Mass Shooters Have Unpunished Accomplices

Quote of the Day

While details are unknown, one thing is certain. Whatever the motivation of the shooter(s), he/they had accomplices who will go unpunished: the State of New York and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

Following Bruen, New York threw a tantrum by trying to destroy the right to carry through banning carry almost everywhere relevant, even for those with a CCW permit. One of the categories of places banned is any business that serves alcohol, even if you are not drinking.

Judge Suddaby enjoined New York’s law, rightly noting that there was no historical tradition to support such a restriction. At most, history supports restricting those who are actually intoxicated, not those who are sober. But the Second Circuit reversed, citing a few outlier 19th century local ordinances that applied at only a few places (not everywhere that served alcohol).

So any New Yorkers with a CCW permit could not legally carry at the nightclub that was the site of this mass shooting tonight.

“Sensitive places” laws disarm good people and are a big help to the deranged criminals and mass murderers looking for a soft target.

New York and the Second Circuit’s hatred of the Second Amendment will have a growing bodycount. The Supreme Court needs to end its cowardice and more aggressively intervene to smack down errant circuit courts.

Kostas Moros @MorosKostas
Posted on X, January 1, 2025

This was in response to the mass shooting at the Amazura Night Club in Jamaica, Queens.

There are numerous politicians in need prosecution.


3 thoughts on “Mass Shooters Have Unpunished Accomplices

  1. One has the “right to keep and bear arms”. “Except”?????
    One doesn’t see that word in the controlling document of this country. Which I might add was the law in 1790. Controlled all laws wrote before and after that date.
    It matters not what else was wrote, whenever.
    Wrote before? It was ended and replaced.
    Wrote after? It was not-with-standing as law under the 2A.
    Whither SCOTUS got around to declaring it that way or not. The constitution was not wrote “By the people, for the people.” So only 9 people can understand and apply it. It was wrote for all Americans. To follow and apply.
    Courts are for civilized people. And when they fail to do their duty. Barbarity is what happens. And controls.
    As evidenced beyond any reasonable doubt by communism, everywhere and every time it’s tried. And what are their deepest fears? That you have the ability to go barbarian on them.
    Cause everything they do is pointed right at you and never at their ignorant friends in crime.
    F-’em. BFYTW. The only inch we should give is in barrel length.

  2. “Unindicted Co-Conspirators.”
    That’s the phrase used fifty years ago, and the phrase to use to refer to judges and legislators who hide behind Judicial immunity and whatever reason the legislators use.
    That they are unpunished follows their unindicted status as sure as day follows night.

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