On Emperors

Quote of the Day

We should be thanking the stupid commie bastards. We just wanted to elect him as president.

Shit like that will make him a f–k’in emperor.

July 15, 2024
Comment to Call for Calm

As I am not a fan of emperors I won’t be thanking anyone about this.

That said, I did think this was rather funny. I really like sick humor…


4 thoughts on “On Emperors

  1. There have been, arguably, 1-2 rulers who could be described as “benevolent dictators.” In all of human history. Where the default form of government is either some sort of informal tribal/warlord arrangement, or some sort of formalized king/dictatorship.

    That leaves a whole lot of crowned cretins and Irresponsible Rexes.

  2. Don’t much care for them myself. But that’s what generally arises after totalitarian massacres.
    Strong men that don’t care to much about your feeling. You oppose them, you get put down hard.
    Trump was a deal guy. Pretty much always looking for the win-win.
    Now he knows what he’s truly dealing with. (And so do we.)
    The people that survive what comes next in this country are going to be hard as nails.
    The men that lead them is going to be harder.

  3. Trump will never be an emperor, but if they cut him down, he has sons.

  4. One of the longest-running continuous governments in history is the Doge of Venice, an elected king. Over a thousand years (1100, actually) of relative stability and success. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doge_of_Venice
    With the right basic and minimal constitution as underlayment, and a sufficiently trustable voting system to elect him, I could support that.

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