Quote of the Day
Liberty and equality are mutually exclusive, even hostile concepts. Liberty, by its very nature, undermines social equality, and equality suppresses liberty – for how else could it be attained?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn @AI_Solzhenitsyn
January 8, 2025
Posted on X
Those advocating for equality of outcomes are advocating for the destruction of liberty. And as I have said before:
Full equality can only be approximated by everyone being in extreme poverty. Full equality comes with death. And it should come as no surprise the political left is well acquainted with death on a very large scale.
Spot on.
And I would point out that no one is actually looking for equality?
It’s just a word magic for who gets to control what/whom. As noted in every communist regime to ever exist, same-same in capitalism.
Upper caste is upper caste. And you will not be allowed to forget it. The way one obtains that status is generally more ruthless in communism.
But every power structure created by man is plagued by who gets to control…….. It’s just part of the human condition.
Humanity’s problem is we refuse to recognize these people and systems for the scams they are. And those scams always start out with fixing a perceived problem. Only to late does one find out it was once again about who gets what, and control over everything.
The problem in this day and age is two totalitarian systems have merged.
Capitalist Blackrock controlling the money side. And communists controlling the government side. And both of them hate you.
One need not travel to India to see how the upper caste totalitarians treat the untouchable caste underlings. You might very well imagine Larry Fink and Nancy Pelosi working in homeless shelters for anything other than a photo-op.
And as George Soro famously said. “I couldn’t possibly worry about the social costs of my investments.” With a grin I might add.
I might also add that every group that ever asked for and was granted equality. Used it to hypocritical abuse.
Race, religion, feminism, sexuality, etc. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” They all just want to tell you where you will go, what you will do, and how much you owe them, just because.
We think ATF wouldn’t burn down a church full of Christian as fast as ISIS? (I kinda think they already did.)
The only thing liberty and equality have in common is they both abused by humans ever chance we get. And always will be.
Equality is an impossibility. A theoretical concept that can never be achieved in the real world.