Quote of the Day
I remember from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in 2016 and how it presaged our current era of political violence, before what is being called an “assassination attempt” on former president Donald Trump happened on Saturday evening. After the news broke, I paused. Was this appropriate? Actually, there’s never been a more important time to understand where this came from. It also looks like the shooter was a 20-year-old male registered Republican, but I don’t read too much into that—at 20, many young people are politically unformed, though they have access to guns. I won’t blame an ideology, except for the right wing’s gun worship. And we’ll never know why the Secret Service, maligned for its event security, let Trump pause after they rushed in to protect him, and stand and raise his fist in a fascist salute. He waved it around maniacally and almost hit the female agent closest to him in the head. Why they let him take a victory lap in a dangerous situation—there could have been other shooters—we’ll never know.
President Biden’s campaign pulled all his (increasingly wonderful and populist) ads down. I guess that’s what you do, if you’re a decent human being. Imagine the situation reversed: Trump would be running ads that say grazing Biden’s ear will worsen his (nonexistent) Parkinson’s. They are monsters; we are not.
To his political credit, in a somber Oval Office address Sunday night, Biden put the attack on Trump in the context where it belongs: of January 6, the brutal beating of Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, and the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
But the monsters are still blaming Biden’s completely valid attacks on Trump as if they set up this (nominal Republican) to shoot the disgraced former president. Democrats must recover quickly and say Trump has been uniquely responsible for stoking the violence that apparently grazed his ear. There’s so much metaphor there, but he won’t hear it.
Joan Walsh
July 15, 2024
Where Our Current Moment of Political Violence Began (msn.com)
Was it a political attack on Paul Pelosi? I don’t think so.
How many of the kidnapping plot were found not guilty because of FBI entrapment?
January 6th was intentional violence? If so, then why did they all leave their guns in their cars?
They are decent people?
One has to wonder if Walsh is living in a different universe or is deliberately lying by omission of things like*:
June 2017: Republican Congresswoman Steve Scalise and four others were shot by a left-wing activist during a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. Scalise was critically injured but survived the attack.
September 2018: A Republican campaign volunteer in Minnesota was assaulted and left unconscious while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. The attacker was later charged with assault.
February 2020: A Republican campaign staffer in California was physically assaulted while registering voters. The attacker was later arrested and charged with battery.
August 2020: A Republican National Convention (RNC) volunteer in Wisconsin was attacked and knocked unconscious by a group of protesters. The volunteer was wearing an RNC hat at the time of the attack.
And I love how she says:
what is being called an “assassination attempt”
And claims Trump raised
his fist in a fascist salute
Delusional or evil? You decide.
* This list was obtained from New Chat | Gab AI | An Uncensored and Unfiltered AI Platform via the query “Please give me a list of violent attacks against republicans in the last ten years”
Both Gemini and Copilot refused to respond to that same request.
I forgot if it was Sarah Hoyt or Miguel Gonzales who pointed out that Trump demonstrated, by that clear gesture, that he was still alive. If he had been huddled under a heap of SS staff the crowd might have mistakenly believed him to be killed, and Civil War 2 would have started that instant. By acting as he did, Trump forestalled wider violence.
Whether he was aware of that at the time is an interesting question, but the notion in that analysis clearly has merit.
Interesting observation.
Pursuing that line of thought. It also precluded them carrying him off, making him disappear, and claiming that the shooter hit his mark after all.
Am I getting a little cynical in my old age? Maybe.
Even the Never Trumpers are getting into the act.
“MSNBC host Michael Steele wasted oxygen during the network’s coverage of Night Two of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday to spew debunked fringe conspiracy theories claiming Trump wasn’t actually hit by a bullet.
“Where I am at this point, it’s been three days, going on four…and yet, we have not received a medical report from the hospital nor have we received a medical report from the campaign or from the Trump organization about the extent of the damage to his ear,” he decried.”
Hot Air 7/17/24
Steele claims it was from glass when the USSS pushed him to the ground.
What a maroon!
I vote for B
If it were just this one time, I would argue that you are wrong. Because this has been the majority theory pretty much every time since at least Richard Nixon, I have to agree with you.
Functionally, does it matter?
The end result will be the same regardless.
Their motivations will only matter if/when these people are put on trial.
Joan Walsh and the rest of the partisan-aligned media are desperately trying to find a narrative where they aren’t the bad guys.
