The political left tends to call anyone who disagrees with them lunatics. As Lyle points out, in some cases it’s about perception. When I’m in a mellow mood I give them a pass on being stupid, ignorant and/or evil. Maybe they just can’t see things from my point of view.
Then there cases like this (via a Tweet from Michael Z Williamson) regarding protestors who are blocking railroad tracks in Olympia Washington:
“There is reason to suspect that the blockade protesters are neither interested in negotiating nor in an amicable resolution that would result in removing the blockade without force.”
A protester who signed in with the name Franz spoke during the meeting’s public comment period, and read the protesters’ list of demands.
The demands, also sent to The Olympian in a press release, are for:
▪ The Port of Olympia to cease all fossil fuel and military infrastructure shipments.
▪ Democratic control of the Port of Olympia by the community as a whole.
▪ A just transition for port and rail workers to good, green jobs, and for the economy of Thurston County as a whole to transition to a cooperative, fair and sustainable economy.
Franz asked the City Council not to order another violent attack on protesters, referencing police involvement in removing last year’s blockade.
Reed Wing also spoke during public comment. He pulled a fluorescent green hat over his face and identified himself as a Martian sent to Earth to speak out in favor of the blockade.
“I come from the representative of the United Federation of Mars, an ecological and utopian society where we have abolished fossil fuels, police, and the exploitation of one Martian by another,” Wing said.
I think “Reed Wing” is deliberately misdirecting people from his actual origin. The available evidence indicates he is actually from Luna.
When the political left calls their opponents lunatics it’s a textbook case of projection.
It becomes increasingly difficult to decide whether to laugh or cry.
Perhaps you haven’t read Wright’s Unified field Theory of Madness yet. Long, and from 2012, but good.
Sometimes protests like the one you describe in Olympia are useful, to allow identification of large numbers of people who think like Franz and Reed Wing. Then when one or more of that group goes even further over the edge of irrational behavior, the police and local government can state with calm demeanor that the perpetrator of the recent terrorist attack, or whatever outrage, was known to authorities as a loonie.
Not sure what the utility of this ability is, but there it is, and cannot be ignored.