Quote of the Day
Nowadays, it is difficult to be an informed news consumer, especially if you value the right to keep and bear arms. When a story involves guns or the Second Amendment, what passes for news is usually propaganda – finely honed and served up with a purpose.
Many Americans have found alternative news sources. This is the main reason why the Associated Press and other corporate media sources are hemorrhaging readers and viewers. The legacy media’s decline is self-inflicted. Their continued adherence to pushing false narratives did them in.
Lee Williams
July 11, 2024
Associated Press Refuses to Correct Anti-gun Story – Another Symptom of its Decline
If they go bankrupt and every single person involved in this long term conspiracy to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms can’t find work for years, they are still getting off easy. They should be prosecuted.
“Nowadays, it is difficult to be an informed news consumer.”
That’s because there is no “news” available. Only propaganda.
And what can we expect from communists? Fair and balanced coverage?
The real problem is us.
We refuse to look at them for who/what they actually are.
CNN has almost nobody watching. But that’s OK. Go to Newsmax and they will spend the whole hour talking about what the commies over at CNN said.
Which means they first put the lie in your face from CNN/MSM. Then counter the lie with half-truth/half-ass coverage, all the while your helpless rage twists your brain into giving up.
The point of propaganda is not to inform, but rather to make you feel hopeless before their lies. The more glaring and ignorant, the better.
There is no news, Only apologists for the murdering thug elite.