get shown the evidence and get told how he’s going to act in the future.
    Could be a lot of reasons why Zucky went all MAGA. And they could be the same reasons he censored everybody in the first place.
    Watch your back indeed.

  4. Oh, and happy Birthday to St. John Moses Browning!
    Born on this day, Jan. 23. 1855.
    In my humble estimation.
    God made man. Sam colt made them equal. John Browning made them plain scary.

    • It would be amusing to see a chain of gun stores named something like, “Second Church of the Prophet John Moses Browning, Reformed”, and the counter staff interjects scriptural quotations like: “Commandments 1:1: Thou shalt point thy firearm in a safe direction.” and “Thou shalt give unto God what is God’s, and to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to the barbarian two to the chest and the face gets the rest.”

      • Too funny! I love it!
        The Latter Day Saints of 2A! As revealed by the prophet John Moses Browning.
        May peace through superior firepower be upon him.
        “And then Jesus told them. “Sale your coat and buy a gun. You might be cold. But you’re going to need one from now on.”
        And an apostle spoke up and said, “here are to swords”.
        Then spoke Jesus. It is enough, but I will send you my prophet.

  5. Zuck may recognize which way the wind is blowing… but no part of me believes he’s seen the light.

  6. ZuckerBorg was censoring speech on FaecesBook LONG before Pedo Joe was installed in the White House. He’s just covering his robot ass now that the tide has turned in hopes that he isn’t hung out to dry for what he’s spent the past decade plus doing.

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