Call for Calm



BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms condemns Saturday’s attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump during a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and praises the quick action by the U.S. Secret Service to protect Mr. Trump and neutralize the suspect.

“We offer prayers of thanks that Donald Trump is safe, and we mourn for the innocent person who was killed during the incident,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We condemn this act of insanity, because violence of any kind can never be tolerated as part of the political process in a free country.

“Furthermore, we condemn the political vitriol which has been directed toward the former president, creating such an atmosphere of irrational hatred,” Gottlieb continued. “It is despicable that Donald Trump has been vilified for many months as a ‘threat to democracy.’ What has become clear is that the level of hateful rhetoric directed at the former president is the real threat to democracy, which is underscored by the Biden campaign’s suspension of political advertising.

“The whole world is watching how the American people respond to this deplorable attempt on the life of the former President,” Gottlieb added. “In America, we settle our political differences at the ballot box. We cannot allow those differences to reach the level of volatility which results in this kind of dangerous extremism. We call for calm on all sides. We are a nation of rational debate, not political derangement.

“There is no room for the sort of vile rhetoric which has been rampant so far in the campaign to demonize Mr. Trump and prevent at all costs his possible re-election in November,” Gottlieb observed. “We expect a thorough investigation and full public disclosure of the facts surrounding this horrific act.”


18 thoughts on “Call for Calm

  1. A noble sentiment, expressed eloquently.

    Debate requires two parties speaking honestly and in good faith. Unfortunately, as we leaned through the efforts of the progressives re gun control, I do not believe the Democrat party is still capable of doing that, even if they were willing. Which I do not believe they are.

    I would love to be convinced I’m wrong, but it would probably take several years of acting consistently in good faith on their part, and I don’t see them doing that.

    • Spot on.
      ‘Cept they drew first blood now. No more argument. They need to go home and keep their yap shut.
      They outright called for assassination. And they almost got it.
      From now on they have no standing. Their way by admission is murder now. No need to discuss anything else they have to say.
      It wasn’t just Trump they took a shot at. It was what he represented. Us deplorables.
      Not sure about you, I don’t have friendly discussions about the needs of people that shoot at me?
      The civilized manners they demand we extend? They have refused us for decades.
      F–k’em, their done.

      • Hold on there Rambo.

        It kind of matters who drew first blood, but in jail it really doesn’t.

  2. As several people have pointed out, when you shoot at a Trump rally, you his upstanding citizens and family men who are solid members of the community.
    At an Antifa rally like the one Rittenhouse was at, three shots bagged two pedos and a violent felon. Tells you the sort of people belonging to each faction.

  3. What I find so telling is how, with the benefit of time and distance; and driven by a remaining underlying hatred for President Trump, the Left Stream Media chooses to castigate President Trump for his visceral reaction to nearly being murdered for being “provocative” and not sufficiently “tempered”. What a gaggle of wasted human protoplasm! The coming days will not see a decrease in Leftist vitriol, just a shift to new words and catch phrases designed to minimize the overall situation and President Trump’s reactions and statements not being good enough in one way or another while supposedly being neutral and objective.

  4. 61 years after Dallas, I sure wonder why the Secret Service left an obvious sniper perch entirely unguarded and unwatched.

    • Interesting question. They seemed to have overwatch on the shooters position from their higher perch otherwise they couldn’t have shot the assassin but were slow to react. There was a report which may be true about communications SNAFU with the multiple LE agencies involved. If so they may have been worried about a friendly fire incident until the assassin opened fire. An investigation should be able to determine this but with the FBI in charge who knows and will anyone believe it anyway.

      • They appear to have not only known about him, but had their scopes on him for a couple of minutes, but were not given the go-ahead to shoot.

        One unconfirmed report says the police sniper shot w/o clearance the low-life who shot Trump, and was relieved / reprimanded for taking a shot w/o clearance.

        If either of these are true, than it was essentially an inside job with a patsy who didn’t survive to be questioned. At the very least it was a willful blindness knowing the possible consequences.

        One good thing that might come from it is that a lot of clearly incompetent DEI hires will get sacked.

