Quote of the Day
Turning lawfare on its creators is not about revenge. It will serve as a deterrent to prevent future abuse and will restore public confidence that justice is even-handed. Individuals who have carried out lawfare have not only destroyed faith in our legal system but also may have violated the law. A federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 241, prohibits conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate” a person exercising constitutional rights or privileges. Clearly President Donald J. Trump had constitutional rights and privileges to run for office and govern, not to be imprisoned for contrived crimes, and not to be deprived of property based on abuse of federal and state justice systems. According to the Biden administration’s own theory, preventing a candidate from running and assuming office also deprives supporters of their rights to vote.
Victoria Toensing and John Yoo
January 27, 2025
Prosecute The Architects Of Trump Lawfare
Via email from Defens, who also said:
If the Trump administration could potentially use this, perhaps the time is actually ripe to go after folks like Ferguson, Pritsker, and other 2A infringing politicians?
It certainly seems to me they could prosecute a lot of politicians. Whether they will or not is another question. I would like to see it. And, as always, I hope they enjoy their trials.
I fear big government, not unlike Ford/GM/Chrysler is ‘too big to fail’.
Millions of government employees who like their Cush jobs and pensions have a lot to lose under this administration.
Good; as long as we’re taking small steps to make government adhere to the founding documents and the limits thereof, we might as well reduce some of the future liabilities.
Let us not forget the judges who seem determined to nullify the 2A.
One might ask. Where the hell you’all been the last 50-100 years? It ain’t like they haven’t been burning whole churches full of woman and children, what, 30+ years ago. And robbing and murdering people alongside the America roads.
But now it’s some crisis because,,,,,Trump?
Never fails to amaze how out of touch the professional class is. When common people have been pointing and scream at it the whole time.
Anyway, “welcome to the party, pal!” Hope it’s not to late.
How many extra acres of popcorn should I put in this spring, do you think?
Smart money says there will be few if any trials. At least trials of the people who have been in power and who are responsible for much misery. For us peons there very well may be trials. We aren’t part of a protected class. The current circus in DC is nothing but a brief 4 year hiatus from the communist agenda that has been in play for more than 60 years and which will continue after Trump is gone.