Via Chuck Petras @Chuck_Petras.

I like the response from Texas Gun Rights @TXGunRights:
@GIFFORDS_org gave Texas an F on their annual gun law scorecard.
Is there any way we can stretch the limits of our F?
We are formally requesting that their scoring rubric be updated to have either an F- or grade lower than F.
Giffords Law Center should have a zero-grade option. We would call it fully compliant with the 2nd Amendment.
The people of NYC must be so glad they are as safe as humanly possible as they ride the subway.
Fortunately, I don’t rely on public transportation in my ‘F-rated’ so I can sleep soundly at night.
One wonders how they make up those numbers. VT has “Vermont Carry”, now known as “Constitutional Carry”. So does NH. One is graded B-, the other D-.
Random numbers?
Nope. The last few years Vermont has been passing some anti-2A legislation. From the NRA-ILA website:
“Then in 2018, Vermont lawmakers rejected the state’s independent tradition to become just another New York satrapy. That year politicians enacted a ban on commonly-owned firearm magazines and criminalized the private transfer of firearms (sometimes inaccurately termed “universal” background checks). The legislature also instituted “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders that deprive a person of their Second Amendment rights without due process.
This year, the Empire State’s Green Mountain Colony enacted a 72-hour waiting period on firearm purchases. The move provides gun owners with further evidence that gun control advocates intend to build ever more restrictions on top of any private transfer restriction scheme.”
Proud to see that Wyoming has earned the best/worst grade possible from the Giffords Gang. We have constitutional carry for residents, and open-carry-only for non-residents.
I just went ahead and got my Wyoming carry permit so that I can safely carry without risk of arrest and prosecution should my wife and I choose to go out of state. It would be nice if that permit were as recognized as my driver’s license all around the country.
I’m going to assume that all those “Fs” stand for Freedom
I’d like to know how Florida managed to get a C-?
We have CCW, Concealed carry w/o licence, Open Carry while fishing,Hiking, Camping, no magazine restrictions, no firearm restrictions (type/caliber, NFA status)?
What do we need to do to lower our grade?
I assure you, Florida Man is up to the challenge!
Not sure why they like NV so much. Yeah we are stuck with Red Flag and illegality of private transfers but we have shall issue, no restrictions on guns and mags other than the Federal ones and legal, and culturally accepted OC at least outside of Vegas.
NV has banned homebuilt firearms.
How about EFF Squared for that lowest of low grade.
Evan Nappen, a well known 2A supporting lawyer, has stated that he believes New Hampshire is the best gun rights state in the USA.
All respect to Mr Nappen, but from his podcasts I get the impression he very much has a “New Yorker’s View of the World” sort of view of the Northeast vs the rest of the country.
Which granted that’s where (afaik) he lives; but still.
Oh, how far WA has fallen. Used to be among the best/worst, now among the worst/best from a rights/control perspective. Hopefully nothing new passes, and the SCOTUS strikes down mag limits and AW ban.