Quote of the Day
Our experiment showed that men whose masculinity had been threatened demonstrated more interest in owning various firearms compared to men whose masculinity was boosted or not altered. Women whose femininity was threatened did not differ from women whose femininity was boosted or not altered in terms of their firearm interest. These findings suggest that firearm ownership may be one way to prove or regain a sense of manhood.
Borgogna, N. C., McDermott, R. C., & Brasil, K. M.
The precarious masculinity of firearm ownership.
It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday; it is another science denier (see also here)!
They want the old insult about penis size to be true so bad they will spend money on trying to prove even a hint of “diminished masculinity” related to gun ownership.
Free men can own guns, slaves and dependents cannot.
Robust, healthy young men can fight any other demographic and likely recover fine. Older, younger, less healthy men cannot… but they may still desire to protect themselves and their loved ones from predators.
These guys are so full of BS they should start a fertilizer factory.
Too funny Rolf.
And sorry Joe, it’s probably our money they spent.
And no matter, true or not, doesn’t help their position in all this.
Cartel wars coming. Explain it to the with the face tattoos.
My answer to the study is, “So what?” If a man with “diminished masculinity” wants to buy a gun to make himself feel better, how should that be any different to fucks like Borgagna, et. al, than if he started mainlining estrogen and cut his own dick off? Except “diminished masculinity” among transgenders is celebrated by the left.
What about armed transgenders? Are they a problem?
You should know the answer to this.
Masculinity is toxic. Diminshment is to be celebrated. Increasing it must be blocked.
Except for the fact that the women who are all for smashing the patriarchy are suddenly finding that there are no men around that give them the tingles. But they are too solipsistic to understand the connection.
(and great coincidental timing at Vox’s place:
https://voxday.net/2025/01/27/where-the-men-are/ )
One wonders if his head would explode if we introduce him to Erin Palette.
Or many others.
Pseudoscience will be the death of civilization……
The replication crisis is strong here.
It is not for nothing that guns are called equalizers. True for most women and many men who may be old, disabled, or just not skilled in empty hand combat. Take them away and the world is ruled by buffed up ex-cons.