        • Don’t count on anyone getting sacked. Look for the double-down.
          Remember every commie in the world’s gut reaction was, DAMN! Little bastard missed!
          Quick, make up a lie.
          It was Trump’s fault for being Hitler!
          After they dropped off Trump, they probably all went to a local Waffle house for a few pounds of comfort food.

        • Never mind bogus ROE issues; if he was seen that should have set off an alarm triggering an immediate security response, before shots were fired.
          Apart from that, the obvious issue is that the sniper perch was left unmanned. Anyone with half a brain would have known to fix that.
          It doesn’t help that the supposed boss of the Secret Service keeps coming up with utterly insane arguments for why that was not done, some of them in direct conflict. For example: it’s too dangerous to put someone on that “sloping” roof. (Sloping just a few degrees, clearly less than the roof on which the SS sniper were positioned.) And it was the local police’s job, not the SS. Oh yes, “we accept the responsibility” (but those words don’t actually mean anything to us).
          Yuck. I see she was in charge of soda bottle security before she got this job; possibly she was qualified for that, but clearly not for this job and it doesn’t seem likely that qualifications is what her bosses were looking for when they hired her. I commented elsewhere that perhaps she was chosen to make Sec. Mayorkas appear honest by comparison.

  5. Why are we calling for calm? The communists sure aren’t!
    I think it was Sun Tzu that told us to never save an enemy that is destroying itself?
    Why do we need to say anything? Condemning or confirming anything other than that the communists just played their hole card. They called for violence and they got it.
    That was the over-reach communists are famous for.
    We should be reminding them that if that’s the game? Their vastly under gunned.
    We should be asking them what next? You’all going to start napalming our rallies with f-16’s? We all know you want to.
    We shouldn’t be calling for calm, we should be escalating the ridicule.
    We should be reminding them THEY just took a shot and missed.
    And gave Trump the most iconic photo in a century I might add. No amount of money could have bought it. No political campaigning necessary anymore.
    Trump could go hole-up at Mar-A-Lago, play golf and bang Melania till inauguration day.
    They can’t claim a set-up cause nobody let’s someone shoot that close to your head. Especially when the trigger man is a 20 year old communist geek-patsy.
    Ask them if they want to play Will Tell to prove it? Tell them were a lot better shot than their commie bitch was. We won’t miss, promise. (Just sign this waiver first.)
    We should be thanking the stupid commie bastards. We just wanted to elect him as president.
    Shit like that will make him a f–k’in emperor.

    • Speaking of symbolism and all that, something to think about:
      The Repub convention speakers and pageantry don’t make sense for Trump. They’d be a lot more fitting for someone like Nikki Haley. She stayed in the race a long time, grabbed as many delegates as she could. It’s quite likely that TPTB on the R side were not expecting Trump to be alive to be the nominee, and had lined up people suitable for the next candidate in line.

      An inside job that almost worked, but from which faction?

    • My Roman History is not good enough to make the proper comparisons, but our current President might be Caligula, and his challenger is looking more like Marcus Aurelius, or perhaps Trajan, two of the early “five good emperors” [(Nerva (reigned 96–98 AD), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), and Marcus Aurelius (161–180)].

      And the Left always arrogates to itself the idea that they are the intelligent ones who learn from history, so they should know the aphorism, “If you strike the King, you must kill him.”
      They did, and missed. If anybody should watch out for the whirlwind, It is you, Senator Schumer (Rhymes with Tumor).

      The more things happen, the more I want an underground bunker far from anyone else.

    • Flags are okay if they are not “flying.” Otherwise, they do increase the risk.

      There are other clues, such as grass, bushes, mirage, dust, etc. But those require higher skill levels and more time.

    • Considering the inherently political / patriotic nature of candidate rallies, flags are going to be there; simply use a lot of big fans to keep them moving randomly and frustrate them as wind-gauges (and cool the crowd) makes more sense.

    • I usually respect Mr. Cramer, but that is the most idiotic notion I have seen in decades. Abolish patriotic symbols because they can be abused by evil people? You might as well argue that guns should be abolished because they can be abused by criminals.

  6. Pingback: On Emperors | The View From North Central Idaho

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