Oh, of course they screw over the Republicans at every turn, that’s just what Good Guys do.
This time, they’ve enabled Biden and his handlers and they’ve painted themselves into a corner. The party on the wrong side of the law in terms of replacing Biden on the ballot in several states. The party’s operatives in the media were in lockstep supporting this course of action until they looked back and everything was in flames.
They’re not ashamed of what they did. There is no soul searching going on. They’re concern is that they got caught and even their own partisans can see it. They are in the nighmare scenario that they built themselves, brick by brick: people that have always willingly swallowed their narrative are wondering what else they’ve been lied-to about.
Is Joan Walsh John Ross’s cousin.
“But the monsters are still blaming Biden’s completely valid attacks on Trump as if they set up this (nominal Republican) to shoot the disgraced former president. Democrats must recover quickly and say Trump has been uniquely responsible for stoking the violence that apparently grazed his ear. There’s so much metaphor there, but he won’t hear it.”
Joan Walsh
What was that Sal Alinsky said to do? “Look in the mirror and blame the other guy of what you’re doing.”
Bond market slipping, invasion proceeding swimmingly, political violence set to explode. While our total “just in time”, ultra-fragile survival systems of the richest, fattest, most over-indulgent society that ever existed in history.
Eats Micky D’s super-size and watches porn. All the while a group of moronic elites shout from the rooftop about killing them all.
What could possibly go wrong?
A test run being made for internet shut down in Bangladesh today. I’m sure it won’t take AI very long to game out most of the major blow-back.
Then be ready to apply it, and the remedies wherever deemed necessary.
What’s wrong with this country is paranoia.
And a severe F–KING LACK THEREOF!!!!
And we’ll never know why the Secret Service, maligned for its event security, let Trump pause after they rushed in to protect him, and stand and raise his fist in a fascist salute.
Oh, so the raised fist is a “fascist salute” now?
If it’s a “fascist salute” now, then it was a “fascist salute” eight years ago, when every labor union and every branch of BLM and Antifa had their fists in the air in celebration while businesses and government buildings were burning in “mostly peaceful protests” during the “Summer of Love”.
And this is why trust in the media is at an all time low. Most humans have memories that last longer than 30 seconds, and watching memorable events being rewritten before our very eyes tends to raise some hackles.
As LawDog says, “You think you hate journalists enough, but you don’t. You really don’t.”
And that ire is 100% earned.
Isn’t the official Antifa logo, seen on t-shirts, banners, etc., a fist raised in a “fascist salute”, done in Soviet poster style?
And BLM too?
I’m just glad Joan cleared up all the confusion for us.
And part of me wonders if Trump’s fist-pump won’t end up being, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a master-level troll.
He basically co-opted a well-known Leftist gesture and symbol, and the crowd went wild. At this point, everybody has seen The Photo[TM]. To some low-information types, Antifa’s logo may as well be a MAGA poster.
Oh, that’s a sweet thought!
Delusional or Evil?
Embrace the power of ‘AND’.
Anyone who still hasn’t clued in on the fact that ‘liberal,’ ‘progressive,’ and ‘democrat’ are all just synonymys for Soulless Inhuman Monster isn’t intellectually tall enough to board this ride.
It’s all Trump’s fault for driving the Democrats to feeling they have to do this.
What do we say when someone says the wife was neglectful in not aggravating the husband into bending her face to change her mind?
Oh, Yeah, instead of blaming the wife, we blame the husband, because if we blame the wife that’s blaming the victim.
The left lies, it is their stock-in-trade.
They also project heavily. Look at what they accuse others of to see what they are doing.
I see only three real possibilities.
1) The DEI hires and politics have made the SS just that incompetent, and this lone nutjob managed to almost whack the former prez all on his own.
2) It’s stage magic by Team Trump to push their own narrative and make him out to be an injured hero, willing to take a bullet for America and to make the media spin go in their preferred direction.
3) The SS was effectively in on a staged assassination attempt by some Deep State faction or another, and at the very least allowed it to go forward, expecting to collect Trump’s body on the stage and blame local “partners” for the failure.
At this time, I’d bet that at least 10% of Americans are in each of those camps.
I’d say the least likely is the lone gunman and pure incompetence theory. WAY too many coincidences and contrary data-points for that.
The most likely IMHO is a SS aided and covered-up DS-facilitated hit attempt that almost worked. Which faction was the primary actor? Too many possibilities, as Trump is hated by them all.