Quote of the Day
We still do not know about the shooter in this assassination attempt. However, we know all too well how unhinged people can find justification in the incendiary rhetoric of our politics. This moment did not occur in a vacuum; it occurred in a time when our leaders long abandoned reason for rage.
Jonathan Turley
July 13, 2024
Opinion: The attempted assassination of Trump is not nearly as surprising as it should be (msn.com)
It is not just the “leaders”. Rationality, if it exists, is just a thin veneer over the emotions in nearly everyone. The political currency of the left is almost nothing but emotion and violence. It is what they believe in and what they do.
As I have said before:
The Second Amendment isn’t only not about hunting–it’s about protecting us from liberals.
Left out two attempts on Ford. He was never wounded.
They left out _all_ the missed attempts:
Andrew Jackson: A lone gunman, I’m not sure if he had anything like a _sane_ grievance. He pulled two pistols, both misfired, and Jackson beat him with a cane.
This isn’t the only story I’ve heard where multiple flintlock pistols misfired after being carried a while. So the next attempts were delayed until cap locks.
Lincoln: It’s unclear whether there was an actual plot to kill him on the way to his inauguration in 1861, but he thwarted it by coming through Baltimore in disguise by back streets while a decoy traveled on the expected route. In 1864, a sniper shot his hat off from long distance. Then in 1865, there was a complex plot to kill the whole line of succession in one night, but the only part that worked was the simplest possible plan: a lone gunman who happened to have a job that let him get close to Lincoln.
I’ll continue in another post.
Supposedly, Jackson’s entourage had to pull him off the assassin before he killed him, to enable interrogation. Jackson had previously killed at least one person in a duel and had impromptu gun fights with a Senator-elect and a governor. Not someone you should mess with.
Re flintlocks etc. — still, even older technology can be deadly. All Dutchmen know of the assassination of William of Orange (a person whose stature in Dutch history is comparable to that of George Washington in the USA), by a enemy agent carrying a wheel lock pistol. Massaad Ayoob once wrote a nice piece about this (“Dag”, which is Dutch for “the day”) pointing out the benefits of modern technology against bodyguards equipped with older stuff. Yes, wheel locks were the newfangled thing back then, in 1584.
1909: Taft was meeting the President of Mexico on the border between El Paso and Juarez. His private security head and a Texas ranger spotted a gun in the crowd and disarmed the man a few feet from Taft. Next year, someone reported overhearing a man plotting Taft’s assassination, but the man was not identified and the plot is unconfirmed.
1928: Between his election and inauguration, Herbert Hoover toured South America. A plot to bomb his train was exposed and thwarted.
1933: An immigrant who was either an unhinged “anarchist” or an incompetent paid assassin tried to shoot FDR before his inauguration. He got off 5 shots, but he was standing on a wobbly chair to shoot over the woman in front of him; he missed FDR and hit the Mayor of Chicago. He was first sentenced to 80 years, then retried and sentenced to death when the Mayor died, and electrocuted only 10 days later.
1947: The Secret Service intercepted and defused several letter bombs addressed to Truman and other officials.
1950: Two Puerto Rican independence activists attacked Blair House, where Truman was living while the White House was renovated.
1960: A Catholic-hating nut turned his car into a bomb, planning to ram President-Elect Kennedy, but changed his mind when he saw Kennedy with his wife and daughter.
1972: During Nixon’s reelection campaign, a man tried twice to get a shot at Nixon but failed, so he shot 3rd party candidate George Wallace instead. (This guy sought fame with an assassination. He is why I prefer not to give the names of assassins.)
1974: Nixon again. A man attempted to hijack an airliner to crash it into the White House, but the wheels were chocked and it couldn’t go.
1974: The “Alphabet Bomber” sent a letter threatening Ford, and the police agencies suddenly got their act together and caught him.
1975: Two women tried to shoot Ford when he was speaking to a crowd, in separate attempts only 17 days apart. The first was a Manson girl that was free because she had been left home during the murder spree. She forgot or didn’t know to release the safety. The second was a middle-aged mother of 4 kids who had somehow become a political radical. She got off one shot, but it missed because the pistol she had sighted-in had been confiscated the day before, and the sights of the replacement were 16 inches off. Then the gay ex-Marine (or should I say “inactive Marine”?) next to her grabbed the gun barrel and forced it to the ground.
And the list continues. A guy with a starter pistol and several blanks seems to have thought he could shoot Carter with it. The guy that later wounded Reagan tried for Carter first, but chickened out. There were attempts on each President after this, but this attempt on Trump was the first to get close.
Kennedy gets a special mention, as an NRA member, war hero and pro-America Democrat (among many other things) that gets killed by a Communist defector that was so lame the Russians weren’t thrilled to keep him.
That’s what I was going to mention…the one democrat on the list was assassinated by a leftist, not a Republican.
Commies gonna commie.
Something that we haven’t discussed. Since all the evidence points to assassination by or for the deep/sewer state.
We might ask ourselves what down-stream effects they were after?
The ability to provocateur/engineer some right-wing violence? Throw our country into chaos, and justifying some crackdown on right-wing extremists? (Aka, cracker-ass Joe and Jane Normy)
Cause whatever they were trying to accomplish down-stream of getting rid of Trump, they haven’t given up on. Guaranteed.
We haven’t seen the weapon yet. But the rumble of AR-15 ban thunderstorm can be heard in the distance and is coming our way fast.
Bonds are slipping and invasion is at full throttle. Something is about to break, and we can be 300% positive the elites don’t want to be blamed for it.
I’m about to re-read “Raoul X” by Matthew Bracken. I already re-read “What I saw at the Coup”. Both excellent short stories in “The Bracken Anthology”.