Predictable Cliches

Quote of the Day

These emotional dorks are such predictable cliches. Bitchface dirty deleted but the internet is forever.


Larry Correia @monsterhunter45
Posted on X on June 21, 2024

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier (see also here)!

Yup. It’s totally predictable. That is why we call it Markley’s Law.


10 thoughts on “Predictable Cliches

  1. You should stick with that thought pattern there TS.
    And my heart-felt thanks to all you commie professors out there. You just proved us right all along.
    Best to be armed no matter what your size down there, right?
    And don’t forget that student loan payment. Uncle banker really needs that money!

  2. No one is demanding that teacher’s be armed, and 2nd supporters should stop using this language. There are many non-teacher staff on all campuses – secretaries, custodians, maintenance, counselors, etc. Ask for prohibitions be ended an allow school staff to be armed.

    • There is no need for all teachers to be armed. All that is necessary is for some willing teachers be armed. Similarly, some other staff could be armed.

      Think about it from the point of view of a infamy-seeking spree shooter: if some of them could be armed, he/they has to be prepared for any of them to be armed. His/their fantasy of how his/their plan is going to play out goes right out the window once bullets start coming back at him/them.

      However, the entire ambiguity that makes his/their planning difficult and protects the entire school goes away if he/they knows who has the guns and who doesn’t. And the best way to tell who doesn’t have the guns is to find out which members of staff are raving gun control fanatics. So where does the spree shooter go? The classrooms where he’s/they’re not sure? Or the classrooms where he’s/they’re sure in the negative sense?

      There was a time in the past where we didn’t even know the teacher had a existence outside the classroom, other than the Ms/Mrs honorific signaling that the teacher was married. We didn’t know how they voted, what their hobbies were, how many children they had, what religion they were, nothing. i can only assume we didn’t know because any of that would be a distraction: the point is the education, not the teacher.

      That old-school kind of teacher would be safe in the ambiguity, concealed means concealed. The new school “the personal is the political” teacher will not be safe, either themselves or for their students; they are more of an attractive nuisance.

    • Yes, “allow” is the key point. And that doesn’t mean “allow the school board to decide” but rather “allow school staff to carry and prohibit school boards and administrators from interfering”.

      Non-teacher staff, sure. But teachers are in the best position, because they are actually right there with the intended victims, so their ability to resist is more immediately effective than that of anyone else.

  3. Of course you should rely on the cops. They’ll be there really fast to save you, right?
    Oh, it took 26 minutes from the first report of a suspicious guy with a gun before the “elite” Secret Service and co responded, AFTER Trump took a bullet?
    Nah, I think I’ll risk packing my own.

    • Sigh. Typos seen just after to late to fix it.
      “I think I’ll RISK packing my own [defensive tools]”

    • It gets worse, much worse.
      Forbes reporting:
      “Local law enforcement had reportedly stationed three snipers inside the building whose roof was used by the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, highlighting the potential security lapses that led to the former president getting injured and the death of one person.”
      For 26 minutes?
      Ya, the only thing people that stupid understand is; BFYTW…..Maybe. I’m keep’in my guns.
      I’ll just have to figure a way to live with my little guy.
      And don’t forget the daily division of fighting age criminals they’ve imported for the last 3.5 years.

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