Quote of the Day
In times of crisis, self-reliance is not just a virtue – it is a necessity. The ability to protect yourself, your family, and your community is a right worth defending.
Bradley Larson
January 24, 2025
Wildfires in California Reinforce the Importance of Gun Rights – California Globe
Politicians who ban guns get the same response from me as if they were banning fire extinguishers, seat belts, and life insurance. You never want to be in the situation where you must have a firearm to save an innocent life. And you don’t want to be in a position to use a fire extinguisher, seat belts, or life insurance. But banning them does not reduce the likelihood you will need them or the value when you do use them. It only makes the situation worse.
Hence, they must be mind-boggling stupid or incredibly evil.
Such politicians should be fired and reemployed in a field more to their mental capacity. I’m thinking coloring book tester, pharmaceutical research test subject, or organ donor.
“Hence, they must be mind-boggling stupid or incredibly evil.”
Embrace the healing power of AND.
“Hence, they must be mind-boggling stupid or incredibly evil.”
Yup. And McChuck is spot on.
I would only add, “incredibly murderously evil.”
Random thought: What is the precise definition of “unlawful order”?