They, in the Form of the State, are God.

Quote of the Day

The claim leftists make that their policies work for the ‘greater good’ requires a godlike perspective that views all ends and weighs all outcomes.

It’s a claim to divinity that the left are very comfortable with.

They, in the form of the State, are God.

Alice Smith (@TheAliceSmith)
Tweeted on September 23, 2022

You can see the truth of this in the actions of Stalin and other communist dictators. But you don’t need to look that deep into history or to other continents. This is Bill Clinton:

In a post-State of the Union speech in Buffalo, NY on January 20, 1999, Bill Clinton was asked why not a tax cut if we have a surplus. Clinton’s response:
“We could give it all back to you and hope you spend it right… But … if you don’t spend it right, here’s what’s going to happen. In 2013 — that’s just 14 years away — taxes people pay on their payroll for Social Security will no longer cover the monthly checks… I want every parent here to look at the young people here, and ask yourself, ‘Do you really want to run the risk of squandering this surplus?’ “
Source: Washington Times, January 21, 1999

They sincerely believe they know how to spend your money better than you do. You see it not only in the banning of the most popular type of guns in this country. You see it in the regulation of healthcare, transportation, industry, and even the toys of your children.

Also, FYI, I can find enough material in one day of Smith’s X feed to supply my QOTD posts for a week.


3 thoughts on “They, in the Form of the State, are God.

  1. Yup, there is a natural place in humans for God and worship. We were created with/for it. And those that don’t have God in their life.
    Generally, put themselves in his place. (Even people that do have God self-worship.) But when your worshipped by those around you long enough? Catered to. You get away with anything long enough?
    You start to believe it. And truly act like it.
    (After ten years bad habits are a lifestyle.)
    “The divine right of kings”, starts to set in. To kill or save alive whomever the king desires. And is generally where it all ends also. The peasants get tired of being murdered and abused by the king and his always in attendant chattering caste.
    The real fun part is knowing death crushes all the ego driven BS. And there ain’t no way around that.
    It’s one of the biggest tales that our civilization was actively being destroyed. Self-esteem training in kindergarten. No spanking your kids.
    Leads directly to a whole generations that are to ego driven too be anything but suicidal.
    Toss in drugs and instant gratification? And an Iphone?
    You got a whole generations that are easy to kill. Cause that’s what anti-God/satan wants. Death while self-worshipping.
    Death stalks us all. All we can do is be a hard target till our day comes.
    And from America’s favorite drill sergeant, R. Lee Ermey in, Firebase Gloria, we have this nugget.
    “A little religious communication might not be a bad idea at this stage of the game. Now myself, I don’t take any chances. I talk to Muhammad, Buddha, Mr. Jesus H. Christ, and any other religious honchos I can come up with. There is no sense staying as an atheist in a combat situation.”
    What we don’t realize is that ever since Adam bit the Apple, we are dar al-Harb. The house of war and chaos.
    Plan accordingly.

  2. Yes….most leftists have replaced the social need for a god with the state. And this makes them feel as if anything the “state” decides is necessary is the equivalent to an order from god.

  3. Thanks for the link; I suspect there are a lot more than a single week’s quotes there. Probably enough for an entire new category of QOTDs.

    Any idea on how old she is? A quick DD-Go search didn’t turn up much on her.

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